MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
I already have one Adored MSF, Do I need a backup!?!? Has anyone ever finished a MSF before? The color works perfect for my light skin but I've been spending so much $$ ... I dont know what to do
I never buy backups because I always think the product will always be repromoted or by the time you get through it there will be a more amazing colour/product available. I can't really think of anything other than foundation and mascara that I've ever replaced rather than getting something newer or better, except maybe a couple of Chanel rouge coco shines. But that's just me :)


Well-known member
....that is sooooooooooo sweet of him!!!

Cannot wait to hear what he got for you!!!

So turns out I don't need to go in store. My boyfriend told me not to go to buy anything from the collection because he bought me stuff.
He claims he picked out stuff based on what he think would look good on me and what I would like. He won't tell me exactly what he got so I'm anxious. Let's see if I can trust his MAC judgement, this should be interesting.


Well-known member
I am waiting for lust to arriveee. And now I think I want a blush

which do y'all think would be best for woc? I tend to go dark and plummy/mauvey a lot bc of how it looks on my skin. aka I'm leaning toward simmer


Well-known member
pompom.gif, that is an awesome haul, Medgal

Enjoy all your new goodies

Of all of the items that I recently purchased, the only thing that I've test driven is the Naked Deep Dark Pigment---not even in this collection. Side eye at you Erine
My Naked Dark arrives tomorrow.



Well-known member

Hi everyone I am new as of tonight lol...From his collection I picked up Adored and Rio...Love them both...Adored is my favorite...Once it idolized it looked like a toned down Springsheen blush by MAC. In this pic Adored is on top and Rio on bottom I didn't heavily swatch Rio, but very pinky


Well-known member
Thanks Erine! They look pretty warm? If soft brown looks bad on me should I skip deep and deep dark?
How can soft brown look bad on you!? Soft brown looks good on EVERYONE!? The two darker nakeds are warmer, but they're more of a lid colour, where soft brown is a great crease colour for transitioning, whether with a neutral eye or (always works with) a smokey eye.


Well-known member
Ahhhh how come nobody mentioned how AMAZING Orpheus is! I just swatched it in store and I can't stop thinking about it. My store only got 2 in, hopefully it doesn't sell out online.

I ended up getting narcissus and rio like I planned, and heroine (which looks amazing without anything over the top of it). I am completely in love with narcissus.


Well-known member
So I'm going to my mac counter tomorrow and I may come back with TT goodies. My boyfriend gave me $50 for mac for my bday and with my pro card that may get me a few things. Off topic but when you gals get gifts like that do you prefer to buy LE items over perm right??


Well-known member
So I'm going to my mac counter tomorrow and I may come back with TT goodies. My boyfriend gave me $50 for mac for my bday and with my pro card that may get me a few things. Off topic but when you gals get gifts like that do you prefer to buy LE items over perm right??
I consider it extra money, so i buy my staple perm items that i can't go a day without running out of. With your regular monies, if you can't get a LE item, it's no worries, but if you can't get a staple, everyday item, :blink:


Well-known member
I consider it extra money, so i buy my staple perm items that i can't go a day without running out of. With your regular monies, if you can't get a LE item, it's no worries, but if you can't get a staple, everyday item, :blink:
You know, actually I was thinking of buying some staple perm items that I'm running low on but was wondering what everyone else does. Lol I have splurged on LE lately. I need to give the perm collex some love. ;)


Well-known member
At first I didn't want to get something from this collection. The first swatches were boring. Then I made a mistake and went to the counter and came home with Simmer and Lust. Both of them are so awesome products. I'm in love! Simmer:


Well-known member
Simmer looks gorgeous in your swatch! I thought it would make me look bruised or sunburned, since I'm pretty fair, but I'm just loving it in your pic!! :drool:
At first I didn't want to get something from this collection. The first swatches were boring. Then I made a mistake and went to the counter and came home with Simmer and Lust. Both of them are so awesome products. I'm in love! Simmer:


Well-known member
I already have one Adored MSF, Do I need a backup!?!? Has anyone ever finished a MSF before? The color works perfect for my light skin but I've been spending so much $$ ... I dont know what to do
I love Adored. I swatched it next to some of my most loved peachy highlighters (Pearl Sunshine, Perfect Topping, etc) and it beat them. I didn't think I'd like anything more than Perfect Topping but I actually like Adored more. And believe me, I love me some PT.


Well-known member
I love Adored. I swatched it next to some of my most loved peachy highlighters (Pearl Sunshine, Perfect Topping, etc) and it beat them. I didn't think I'd like anything more than Perfect Topping but I actually like Adored more. And believe me, I love me some PT.
I only bought Adored from this collection (besides Lust MSF, but this is going to be a birthday present :) ) and I really-really like the soft peachy-corally-gold sheen that gives to my skin,
but it can't beat my one and only Perfect Topping. I hope they will release it sometime, I will get it again, that's for sure! :)

I asked for an Adored with the most amount of coral posible, I got this one:

I was thinking about getting Simmer, but I resisted. I was good. :D

Fun fact: my preferred counter only received one (1!) from Midnight Mamboo without a tester. :'D


Well-known member
That is a very pretty Adored

Only ONE Midnight Mambo???


I only bought Adored from this collection (besides Lust MSF, but this is going to be a birthday present :) ) and I really-really like the soft peachy-corally-gold sheen that gives to my skin,
but it can't beat my one and only Perfect Topping. I hope they will release it sometime, I will get it again, that's for sure! :)

I asked for an Adored with the most amount of coral posible, I got this one:

I was thinking about getting Simmer, but I resisted. I was good. :D

Fun fact: my preferred counter only received one (1!) from Midnight Mamboo without a tester. :'D


Well-known member
That is a very pretty Adored

Only ONE Midnight Mambo???

MAC really does not seem to do a very good job of distributing products properly to all locations.

Multiple MUAs have told me the "system" is based on what types of products sell best at each counter or store, but really? Only 1 or 2 products to sell of any LE product is a good idea on what planet?


Well-known member
I agree that sounds somehow like a joke

MAC really does not seem to do a very good job of distributing products properly to all locations.

Multiple MUAs have told me the "system" is based on what types of products sell best at each counter or store, but really? Only 1 or 2 products to sell of any LE product is a good idea on what planet?

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