Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
My super discounted perfume set arrived and I'm disappointed QQ I can't smell any coconut or vanilla in it, I don't understand how so many people can describe it as such, all I smell are flowers. Talking about this one:  Maybe in summer it will smell differently, I read some perfumes smell differently in summer and in winter, not sure why o_O; Or maybe it settles into coconut after few hours or something *crossed fingers* And my hubby says it smells like sunscreen =.=
That is so bizarre! Def return it if it isn't right! Even at a discount, it's still money wasted of you don't use it. It sounds like its faulty or spoiled. Just an FYI... I think there's a low-buy curse on you! Lol Yoy can't seem to cheat no matter how hard you try!!! Poor thing! You have all of us AND the stars aligned to keep you to your low buy!!


Well-known member
That's disappointing :/ I've heard about that one that it's supposed to smell like coconut, but never tried it. I love coconut & vanilla too. I bought the Atelier Cologne Vanille Insensee candle and it smells really good, I kinda want to have the perfume now, but I can't get myself to spend so much on a scent.
Yeah, I would have loved it if it did :( so yummi. I need to try that one in store(it sure is expensive o.o if I like it I will wait for vib sale and get the 1oz) :D I once bought big fragrance and ended up throwing half of it away after 8years or so since it changed smell/color. Never buying big bottle again lol
Quote: Originally Posted by PixieDancer

That is so bizarre! Def return it if it isn't right! Even at a discount, it's still money wasted of you don't use it. It sounds like its faulty or spoiled.
Just an FYI... I think there's a low-buy curse on you! Lol Yoy can't seem to cheat no matter how hard you try!!! Poor thing! You have all of us AND the stars aligned to keep you to your low buy!!
You are right, even at 35$ it;s not worth it if I can't wear it >.< I may see how it smell on my friend and then save it for her for her b-day if she likes it ;)
I'm starting to think there is a curse lol I really need to work on my spending habits to make it go away lol


Well-known member
Hi, everyone!  This is my first post on Specktra, but I've been lurking here in the low buy thread for the past week or so.  I think the support that y'all provide for each other is really helpful and I hope to be a part of that! I just got into makeup about a year ago, and I spent the last 12 months amassing ridiculous amounts of product.  I finally set a monthly budget for myself starting about 6 months ago, but I had exceeded my makeup budget every month (sometimes by hundreds of dollars!) until this month!  I am very happy to report that I FINALLY kept within the predetermined budget for a full 31 days, and it feels so good! I know that others have already mentioned the benefit of creating a household budget and specific savings goals to help with motivation for your low-buy, and I definitely second that recommendation! I'm currently following Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball plan and every time I think about buying makeup I don't need, I remind myself that getting out of debt is more important. I look forward to supporting everyone and I thank you for the support and confidence you've already given me!  :blush:
Wow, I think we might be life twins! Glad to have you here - welcome!


Well-known member
Somebody stop me nyx is having a 30 off sale of lip products I love nyx I'm having a hard time trying to stop myself
I saw that too and am trying to stay away. I try to remind myself that I have dozens of lipsticks I don't wear now, and plus I'd rather use the money I'd spend to get a few Nyx lipsticks on an Hourglass blush. Priorities!


Well-known member
Walk away. They always do these sales!! Walk away!
30% off is not saving you money if you're spending the other 70% on things you don't need..
I saw that too and am trying to stay away.  I try to remind myself that I have dozens of lipsticks I don't wear now, and plus I'd rather use the money I'd spend to get a few Nyx lipsticks on an Hourglass blush.  Priorities!
thanks so much see that's why I love my specktra family I was caving but u all are right I'm walking away thanks


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by allthingsglam
thanks so much see that's why I love my specktra family I was caving but u all are right I'm walking away thanks

YAY! Good for you for saying no! There will always be sales.. but you'll never get the $ back from impulse buys. Congrats on being strong!


