RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
has anybody's Bloomingdales orders shipped yet?? idk if it makes a difference but my order was TTT and BGGG when i check it it says it will ship out the 7th :)


Well-known member
No, it is perfectly understandable to want to charge the shipping costs you paid out..  but make sure to add on any tax you paid too.. and if you're doing it on ebay.. They charge you fees and paypal charges you fees too.. The fees aren't much - you can google a paypal/ebay fee calculator which will help you figure out exactly how much you'll be charged.. If you're selling it on here -- again -- make sure you add in the paypal fees.. People are selling these for ridiculous amounts of money and I wouldn't feel right selling it at ridiculously inflated prices either.. however, don't cheat yourself.. make sure you don't lose money off of this.. because --like I said--there are plenty of people willing to pay a lot more than what you'd be selling it for with just the cost of the product + shipping cost + tax/fees, etc.
That's true. I always forget to add tax lol I may see if anyone is willing to swap for the duo fiber riri brush... Not the fairest trade but its not too far off anyway lol and in the last five minutes I decided I wanted it My macys and nordstrom have shipped


Well-known member
I think my favorite special packaging this year so far has been the Temperature Rising packaging, so simple and yet so lovely.


Well-known member
This is completely off topic but I am DYING for that Tom Ford lipstick in Black Orchid - ugh!


Well-known member
Was the collection ever up at the secret site??

they only have the quad right now, i can add it to my cart but theres nothing else.

is the rest gone or not up yet?????


Well-known member
Was the collection ever up at the secret site??

they only have the quad right now, i can add it to my cart but theres nothing else.

is the rest gone or not up yet?????
i dont think it ever offically went up the quad was up days ago then disappeared then came back

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