RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by shontay07108
And now this thread will be filled with posts freaking out over shipping confirmation.
It's a cycle, man.

Whyyyyyy????? It's like people have never shopped on the interwebs before.


Well-known member
Holy shit, BGRR went first both times! It's interesting considering all of the hype was surrounding PB leading up to the release! Y'all must really be feeling that nude, lol. Well I finally got my order confirmation, and my BF is about to wake up for work, so I'm going to see him off then finally get some sleep! Ladies, as long and frustrating as the wait was, it was fun talking to you and getting to know some of you a little bit tonight! I'm happy to see everyone who's been here all night getting the items they wanted, and I hope those of you who didn't wake up in time fare better at the counters on Thursday because there's going to be fewer people to compete with now! Thanks for making me feel welcome here on Specktra and I look forward to stalking out many more launches with all of you <3


Well-known member
CS told me multiple times that there's a limit of one item per customer. Meaning, no matter how many orders you make, you can only get one of each item.... I'm afraid they will cancel my order if I make another one...I'm not taking that chance...T___T; 
I didn't see a limit like with the fall collection
I screencaptured it for proof that it doesn't say there's a limit just in case.
I got two of the same lipstick unintentionally, do I call & tell them I don't want both???
DO NOT CALL!!! Just sell it to someone on here as a CP.


Well-known member
Holy shit, BGRR went first both times! It's interesting considering all of the hype was surrounding PB leading up to the release! Y'all must really be feeling that nude, lol. Well I finally got my order confirmation, and my BF is about to wake up for work, so I'm going to see him off then finally get some sleep! Ladies, as long and frustrating as the wait was, it was fun talking to you and getting to know some of you a little bit tonight! I'm happy to see everyone who's been here all night getting the items they wanted, and I hope those of you who didn't wake up in time fare better at the counters on Thursday because there's going to be fewer people to compete with now! Thanks for making me feel welcome here on Specktra and I look forward to stalking out many more launches with all of you <3
I honestly think it's selling out first because of the name lol


Well-known member
Whew! Nevermind! Clicked the wrong thing. Got PB (will ship 12/14) but bgrr is sold out. I'll try the counter on that one


Well-known member
I think BGRR sold out first because people are still searching for that perfect nude. It's pretty difficult to find. A color like PB isn't so unique.


Well-known member
I screencaptured it for proof that it doesn't say there's a limit just in case. DO NOT CALL!!! Just sell it to someone on here as a CP.
I figured it wouldn't be very smart, I also figured it'd look great on my mama. Mere Christmas to her!!!!