Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
I skipped the eye shadow because I am on a no eye shadow buy until I get through some of my pigments. I am thinking of getting it though because I realized the other day while going through my pigments and shadows looking for a coral that I do not have one. So at least if I cave, it'll be on something I don't already have a thousand different shade variations of. lol
I swear I'm not trying to enable, but it is gorgeous on and has a great texture. If you don't have a colour like it, I would consider it. I use it w/expensive pink and blend it well and on my blue/grey eyes it looks amazing. For me, that's a more 'natural look'
so I wear it a lot. I Think the name of the game so to speak is not only if you don' t have a colour like it, it's if you will get the appropriate amount of wear out of something. For me it was a win!


Well-known member
I'm trying to make a realistic commitment, though. I'm thinking a limit of 6 new products a month (2 eye products, 2 face products, and 2 lip products) - but that still seems like a lot. What do you guys think?
It seems like a lot, but how much do you currently buy? I think the idea here is to realistically cut back and for each person that's different. I think it also helps to go through your stash and figure out if there's a colour(s) that you are currently missing that you've been searching for - that way you can narrow it down and not buy so many of the same shade. I mean, what's the point of buying new lippies if you usually buy the same shade(s), etc? You may as well save up that cash for something you really want and splurge.


Well-known member
C'mon girl, you got this!  Return the dang thing and be done with it!  Go buy something that will get a lot of love!  PB is too pretty to sit in a drawer unused. Get thee to MAC! 
OMG do not return PB please there are many females on here who would love to purchase this from you.


Well-known member
OMG do not return PB please there are many females on here who would love to purchase this from you.
Even if I've already tried it on? And I would want my money back, so someone would have to pay full price plus shipping, plus whatever fee PayPal would charge me. You think someone would buy it?


Well-known member
I need to join this thread!! My mother seriously wants me to take an OCD class lol. I have no holes in my makeup and polish stashes. I do not need anything! Except mybe a new liquid eyeliner pen. NOTHING else. Unless its a repromoted of an older color that I want and don't have I'm not gonna buy anything! ( except VG riri and maleficent). I bought both oz palettes, the Ariel pallette, UD anarchy palette , , naked 3, and her cocoa quad from riri, Ariel and jasmine quads and I havent even used ANY of them yet!!! I had 1 blush last year now I have over 20 Have almost 100 lipsticks , tons of lip balms, almost 100 lg, 40 lip liners , lots of single eyeshades, lots of eyeliners.... 4 bb creams , 4 open mascara and like 15 sample ones... I prob have 1000 nail polishes. I need help. I may allow myself beauty tools ( good flat iron , hair dryer, maybe a clairsonic), hair treatments, nail files , etc. I'm not gonna say no buy , but def a low but 2014!


Well-known member
I'm not gonna say no buy , but def a low but 2014!
WOW o.o you can open a store! :D But seriously, that collection will last you a long long time =) But at least nail polishes have super long shelf life, so you wont need to throw them out ^^ just don't buy more! You can divert your OCD into making a list/database/spreadsheet of all the stuff you have, putting it on pretty display so you can admire it and wont forget what you have =) And always take deep breath and count to 10 when you want to buy something and doublecheck your spreadsheet if you don't already have something similar. Diverting your purchases to clothing and accessories is also good idea, unless you have ay too many of those as well =)


Well-known member
Hey everyone! It's so refreshing to see so many people on board with this idea. Now that I'm done with RiRi, which I may have went a little overboard with, I can fully commit now. I look forward taking on this challenge with you lovely ladies! :heart:


