RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
KMQE716 - that's just ridiculous !! I hope they do follow through and replace your items !! MAC is on everybody's s$&t list right now !!


Well-known member
Yes. One of my post-launch orders (made around 1:30 PM) just got cancelled. When I am on my computer, the RiRi landing page says it's 1 item per customer. (On mobile, which is how I made my post-launch purchases, the landing page says nothing about 1 item per customer.) I just went back to add items to my cart and it says 1 item per order. MAC, if you are trying to enforce a 1 item per customer rule *now,* after people put up with your waiting room for 3-4 hours, you are the WORST business ever. Yes, I have walked through knee-high snow in launch day for Barbie Loves MAC and even stalked MM while recovering from surgery. But canceling customer's "fairly" purchased post launch orders? Snatching back lipsticks off the damn UPS trucks AFTER customers got shipping notices? That's just NASTY and it shows how little you value your loyal customers. I guess you are feeling ballsy because you have new customers from the Rihanna fleet. Good luck with them. I am sure they will buy your $40 quads with a million Carbons/Shadowy Lady in every collection, glittery MES with bad fallout, lip products with descriptions like "red coral" in one collection and "coral red" in the next. Smdh
I'm so sorry your post order got cancelled god I know you're furious with them and there bs now making up things as they go along now. They should replace anyone's orders that got cancelled especially the post orders. This is so ridiculous and shontah I'm so sorry your order got shipped and Mac took it back that's so damn awful.
Shontay I'm sorry to hear what happened to you bc that's just jacked all the way up! Like you, I'm in the similar boat with my order(s) smh. When my pre-noon orders got cancelled, I was like cool, it was a risk anyways... But I never (and still don't) have notifications via email saying they r cancelled. I saw that money was increasing in my pp account. So ab 8pm I called them bc one order that had been cancelled had not been refunded (on pp) so I was talking to this girl who came off snobby n she was all like " yeah yeah ill send something" so I was like cool. I told her specifically which one it was, and I told her twice. Ab 30 mins later I go into Pp n check to see what I had left. My account went from 11 to 117 which means .......something else has canceled but more than what I expected! I call back.... Y'all... They cancelled ALL of my post 12 orders, bc some dumbass in order processing thought I ordered "over my limit of four" when I CLEARLY had less than 4 of anything, but apparently smart guy was counting my canceled crap. Really??! Then she said like I was supposed to be OK with it like she was just going to hang up :/ So I just lost it! On the phone just spazzed all the way out. It don't help that I'm pregnant n I just was sobbing n screaming at them. How do you make an error on the right orders but don't even fix the real problem!! And they still have my money from the order that should of been canceled!!!!!!! Which means the girl clearly lied ab "7-10 business days to reverse back into pp" no heaux, it does not! Y'all...I lost all of my faith in MAC today. Even the hubby was listening like "how do you even justify what you did n why would u work so hard to cancel people orders but not want to fix errors you made??" So they sent me to a supervisor n she filed something for upper mgmt to fix bc she was like "well we can't reinstate that but a lot of orders were not processed so maybe we can replace it with those" ummm ain't no maybe, YOU ARE, if you got to call Rihanna herself and ask for her backups :/ they really lost me n how they can even get on the phone n deal with pple the way they do is sad. My feelings r very hurt bc I sat and wasted my day ordering all for it to mean nothing at the end bc some smuck thought he was being cute. I will surely never participate in these big release things anymore either, IDC if unicorn dust is in the next RiRi lipstick she n Mac can have it! Smh and sigh. I feel let down...
so sorry that happened to you and clearly they have people there that don't know wtf they're doing and you shouldn't have to suffer for that I hope they give you a Mac gift card or get your order right and throw in something extra with it for all that hassle smh. I would've went off on them too and especially you being prego a lot of emotions come out. They better replace your items and throw in a extra lippie or 2.


Well-known member
I want to tell people that the Chanel liquid illuminator is lightyears ahead of lustre drops, but nobody wants to hear it, though.
I'm listening, I will definite check it out! Me and MAC are going on a break , a long break if and when I order anything again it will be be through Nordstrom!
No more online only for me ever! Ridiculously poor service! I was also going to skip this collection but Heaux was interesting and I love purple lipstick so Riri boy went into the cart too! I skipped Riri woo both times and if they cancel my order again I will be pissed cause I had my BU Sushi Kiss in my order! With all the mixing mediums, and my love for YSL, Chanel, Illamasqua, and lip tars etc... I can create any lipstick. I've left MAC before came back years later.


Well-known member
So I just lost it! On the phone just spazzed all the way out. It don't help that I'm pregnant n I just was sobbing n screaming at them. How do you make an error on the right orders but don't even fix the real problem!! And they still have my money from the order that should of been canceled!!!!!!! Which means the girl clearly lied ab "7-10 business days to reverse back into pp" no heaux, it does not! Y'all...I lost all of my faith in MAC today. Even the hubby was listening like "how do you even justify what you did n why would u work so hard to cancel people orders but not want to fix errors you made??" So they sent me to a supervisor n she filed something for upper mgmt to fix bc she was like "well we can't reinstate that but a lot of orders were not processed so maybe we can replace it with those" ummm ain't no maybe, YOU ARE, if you got to call Rihanna herself and ask for her backups :/ they really lost me n how they can even get on the phone n deal with pple the way they do is sad. My feelings r very hurt bc I sat and wasted my day ordering all for it to mean nothing at the end bc some smuck thought he was being cute. I will surely never participate in these big release things anymore either, IDC if unicorn dust is in the next RiRi lipstick she n Mac can have it! Smh and sigh. I feel let down...
That is some total bullshit from MAC. Disrespectful. Whoever is running all that bullshit decisions for this launch, I hope he or she got fired by EL.
I empathize with you.I started with MAC only a few years ago but before that only bought from Sephora for the longest time after I was done with the teenage drugstore makeup phase.. I think I'm going to revert back to my first high end loves over there. It would be hard.


