Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
I've been saying that MAC needs to give Liba a cut of their profits. Nobody was checking for those Huggables until she came along. Now she's about to save MAC again with this FoF scandalito (Spanglish for little scandal. LOL!)
I have my suspicions that Liba is really a secret agent mole planted here by MAC to enable us to buy and buy!
Anyways, I'm not listening. La la la la la!


Well-known member
Wow did I missed another MAC controversy! Sorry for those who are disappointed in the colour-product, I personally saw some swatch of the FOF collection and just realized I DONT need another LIPSTICK!!! feel good right.... well i'm really looking at Shiseido lipstick RD732 for 2 weeks now and almost purchased it and remember my low-buy resolution! so my total for January money speeking is: I buy Hermes ambres des merveilles perfume at 82$ and MAC lipstick Carnal instinct for 20$. Not bad but could have been better like 0 will have been better! Anyhow February have to be a 0 purchased month!!!! Let keep the good work guys
My goal this month I have 3 lipsticks that are almost done Guerlain rose malicieux (almost 7 years old yeeks!!! but still in good condition), Cuivre Ardent (7yrs old) and Dior Action red (5yrs old) so need to finish them and if I do THEN i can buy Shiseido RD732!!! will post pictures


Well-known member
Wow did I missed another MAC controversy! Sorry for those who are disappointed in the colour-product, I personally saw some swatch of the FOF collection and just realized I DONT need another LIPSTICK!!! feel good right.... well i'm really looking at Shiseido lipstick RD732 for 2 weeks now and almost purchased it and remember my low-buy resolution! so my total for January money speeking is: I buy Hermes ambres des merveilles perfume at 82$ and MAC lipstick Carnal instinct for 20$. Not bad but could have been better like 0 will have been better! Anyhow February have to be a 0 purchased month!!!! Let keep the good work guys
My goal this month I have 3 lipsticks that are almost done Guerlain rose malicieux (almost 7 years old yeeks!!! but still in good condition), Cuivre Ardent (7yrs old) and Dior Action red (5yrs old) so need to finish them and if I do THEN i can buy Shiseido RD732!!! will post pictures
Not a controversy at all! Just an honest airing of opinions in a judgment-free environment. I find anything not explicitly pro-MAC goes over much better in this thread than in any of the collection ones. Everyone needs a space to express themselves!

Good luck with your February goals and definitely keep us updated! I'm working on a 0 month too.


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Staff member
Wow, it's really disappointing the one product I really wanted was PT and now it's basically a different product, I liked the pinkyness about the original....I'm on the fence if I want it at all anymore, I am glad I didn't rush out to buy everything when it was firs released, as I prefer buying from Nordstrom, but such a bummer, I suppose it saved me money! I can put it towards something else. I admit one of the blushes looked gorgeous and Dreaming Dahlia(I love corals) but I'm still going to say no, I'm sure I have something similar or can get something similar in the future. MAC's really been more and more of a letdown lately.
I'm in the same boat. I guess I will let destiny decide... if I see it online I will order it and see how I like it and how it compares to my other gazillion highlighters. But I won't do the hardcore 24/7 stalking I used to do (and that is usually nessecary to get the MSFs).

I realize it's an emotional attachment I have to MAC. For some reason I used to hoard their blushes, but when I think about it Givenchy or Shiseido blushes have a much nicer formula. I guess it all comes down to the LE hype and MAC releasing a lot more shades than any other brand. So I feel like I can always have the newest trendiest blush colour whereas with high end brands there are usually just a handful of permanent ones to choose from.


Well-known member
Not a controversy at all! Just an honest airing of opinions in a judgment-free environment. I find anything not explicitly pro-MAC goes over much better in this thread than in any of the collection ones. Everyone needs a space to express themselves!