Well-known member
Thank you for starting this thread. I was about to buy something on Ulta this morning-/7:00am!! just because it was on sale...I even put 2 in my cart.. Then I had to spend 4.00 more to get the free shipping... But I stopped myself and logged off..
Great control! That "free shipping" trap has gotten all of us at one time or another! Recognizing the unrealistic lure of free shipping when it just means we buy more is an awesome step in the right direction!! Proud of you!
I was speaking to my hubby about living a simple life and we both agreed that we need to prioritize our wants and need so we can live better and reduce our debt. He is more the pay on it type while I am the figure out how much to pay it off soon type. So I will limit my wants to one to two items from a collection that has things I know work and will use. I plan to post a bunch of goodies in the clearance bin for the lowest prices ever seen so that they go to good homes and gives me more space in my drawers so watch out for this some time in january.
We'll definitely keep an eye out for your sale! Maybe a chance for someone to get something they've been wanting without resorting to paying over retail. Clearance bin will be a good solution for a lot of us! Great goal!
I skipped the eye shadow because I am on a no eye shadow buy until I get through some of my pigments. I am thinking of getting it though because I realized the other day while going through my pigments and shadows looking for a coral that I do not have one. So at least if I cave, it'll be on something I don't already have a thousand different shade variations of. lol
We all love makeup & filling in holes is definitely OK! Its fantastic that you can recognize what you're missing and what you have too much of. That deserves an award in itself! Get that eyeshadow... You've earned it!
Ok. I'm definitely in. Currently I have 4 BNIB eyeshadow palettes sitting on my vanity that I've purchased in the last month. We're not going to go into the number of unopened lippies. I'm trying to make a realistic commitment, though. I'm thinking a limit of 6 new products a month (2 eye products, 2 face products, and 2 lip products) - but that still seems like a lot. What do you guys think?
For me, it helps to have a guideline. Its the best way for me to force myself to be more selective. Make sure your goal is realistic for you...or you'll never stick w it. Only you know what you can commit to. Maybe you can start w 6 products a month and try to cut that limit down to a smaller number after 3 months or so?! That way its a gradual change. Good luck! We're here for you!
K girls, help me convince myself I can return PB. I swatched and I have 5+ extremely similar lippies. Even if fuchsia is a great lippie color, I'm never gonna want one that's specifically matte. I always add a gloss. So my 3 almost identical dupes and 5+ close dupes should cover it, right? $16.50 is a lot for something that isn't unique. I could return and get a Bare Minerals Ready eye duo, Origins GinZing eye cream, or a Mac product. Give me your opinions!
I agree that you don't need it. But don't return it. You can easily get your money back in the clearance bin! Lots of ladies are looking for that lipstick & they are easily sanatized. A couple of other posts I loved... @BreeMakeupGeek finding what works & doesn't work for you is a perfect way to curb spending! Thanks for that tip! @Kaori displaying your makeup (or in my case making a spreadsheet inventory of my collection) has gone VERY far in helping me realize just how much I have and what a large percentage of my collection has gone unloved! And counting to 10 before making that spur of the moment purchase is huge! Sometimes I'll add things into a cart and then let it sit for a day. It really gives me a chance to think out my purchase. When I do that I almost NEVER complete my purchase! And sticking to original, well thought out lists for LE collections has helped me a lot too. If it didn't make the list, I have been refusing to add to my cart just because I'm caught up in the LE haul frenzy! And NO going back during restocks unless I missed something from my original list... No getting talked into additional purchases just because of the pretty pictures!


Well-known member
Hey everyone! It's so refreshing to see so many people on board with this idea. Now that I'm done with RiRi, which I may have went a little overboard with, I can fully commit now. I look forward taking on this challenge with you lovely ladies! :heart:
Heck yeah!!! So glad we talked about this and followed through! Putting your commitment down in writing really gives it a bigger sense of purpose! Now I'm not just low-buying for ME but to support & inspire all the others that have stepped up to make this commitment to themselves! At first I was feeling apprehensive but now I feel empowered! We're going to do this girl!


Well-known member
I'm in! I went from having a little makeup to a full collection in only one year. My goal is to limit myself to 10 items from Jan. 2014 - Black Friday week 2014. I can buy staples (nail polish remover, top coat, eye shadow primer, etc.) when I use products up and that won't count against my 10 items.

Goal: I will only have ONE of each item that I need - one blush, one black pencil eyeliner, one nude lipstick, etc. I love variety but I currently have more makeup than faces to put it on.

I might have to move across the country in a few months so I don't want more than I currently have.


Well-known member
Even if I've already tried it on? And I would want my money back, so someone would have to pay full price plus shipping, plus whatever fee PayPal would charge me. You think someone would buy it?
You could always list it and see what happens? Maybe just list your pricing justification so peeps know you aren't out to make a profit, you just want to recoup your losses. Honestly, I do think someone will buy it from you :) I see lipsticks on blog sales all the time


Well-known member
WOW o.o you can open a store! :D But seriously, that collection will last you a long long time =) But at least nail polishes have super long shelf life, so you wont need to throw them out ^^ just don't buy more! You can divert your OCD into making a list/database/spreadsheet of all the stuff you have, putting it on pretty display so you can admire it and wont forget what you have =) And always take deep breath and count to 10 when you want to buy something and doublecheck your spreadsheet if you don't already have something similar. Diverting your purchases to clothing and accessories is also good idea, unless you have ay too many of those as well =)
I love the spreadsheet idea. I'm going to do that.


Well-known member
hello ladies!
i'm also joining the thread! i've been relatively good wait a minute, when i think about it maybe not! with all the different companies and places to buy makeup, one purchase here, one there, really adds up!
i've stopped reading the collections threads as religiously, which has helped a lot, since i miss out on a bit of the hype...but i also sometimes miss the launches, and the really hot items.
i like the idea someone posted about setting up a drawer or pouch with a few products that are rotated each week so that i actually end up using the products i already have instead of reaching for whatever is at the top or is the newest.


