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WTF! I am so glad that I shied away from buying that crap online. I met so eons who paid $70 for Heroine and it was FAKE. Amazon gave her her money back tho.This is becoming all way too common! These women are under the impression that its authentic and it is not! My friend just recently iMessage me a whole bunch of pic (10) to be exact of things she picked up while in the hair salon from a random guy who came in selling "real MAC." I was mad when I saw those picks she didn't wait for me to respond so she went ahead and brought them not knowing they where FAKE!
Both,what ive noticed about some fake mac stuff on ebay, whether it be pigments, lippies etc sometimes the seller has 100% positive feedback.. which is so odd.. do people that buy from those sellers even realize its fake? or do they know its fake but buy it anyways...?