Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Thanks!! It seriously makes me feel much better to speak to you guys. I don't have anyone to speak to about this. Everyone my age and friends have children, my mum seems to be worrying about this and my doctor has already mentioned that if I want children I should start thinking about it. Here in Spain things are getting a bit tough. Abortion of any kind is now illegal so even if you have a foetus with severe disease or that will be born dead you must go ahead. Fertility treatments are very expensive and there is such a high rate of unemployment and low salary that most people can't afford it. We seem to be going back to the stoneage. I'm going to have to move back to UK lol! In any case thank you ever so much! It helps to say it out loud as it's nagging me and I can't speak to anyone about it!!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
In any case thank you ever so much! It helps to say it out loud as it's nagging me and I can't speak to anyone about it!!
Really? That is insane. And I was thinking Germany was behind the times because you can't get the morning-after-pill without a prescription here.


Well-known member
Yes it's completely crazy, from now on you will only be able to abort if you have been raped and before that you need to go to the police and press charges. The only other exception is getting two independent doctors to sign that there is severe risk to your life. The worst about this law in my opinion (without getting into pro or anti-abortion) is in the case of severe genetic diseases or malformations and that this law will discriminate and increase problems. People with money will travel abroad for abortions and poor people will end up in hidden places getting procedures done by goodness knows who! Anyway, sorry for the off-topic!

Audrey C

Well-known member
It never ceases to amaze me that people feel it's ok to weigh in (unsolicited) on other people's family choices. *Shades head*. It doesn't stop when you do have children, either. One of my friends tried desperately to breastfeed but just wasn't able to make a go of it. It was a sore point for her because she'd wanted to nurse so badly, no matter how many of us tried to reassure her that the baby would be fine with formula, that it didn't mean anything about the kind of mother she was, etc. It was made worse for her because people felt free to make unsolicited, judgemental remarks about how she shouldn't be bottled-feeding, etc. She finally hit her breaking point when she overheard a woman at the next table in a food court making 'too selfish to give her baby a few weeks' remarks about it, so she leaned over and told this woman that she wished she could breastfeed, but since losing her breasts to cancer a couple of years ago it wasn't possible. Apparently this woman's jaw just dropped and she stammered apologies. My friend went away feeling very satisfied that this woman would never make that kind of thoughtless remark about someone else again. We had a great laugh about it later.

On the makeup front, new news - I actually FINISHED a blush yesterday!!! It's been years since I did that. I bought NARS Douceur in August 2012 and I've worn it a lot. I hit pan last fall and decided to just keep powering through it instead of switching around with Blushbaby and Prism. I find the NARS formula softer than MAC so they show usage a lot more quickly. I like NARS blush better in general because it lasts on me longer. I value that on days where I'm in my downtown office.

Although it's probably my favourite blush, I'm not going to buy another because I would like to use Blushbaby and Prism more than I do (almost never). Blushbaby has a very faint dip; I'll switch to using it. I've also been wearing Bareness quite a bit. I don't need another neutral shade.

I'm this close to hitting pan on the Deep Throat I bought at the same time.


Well-known member
Thanks guys, you make me feel a bit better. It's just a bit worrying as I've been reading and after 30 conception rate falls to 20% in each cycle and then after 35 it falls to 10% and after 40 only 2 in 5 are able to have children. There's also a higher risk of miscarriages and problematic pregnancies. Apparently it's also easier to have more when older if you had at least one before (so it would be easier for you having one at 39 having had one at 32 than having a child if you've never had one). I'm not worried right now exactly but as he's much younger I don't see him even thinking about kids until his thirties, and I'd be 37 at least. I'm the only one of my friends and people I know of my age who hasn't got a child, whereas all his friends are younger and also younger than him, so it's not the sort of thing he's thinking about. I'm not the sort to force things, I like things to arrive naturally but it's a nagging feeling at the back of my mind!! Ugh hormones can do strange things huh?
My gap was 5 years so the conception rate was not that increased. I mixed it up. I was married at 32, pregnant at 33 and turned 34 day of his birth. I was unhealthy, overweight and have a tilted uterus. Doctors said it was going to take a year maybe more for me to get pregnant. My son was conceived in first month of trying. Daughter was as well at age 38, gave birth right after I turned 39 so I don't believe in statistics. Both my pregnancies my babies were healthy and fine. I know 3 people that all had 'multiple' miscarriages in their early to mid 20's and they were a lot healthier than me. My whole group of friends all had babies late. I was youngest. Most were 35+ for their first and none if us had major issues. The oldest was 39 for her first. None of us had trouble conceiving either although it took some time for a few. I believe pregnancy has risks no matter what age you are. Those statistics were done ions ago when the average pregnant women was in her mid 20's, now it's changed :)