Well-known member
This thread is my favorite. :love: It's the eye of the hurricane.. a safe place among the buying frenzy that is collection threads.. a reminder that you can LOVE makeup without hoarding like you're expecting a worldwide end to its production and sale. I managed to buy just one lippie from FoF and I'm so excited to get it! Not having a constant inflow makes me really appreciate the goodies I already have.. 
yes u are so right thanks for begin the voice of reason not buying so much does help u appreciate what u have already I'm going to start looking at it that way too thanks


Well-known member
This thread is my favorite.
It's the eye of the hurricane.. a safe place among the buying frenzy that is collection threads.. a reminder that you can LOVE makeup without hoarding like you're expecting a worldwide end to its production and sale.

I managed to buy just one lippie from FoF and I'm so excited to get it! Not having a constant inflow makes me really appreciate the goodies I already have..
This is so true! I get way more excited now buying less stuff than I did in the past when I shopped indiscriminately. And way to go for only buying 1 lipstick from FoF!


Well-known member
Aw really? I love it but it's really subtle.
well, I do like it but I really wanted a pink. It swatches and wears beige. If it looked "pale pearlized pink" like MAC said in swatch or on my skin I'd totally be happy and keep it. I just won't wear a beige highlighter. I'm trying to be a practical buyer and only buy things I will actually use rather than just collect. I will say it is very super soft and pretty though.

I think i'm going to go with the Dior shimmer Rose Diamond. I know that swatches pink for sure!


Well-known member
I'm out of town for work but my Muji drawers arrived today and are waiting on me... Yay! And the day before I left, I partook in The Container Stores 30% off annual elfa sale and finally broke down and bought a unit to organize my makeup collection!!! I think having all my makeup in one contained space will help me tremendously!! I'm actually more excited to get home and start organizing & completing my purge than getting my FoF black box!!!


Well-known member
I'm out of town for work but my Muji drawers arrived today and are waiting on me... Yay! And the day before I left, I partook in The Container Stores 30% off annual elfa sale and finally broke down and bought a unit to organize my makeup collection!!! I think having all my makeup in one contained space will help me tremendously!! I'm actually more excited to get home and start organizing & completing my purge than getting my FoF black box!!!
I just ordered some Muji drawers today too. I can't wait to organize my stuff too!


Well-known member
Hi, everyone! This is my first post on Specktra, but I've been lurking here in the low buy thread for the past week or so. I think the support that y'all provide for each other is really helpful and I hope to be a part of that!

I just got into makeup about a year ago, and I spent the last 12 months amassing ridiculous amounts of product. I finally set a monthly budget for myself starting about 6 months ago, but I had exceeded my makeup budget every month (sometimes by hundreds of dollars!) until this month! I am very happy to report that I FINALLY kept within the predetermined budget for a full 31 days, and it feels so good!

I know that others have already mentioned the benefit of creating a household budget and specific savings goals to help with motivation for your low-buy, and I definitely second that recommendation! I'm currently following Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball plan and every time I think about buying makeup I don't need, I remind myself that getting out of debt is more important.

I look forward to supporting everyone and I thank you for the support and confidence you've already given me!
welcome! I'm new at collecting as well. I've always had a vanity full but never an actual collection and mine grew super fast as well which is why I want to be more cautious with what I buy. it's so addicting though lol


Well-known member
Somebody stop me nyx is having a 30 off sale of lip products I love nyx I'm having a hard time trying to stop myself
Ulta has 40% off NYX quite often or buy 1 get one 50% off and you can look in person at the products rather than guess if you'll like a color because who ships back 1-2 lipsticks, we just keep them and add to the dusty pile. I'd wait until there was a specific color that you wanted so you just buy that 1 or 2 lipsticks, even if no 40% sale that day it's $3.50 off of $10 all the time and that's a better deal. :)


Well-known member
Hey girls! So I want to be part of the low-buy iniciative! Yaay! My stash is getting out of hand and I really need to cut back on my makeup shopping. I really need to use all the products that I have before buying new things. This group and idea is so great because we can support each other in a healthy non judgmental environment :D So thank you Pixie for starting all of this!

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