Good luck with your February goals and definitely keep us updated! I'm working on a 0 month too.
LOL i'm with you! I was a little sarcastic in my comment above, by no means a MAC fanatic, so all those comments about the FoF collection are really entertaining, and make me comfortable in my decision to spend minimal time on that collection and save my money.
as for february only 26 days to go!!! and the Olympic is coming so less time on the internet shopping! :)


Well-known member
I was recently digging around my stash and found a pink blush duo by Givenchy -- a soft soft pink paired with a soft lavender pink. I have never used it and it's perfect for now and anytime.

I say this because there are many products which have in our stashes which might not have gotten the use they deserve because we get caught up in the latest, the newest and the highest tech.. the highest tech in mu is only about refining products. Nothing new has been invented since the 30's (ingredients).

but if we live by hype we risk depleting our savings and our life style -- yes we will have the latest lippie, but will be living from paycheck to paycheck.



Well-known member
I have been on both sides of the proverbial enabling fence. I have been a cheerleader for some products and have come to a certain maturity on my needs and wants -- if that's anti-enabling. so be it. Amen.

I would rather buy stocks, art or houses than more makeup which I will eventually trash or give away.

that's my story and I am sticking to it.


Well-known member
I have been on both sides of the proverbial enabling fence. I have been a cheerleader for some products and have come to a certain maturity on my needs and wants -- if that's anti-enabling. so be it. Amen.

I would rather buy stocks, art or houses than more makeup which I will eventually trash or give away.

that's my story and I am sticking to it.
I'm just relieved that there's an entire thread dedicated to anti-enabling. It's a safe haven. It's not about actively discouraging people from buying products they're going to love.. just advocating rationality so we end up with products we truly adore rather than ones we've been brainwashed to buy and don't even really like.


Well-known member
Liba is just as much an enabler (as anyone here is with something they love) as an anti-enabler.  
I love Liba. She's never steered me wrong (I know I said this already). She's several times told me she thought x would be better for me than x... So I know she's giving honest opinions & advice. She loves to gush when things are fabulous. And I don't doubt her one bit. I'm sure they are! And the fact that I trust her makes her much more dangerous for me! Heehee I agree w the person that said good reviews by Liba (or even elegant one) should come w warning labels!! Lol But for full disclosure, on Specktra that's what people want! To hear things are great & must have. I think "low buy" isn't exactly the popular vision on a place like this... Thus my original apprehension in starting this thread to begin with. But obviously a lot of us wanted a safe haven wo having to cold turkey our beloved Specktra!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
I was recently digging around my stash and found a pink blush duo by Givenchy -- a soft soft pink paired with a soft lavender pink. I have never used it and it's perfect for now and anytime.

I say this because there are many products which have in our stashes which might not have gotten the use they deserve because we get caught up in the latest, the newest and the highest tech.. the highest tech in mu is only about refining products. Nothing new has been invented since the 30's (ingredients).

but if we live by hype we risk depleting our savings and our life style -- yes we will have the latest lippie, but will be living from paycheck to paycheck.

Agreed. That's why I joinded this thread. The support here is amazing.


Well-known member
I'm just relieved that there's an entire thread dedicated to anti-enabling. It's a safe haven. It's not about actively discouraging people from buying products they're going to love.. just advocating rationality so we end up with products we truly adore rather than ones we've been brainwashed to buy and don't even really like.
I used some of your exact same words at the exact same time!! Sistas!!heehee


Well-known member
That's awesome about your Crew powder!!! Yay! I personally would still rec the HG blush... Even w the swirls ratio issues. You can always pick one you like. MAC MBs can be beautiful but I think these are skippable and these shades will be done again. PP looks a lot like Orgasim by Nars too. I got it and will try it. But there's a huge chance I'll return it. HTH
If anyone else (like me) has Nars Soulshine, Temptalia's comparison swatch of it against PP was REALLY close. BTW, does anybody know if there's a way to plug in the colour names of particular products to compare them in Temptalia's swatch gallery? it's so tedious to go through all the filters when you know exactly what shades you want to compare.