Well-known member
[COLOR=181818]It never ceases to amaze me that people feel it's ok to weigh in (unsolicited) on other people's family choices. *Shades head*. It doesn't stop when you do have children, either. One of my friends tried desperately to breastfeed but just wasn't able to make a go of it. It was a sore point for her because she'd wanted to nurse so badly, no matter how many of us tried to reassure her that the baby would be fine with formula, that it didn't mean anything about the kind of mother she was, etc. It was made worse for her because people felt free to make unsolicited, judgemental remarks about how she shouldn't be bottled-feeding, etc. She finally hit her breaking point when she overheard a woman at the next table in a food court making 'too selfish to give her baby a few weeks' remarks about it, so she leaned over and told this woman that she wished she could breastfeed, but since losing her breasts to cancer a couple of years ago it wasn't possible. Apparently this woman's jaw just dropped and she stammered apologies. My friend went away feeling very satisfied that this woman would never make that kind of thoughtless remark about someone else again. We had a great laugh about it later.[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]On the makeup front, new news - I actually FINISHED a blush yesterday!!! It's been years since I did that. I bought NARS Douceur in August 2012 and I've worn it a lot. I hit pan last fall and decided to just keep powering through it instead of switching around with Blushbaby and Prism. I find the NARS formula softer than MAC so they show usage a lot more quickly. I like NARS blush better in general because it lasts on me longer. I value that on days where I'm in my downtown office.[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]Although it's probably my favourite blush, I'm not going to buy another because I would like to use Blushbaby and Prism more than I do (almost never). Blushbaby has a very faint dip; I'll switch to using it. I've also been wearing Bareness quite a bit. I don't need another neutral shade.[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]I'm this close to hitting pan on the Deep Throat I bought at the same time. :pompom:  [/COLOR]
Wow I'm amazed. How exciting. I've never finished a makeup product ever. Congrats! I'd totally celebrate and buy a new blush lol

Audrey C

Well-known member
So, I've done reasonably well in not buying many new products this year. It's been a lot easier because I bought a lot in the late fall/early winter and I have since exchanged some of those items for things I liked better this year. I don't feel like that was cheating, but it has meant that I could edit my collection somewhat without having to actually buy things.

I do have a challenge coming up though. Our school break is next week and since my two eldest are heading to university in the fall it will be our last March Break together. We originally had no plans for the time off, but we decided over the weekend to take a four day trip to NYC. The upside of having spent so little of my discretionary money thus far this year is that I was able to treat my daughter to family tickets to Wicked for the night of her birthday. We're going to her favourite Japanese restaurant in NY right beforehand. I know she'll have fun and this family time is of far more value to me that unrestricted makeup spending could ever be.

So what's the challenge? I promised both of my daughters that I'd buy them a five pan Inglot palette at the Times Square store. I know we'll spend a fun hour in there. I'm not sure whether I can actually get out of there without buying any for myself though. With almost 100 shades, I don't need any e/s but I have been eyeing a couple of their greyish/taupy shades (434, 444). I'm already planning to pick up the BB Illuminating Bronzer at Sephora (unless I don't like it on me in direct sunlight) and now have to decide if I want to indulge in Inglot as well. I definitely don't want or need another 10 palette, but I suppose a couple of shades wouldn't be a tragedy. I wish they still made the round shadows because I have three empty spaces in my MAC palettes. I'd feel better about filling those rather than buying another small 2-3 palette (if Inglot makes ones that small); I know it's the same number of shadows but I told myself that I wouldn't expand beyond my current MAC/Inglot palettes so it feels a bit different. I'm not concerned about going crazy in the store; I just have to decide whether I'm ok with another small palette. I just got the Clinique Neutral Territory palette. Not sure what I'll feel good about yet.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Audrey C

