MAC Divine Night Collection (October 17, 2013)


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Holidays are good and everything but I want my goodies tomorrow!


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I just think in general there are way too many "releases" but since women (and men) are spending less on things like makeup as the economy contracts, MAC needs to find a way to get people to spend money on cosmetics. The way they do that is to keep coming out with these "must have!!" LE collections and limit production so folks know if they want something they had better impulse buy ASSOONASTHECOLLECTIONISRELEASED otherwise they'll miss out. But as far as I'm concerned, the only thing this does for me is make me feel like MAC doesn't know how to treat their customers and with so many other choices these days, many things are dupable or passable altogether.
I've got to disagree the entire thing is a conspiracy plot to mind control helpless people into irresistibly buying makeup. It's more like a combo of managing hype to drive sales along with trying to avoid overstock inventory (which is the #1 thing that will topple any makeup business, by far) and trying to counteract predatory reselling. Heck, maybe they didn't give out a lot of samples to bloggers as yet another way to ease the frenzy and keep the products stocked a little longer?

Go look at the website - every single item, including ones you'd think would be snapped up fast like the new fluidline is still in stock. When was the last time we had a collection that was quite that well behaved? A long time. It's not because no one wants these products either. They're going to sell well in stores when people try them on. I saw a few people look at the MBs and MSFs a little skeptically and then their faces lit up with excitement when they tried them on. It's just going to take time before all the worry that every collection will be out of reach starts to ease. MAC is listening to the customers - just look at Punk Couture…that's for us for all the pleading for purple. It just takes time and there are growing pains.

Normally when the collections release and all the worry gets started here, I just close the thread and don't come back until I've picked up my own goodies. But this time I'm speaking out and trying to be a voice of reason because I love all you guys and don't feel like anyone needs to be stressful over this collection. Punk Couture, I dunno if there's going to be any way to avoid the tension, unless they have a ton of stock, but wouldn't everyone rather they get the kinks out on a collection like this BEFORE a white hot collection like Punk Couture comes out? I sure would!



Well-known member
I actually received a call back 10 minutes ago from MAC Pro and was told that theyre working on my refund for the difference and that I should receive an email notifying me of the credit. Seems to be a lot of conflicting information being said. No idea how this will pan out but I do feel they should be more consistant with the discount, glitch or not. Their customer service agents are left out to dry because it seems that corporate doesnt deliver the necessary info to them on time. I really wish MAC would fix that and make sure everyone in their CS dept had accurate info in order to actually be able to assist their customers. It just seems like they do not care about their customers in general and that is wrong.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by ARmakeupjunkie
You can't expect people to not talk if they have no clue what's going on.

that is true, but pm'ing someone is a better way to get a question answered :) theres bunches of friendly ladies on here who would be more then happy to help :)


Well-known member
Yes this whole thing pisses me off as well. I better get it a discount as well when they get there ish together or whatever they're doing who knows. I'm just glad that this isn't a collection that I want to purchase a lot of stuff from or else I really would've been furious. They should at least have the decency to give pros free shipping with this ish.
Why would everyone except pros get free shipping? Makes no sense but I'm not mad haha


Well-known member
Yeah, it may come to that…it probably should. And yes, I totally agree somewhere in the supply chain or decision making process, necessary changes haven't come soon enough to stop bottlenecks. It's better than it was last year, though, except demand is also larger than it was last year too, so things still haven't evened out.

I've got to disagree the entire thing is a conspiracy plot to mind control helpless people into irresistibly buying makeup. It's more like a combo of managing hype to drive sales along with trying to avoid overstock inventory (which is the #1 thing that will topple any makeup business, by far) and trying to counteract predatory reselling. Heck, maybe they didn't give out a lot of samples to bloggers as yet another way to ease the frenzy and keep the products stocked a little longer?

Go look at the website - every single item, including ones you'd think would be snapped up fast like the new fluidline is still in stock. When was the last time we had a collection that was quite that well behaved? A long time. It's not because no one wants these products either. They're going to sell well in stores when people try them on. I saw a few people look at the MBs and MSFs a little skeptically and then their faces lit up with excitement when they tried them on. It's just going to take time before all the worry that every collection will be out of reach starts to ease. MAC is listening to the customers - just look at Punk Couture…that's for us for all the pleading for purple. It just takes time and there are growing pains.

Normally when the collections release and all the worry gets started here, I just close the thread and don't come back until I've picked up my own goodies. But this time I'm speaking out and trying to be a voice of reason because I love all you guys and don't feel like anyone needs to be stressful over this collection. Punk Couture, I dunno if there's going to be any way to avoid the tension, unless they have a ton of stock, but wouldn't everyone rather they get the kinks out on a collection like this BEFORE a white hot collection like Punk Couture comes out? I sure would!

I never said anything about a conspiracy plot to mind control anyone. I actually agree with what you're saying, we're probably just saying it in different ways. I do get the need to control overstock and the hype to drive sales, but I think in many cases they seem to grossly underestimate the sales they're going to make, and if this is something that continues to happen, it makes me suspicious that there's more at work here than just controlling inventory. Maybe not with this particular collection, it's a holiday collection and not attached to a big name, but RiRi, Marilyn, Hello Kitty, etc. This has been happening for a while, so while MAC can claim they're listening to customers, the recent RiRi launches have said to me that they either are trying and failing or not trying at all, between the inventory and the waiting room. My take on it is the latter, especially since no matter what, people who really want will buy, regardless of how MAC is treating them. That's just the way it is, and the execs at MAC/Estee Lauder know this. They can't even get a simple email right stating whether or not the pro discount is available.

I'm not stressed over this collection or punk couture, but I can see where you're coming from. However "growing pains" for a company that's more than 20 years old, is like meh. How difficult can it be? I need MAC to do better.

ETA - I do want to thank you though for the swatches and your thoughts on the collection, it's much appreciated here. I don't want you to think I'm coming for you or anything, I honestly think we're saying sort of the same thing. I just think you're willing to give them a little more slack. I just get really upset at bad customer service.


Well-known member
Thank you so much, I got Lavish Living blush, Private Party l/s, and Flair c/s/g. I am trying to be good, or I would have gotten a c/s/g for PP and PfP too! (It looks really pretty but I have plenty of purple and red gloss to use up first). I am very tempted to get all the c/s/g but I just have too much gloss and need to catch up on credit card bills this month!
No prob! Glad you got everything you wanted!


Well-known member
Sigh. Let me just scream it from the rooftop!

My lipsticks shipped and should be here tomorrow, yay!

I'm tempted to get the blushes and perfectly poised.


Well-known member
I am off the threads for a day and come back to mayhem. Unfortunately with MAC releases this happens way too often. My daughter will be in town Thursday and she has an appointment with my favorite MAC MUA so if I pick up anything at all (and that is becoming more doubtful) it will be then. I will give Nordies my business since MAC doesn't seem to know what they are doing. To all the MAC Pros, I think what happened to you is awful. Back before the EL takeover, MAC was very receptive to it's artists. Not now from the looks of it.


Well-known member
I'm going to admit that I caved last night and bought Private Party lipstick so that I could have a lippy in black and gold packaging.


Well-known member
I'm going to admit that I caved last night and bought Private Party lipstick so that I could have a lippy in black and gold packaging.
i caved too it happens to the best of us hehe but i ended up getting two things when i told myself just to "just get one item just to say you bought from the collection" lol