Sorry I'm late in the game by a few days, but I would love to be a part of this as a way of keeping me motivated. Today's weight: 162 Starting weight: 190 Ultimate goal weight: 125 [@]mosha010[/@] is so correct when she says to prepare. I now almost always bring my lunch to work with snacks. I also have a Bobble, which is one of those refillable water bottles with a filter. I think one of the biggest changes that I have made and has really helped is that I cut out soda. Before I was a Diet Coke and sugar free Red Bull junkie, but whatever chemicals that are in there don't help. I cut out all caffeine at first, but have reintroduced it in moderation through tea (mixing my own blend of black and fruit teas). We now rarely buy beer to have in the fridge and reserve drinking for when we're out with friends of celebrating. I'm more aware of what I eat. Which means I don't deny myself what I really really want, but because of that I think I end up wanting it less. I make sure my SO's beloved chocolate chip cookies are out of sight in his cookie jar and my bundle of fresh apples are in full view. One of my coworkers kept telling me once you lose the first 10 pounds, then you really have the motivation to keep going. Which I believe to be so true because I bounced around between 190 and 180 for awhile, but once I was on the lessor side of 180 and I could see a difference, I was like "yeah, I can DO this!" I look forward to everyone's updates. A support group like this is really awesome to have.