Well-known member
They're just a bunch of f*ckers at MAC. My cp'er orders got cancelled too and after hours she could order a backorded RRB for me but I'm sooo done with MAC right now. RRB was part of my AAO and UTA CP but I can't wait another month for a UTA dupe so she's gonna cancel it for me. FU MAC, FU. :finger:


Well-known member
I just got a back order notification for Heaux. I placed the order around 1:58 PM central time. Also they have Riri Woo in that order which I DID NOT order so I don't know how it got into my bag. If anything gets cancelled I will be on the phone complaining. I know it's makeup but its the principle of the situation you don't have people waiting online for hours to cancel their shit. They made this collection nearly impossible to get outside of MAC. And if I see a ridiculous amount of eBay posting for insane amounts it will make me that much more pissed that no matter what they'll get product before a regular customer.


Well-known member
MAC, if you are trying to enforce a 1 item per customer rule *now,* after people put up with your waiting room for 3-4 hours, you are the WORST business ever. Yes, I have walked through knee-high snow in launch day for Barbie Loves MAC and even stalked MM while recovering from surgery. But canceling customer's "fairly" purchased post launch orders? Snatching back lipsticks off the damn UPS trucks AFTER customers got shipping notices? That's just NASTY and it shows how little you value your loyal customers. I guess you are feeling ballsy because you have new customers from the Rihanna fleet. Good luck with them. I am sure they will buy your $40 quads with a million Carbons/Shadowy Lady in every collection, glittery MES with bad fallout, lip products with descriptions like "red coral" in one collection and "coral red" in the next. Smdh

I am sooooo behind on this thread but I just had to take the time out to say PREACH, Strong Woman, PREACH!!!

And what happened to Shontay up above is flat out ATROCIOUS! MAC done lost their damn mind! See, they done made a saved woman curse!


Well-known member
I called MAC CS this morning to ask why one of my post-launch orders (made around 1:30 PM EST) was cancelled.

As she pulled up my order info, the CS rep told me that MAC was trying to be fair to all customers and ensure that all customers get to own these products. She said orders with multiples of each item did get cancelled and even people that got shipping notifications for those orders will not get their orders.

When she saw my order (1 Heaux, 1 RRB), she could not tell me why it got cancelled. She apologized. Then she suggested that I place an order for backordered items and get them in July. I declined.

Honestly, it sounds like MAC just screwed up by canceling my "fairly" purchased order. I don't even have the energy to be mad. I am just so disappointed in MAC.

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
Good morning.. I truly wish this launch didn't turn out this way. Today's a new day and hopefully something can be corrected for all the mishaps on MAC part.

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
I called MAC CS this morning to ask why one of my post-launch orders (made around 1:30 PM EST) was cancelled. As she pulled up my order info, the CS rep told me that MAC was trying to be fair to all customers and ensure that all customers get to own these products. She said orders with multiples of each item did get cancelled and even people that got shipping notifications for those orders will not get their orders. When she saw my order (1 Heaux, 1 RRB), she could not tell me why it got cancelled. She apologized. Then she suggested that I place an order for backordered items and get them in July.I declined. Honestly, it sounds like MAC just screwed up by canceling my "fairly" purchased order. I don't even have the energy to be mad. I am just so disappointed in MAC.  :eek:hboy:  
Did you have orders that were purchased before launch that got canceled? It seems some people orders got completely canceled even though they ordered afterwards. Ughhh...


Well-known member
Did you have orders that were purchased before launch that got canceled? It seems some people orders got completely canceled even though they ordered afterwards. Ughhh...
Yes, I had the gall to order lipsticks at 11:15 AM when they were available to purchase. I heard that some people in the corporate world are sociopaths. I really think some of the MAC heauxs making up new rules and learnin' us new lessons fit the bill.

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
My one post-launch order that survived Ripocalypse says pending on website but the rep said it is being processed.
Ok good... Mines still says pending as well. Hopefully it'll go through. I didn't do pre- launch order since I wanted everything in one order. I did see where you were allowed to order and checkout though smh... I even copied the link and sent it to some ladies in here just to help out you know.. What a disaster...


Well-known member
my order shipped.. let's hope I get the right items.. as many times mac screwed up and sent wrong items multiple times..


Well-known member
I think what's hard for many of us to remember is that MAC is a business, run by human beings. The CS employees are not up in corporate making any decisions, they know just as much as the public and probably have scripts for any type if situation someone calls in with. I don't believe MAC knew the magnitude of this collection. And did what they could to gauge the need and regulate it. There's no way this could of been done any easier with an online only release. For those of you with cancelled orders, I'm confident you'll be accommodated in some way. No, these types of things don't happen with other brands, but those brands aren't the most widely know makeup brand in the world. Everybody take a second and woooo-sah. Everything will be alright :)

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
Yes. My order is pending and I am holding my breath. My pre-launch order was cancelled so I would not be shocked if this one was also cancelled.
Mines too. It's the only order I have so keeping my fingers crossed. At the rate/speed they were canceling orders nothing would surprise me.. Oh, yeah I do have another order for 2 of the lippies (rrb/eaux) that said back ordered at the time. So, hopefully I'll get my initial order with one of everything. Geez this is a mess..


Well-known member
no damn unicorn or fairy dust in those lipsticks, not even with this situation but going to mac yesterday I couldn't think of not one single thing to buy, besides cherry lip liner with my friend pro card . I am all maced out, and it couldn't have came at a better time, with the horrible situations that happened yesterday with this collection. Seriously Sephora , and drug stores are just fine for me.