Well-known member
BTW, does anybody know if there's a way to plug in the colour names of particular products to compare them in Temptalia's swatch gallery? it's so tedious to go through all the filters when you know exactly what shades you want to compare.
I ant to know this as well! I also compared PP and NARS Deep Throat - IDENTICAL. Don't need it, as gorgeous as it is!


Well-known member
Oh man, I needed this thread today. I find that I'm really tempted to buy things when I'm feeling down, I guess as a pick-me-up. I found out last week that I will likely be out of a job in 4 weeks, and I'm really struggling with that. It's not that I think I can't find something else, but this job was MY DREAM JOB, and I'm just grieving over the fact that it's not going to be a long-term thing.

Today was really a struggle because I was *thisclose* to running to Sephora and buying a bunch of stuff to cheer me up. Still fighting with myself in my head, but so far I haven't purchased anything.

I think it's really eye opening when we start to evaluate all of the reasons we shop. When it comes to makeup, I rarely buy things because I need them. Depending on the situation, makeup shopping is more like therapy, or a welcome distraction, or a celebration, or a hobby to fill my time. Or even a compulsion. I'm not saying that it's inherently WRONG to buy things for these reasons, but it can easily get out of control and I think it's good to have an understanding of our motives.

All of your comments and thoughts in here today have been really edifying to me. Thanks, ladies.


Well-known member
But for full disclosure, on Specktra that's what people want! To hear things are great & must have. I think "low buy" isn't exactly the popular vision on a place like this... Thus my original apprehension in starting this thread to begin with. But obviously a lot of us wanted a safe haven wo having to cold turkey our beloved Specktra!
Quite frankly, I love Liba and her reviews, and she is one of the reasons I joined the Specktra community in the first place! Her enthusiasm is fantastic, but it does not make me run out and buy a bunch of makeup I don't need. More often than not, she cements what I was thinking about a product in the first place, and she helps me make some good decisions about items I was on the fence about. Even with my low buy goals, I appreciate hearing what she has to say! I guess it comes down to the individual and the level of self control in place to begin with--haha!


Well-known member
I don't know what to think though, when Liba wrote that the new liplusters are not drying, but temptalia wrote that they are drying? Everything depends on skin-chemistry I guess, that's why some people love something and others hate it and both are correct? So it ends up with having to try for yourself and see if stuff lives up to hype lol so complicated, I wish makeup was simpler and I didn't need to go try the dirty testers in stores *eek*


Well-known member
Oh man, I needed this thread today. I find that I'm really tempted to buy things when I'm feeling down, I guess as a pick-me-up. I found out last week that I will likely be out of a job in 4 weeks, and I'm really struggling with that. It's not that I think I can't find something else, but this job was MY DREAM JOB, and I'm just grieving over the fact that it's not going to be a long-term thing.

Today was really a struggle because I was *thisclose* to running to Sephora and buying a bunch of stuff to cheer me up. Still fighting with myself in my head, but so far I haven't purchased anything.

I think it's really eye opening when we start to evaluate all of the reasons we shop. When it comes to makeup, I rarely buy things because I need them. Depending on the situation, makeup shopping is more like therapy, or a welcome distraction, or a celebration, or a hobby to fill my time. Or even a compulsion. I'm not saying that it's inherently WRONG to buy things for these reasons, but it can easily get out of control and I think it's good to have an understanding of our motives.

All of your comments and thoughts in here today have been really edifying to me. Thanks, ladies.
Hang in there! So much of shopping boils down to the emotional boost of a new purchase.. that's such a difficult hurdle. I'm so sorry to hear about your job and I hope you find something even better very soon! In the meantime, make sure you take care of you. Do things that make you happy that don't necessarily involve shopping.. read a great book, cuddle up with a friend or loved one, check out a new coffee shop or art gallery or whatever you're into! Experiences > purchases. Good luck!

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