Staff member
Ok. I'm definitely in. Currently I have 4 BNIB eyeshadow palettes sitting on my vanity that I've purchased in the last month. We're not going to go into the number of unopened lippies. I'm trying to make a realistic commitment, though. I'm thinking a limit of 6 new products a month (2 eye products, 2 face products, and 2 lip products) - but that still seems like a lot. What do you guys think?
Definitely be realistic, but I would suggest being stricter with palettes and lippies than other products, given you have so much to go through?
K girls, help me convince myself I can return PB. I swatched and I have 5+ extremely similar lippies. Even if fuchsia is a great lippie color, I'm never gonna want one that's specifically matte. I always add a gloss. So my 3 almost identical dupes and 5+ close dupes should cover it, right? $16.50 is a lot for something that isn't unique. I could return and get a Bare Minerals Ready eye duo, Origins GinZing eye cream, or a Mac product. Give me your opinions!
You can either return it and buy something you know you'll use, or sell it in the Clearance Bin, to recoup your loss (and give someone the chance to get a product they missed out on), and then use the money made to buy something you know you'll use. IMO, it's a win-win either way.
I need to join this thread!! My mother seriously wants me to take an OCD class lol. I have no holes in my makeup and polish stashes. I do not need anything! Except mybe a new liquid eyeliner pen. NOTHING else. Unless its a repromoted of an older color that I want and don't have I'm not gonna buy anything! ( except VG riri and maleficent). I bought both oz palettes, the Ariel pallette, UD anarchy palette , , naked 3, and her cocoa quad from riri, Ariel and jasmine quads and I havent even used ANY of them yet!!! I had 1 blush last year now I have over 20 Have almost 100 lipsticks , tons of lip balms, almost 100 lg, 40 lip liners , lots of single eyeshades, lots of eyeliners.... 4 bb creams , 4 open mascara and like 15 sample ones... I prob have 1000 nail polishes. I need help. I may allow myself beauty tools ( good flat iron , hair dryer, maybe a clairsonic), hair treatments, nail files , etc. I'm not gonna say no buy , but def a low but 2014!
That's a LOT of stuff! And yes, that will last you quite a while. That's another good idea: use the money you'd otherwise spend on makeup to invest in tools you'll use for a long time, if you need to upgrade/replace something.


Well-known member
Even if I've already tried it on? And I would want my money back, so someone would have to pay full price plus shipping, plus whatever fee PayPal would charge me. You think someone would buy it?
OMG yes...people have blog sales all the time with items they've only used once...especially hot ticket items like this one! I've sold tons of stuff this way.


Well-known member
Thanks for the suggestion [@]shellygrrl[/@]. I should definitely be a lot more strict in those areas with regards to the purchases I make. I have a few more days to set my goals. Going to look over my collection and then decide what I can realistically do.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I'm in! I went from having a little makeup to a full collection in only one year. My goal is to limit myself to 10 items from Jan. 2014 - Black Friday week 2014. I can buy staples (nail polish remover, top coat, eye shadow primer, etc.) when I use products up and that won't count against my 10 items.

Goal: I will only have ONE of each item that I need - one blush, one black pencil eyeliner, one nude lipstick, etc. I love variety but I currently have more makeup than faces to put it on.

I might have to move across the country in a few months so I don't want more than I currently have.

Your goal is very similar to mine. If you have a healthy stash, it's realistic!
I love the spreadsheet idea. I'm going to do that.
I love my spreadsheet. First of all, it keeps me honest and it forces me to look at the list of everything I have ever time I open it. Mine is all divided by category, so seeing that I already have eight highlighters (for instance) that I'll never get through helps me to resist buying more.
Quote: Originally Posted by thejwlife

Thanks for the suggestion @shellygrrl.
I should definitely be a lot more strict in those areas with regards to the purchases I make. I have a few more days to set my goals. Going to look over my collection and then decide what I can realistically do.
Setting the goal and sharing it really helps - hope you come back and do that! :)


Well-known member
Wow PixieDancer! I just looked up your FB profile - you are smoking hot!!!   :eyelove:
Awww thank you doll! *blushes* @AudreyC great advice all around! And I absolutely LOVE the idea of the " reward" system rather than a quantity goal! Using each new item at least 3 times before another purchase!!! Great idea! You may have things you LOVE and don't even know it! Definitely makes it easier to skip when you are loving the things you already have! TEAM Buy Less. Enjoy More!!! I love our group... In case you didn't already know! *winkwink*

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