It never ceases to amaze me that people feel it's ok to weigh in (unsolicited) on other people's family choices. *Shades head*. It doesn't stop when you do have children, either. One of my friends tried desperately to breastfeed but just wasn't able to make a go of it. It was a sore point for her because she'd wanted to nurse so badly, no matter how many of us tried to reassure her that the baby would be fine with formula, that it didn't mean anything about the kind of mother she was, etc. It was made worse for her because people felt free to make unsolicited, judgemental remarks about how she shouldn't be bottled-feeding, etc. She finally hit her breaking point when she overheard a woman at the next table in a food court making 'too selfish to give her baby a few weeks' remarks about it, so she leaned over and told this woman that she wished she could breastfeed, but since losing her breasts to cancer a couple of years ago it wasn't possible. Apparently this woman's jaw just dropped and she stammered apologies. My friend went away feeling very satisfied that this woman would never make that kind of thoughtless remark about someone else again. We had a great laugh about it later.

On the makeup front, new news - I actually FINISHED a blush yesterday!!! It's been years since I did that. I bought NARS Douceur in August 2012 and I've worn it a lot. I hit pan last fall and decided to just keep powering through it instead of switching around with Blushbaby and Prism. I find the NARS formula softer than MAC so they show usage a lot more quickly. I like NARS blush better in general because it lasts on me longer. I value that on days where I'm in my downtown office.

Although it's probably my favourite blush, I'm not going to buy another because I would like to use Blushbaby and Prism more than I do (almost never). Blushbaby has a very faint dip; I'll switch to using it. I've also been wearing Bareness quite a bit. I don't need another neutral shade.

I'm this close to hitting pan on the Deep Throat I bought at the same time.

Well done on finishing the blush! I am finding finishing things really satisfactory where as previously I would have rationed things to avoid finishing them! I am finding the children debate really interesting to read. I am turning 29 this year and I am very undecided on the children front, currently it doesn't matter as I am single, but I recognise I only have about 10 years to make that descision therefore it is really important to me spend the next 18 months before I turn 30 sorting my life out. This is my motivation to low buy and have a few moments and memories created by life experience before I purchase a property. I always thought I didn't want children and to some extent i still feel like this. I love my career and have spent the last 8 years doing professional exams and qualification to get here, I don't want to give that up but I recognise I couldn't do my job properly and have children, so if I went down the children route I would have to down grade my career aspirations, I can't help but feel I couldn't have it all and I would have to adapt my wants and needs to reflect the importance of raising children. In some ways this is selfish, but I wouldn't want to resent a child because it stopped me doing the things I wanted to do, so I have to be reconciled to my career coming second if i have children. I spend a great deal of time with my best friend children who happen to be my god children. I love them whole heartedly and cherish the time I spend with them, I just can't imagine myself with 2 of my own yet. I am still young and still have time, equally nature may decide that I am not destined to have children so I intend to see what life brings my way. The first job is to stop working so much and find a man to share my life with!

Audrey C

Well-known member
Wow I'm amazed. How exciting. I've never finished a makeup product ever. Congrats! I'd totally celebrate and buy a new blush lol
I regularly go through staples (primer, foundation, blot and setting powder, concealer, mascara) as well as lipsticks and glosses, but I don't go through many powder products. It takes me a lot longer to hit pan on e/s now that I have so many.

No to new blush!


Well-known member
So, I've done reasonably well in not buying many new products this year. It's been a lot easier because I bought a lot in the late fall/early winter and I have since exchanged some of those items for things I liked better this year. I don't feel like that was cheating, but it has meant that I could edit my collection somewhat without having to actually buy things.

I do have a challenge coming up though. Our school break is next week and since my two eldest are heading to university in the fall it will be our last March Break together. We originally had no plans for the time off, but we decided over the weekend to take a four day trip to NYC. The upside of having spent so little of my discretionary money thus far this year is that I was able to treat my daughter to family tickets to Wicked for the night of her birthday. We're going to her favourite Japanese restaurant in NY right beforehand. I know she'll have fun and this family time is of far more value to me that unrestricted makeup spending could ever be.

So what's the challenge? I promised both of my daughters that I'd buy them a five pan Inglot palette at the Times Square store. I know we'll spend a fun hour in there. I'm not sure whether I can actually get out of there without buying any for myself though. With almost 100 shades, I don't need any e/s but I have been eyeing a couple of their greyish/taupy shades (434, 444). I'm already planning to pick up the BB Illuminating Bronzer at Sephora (unless I don't like it on me in direct sunlight) and now have to decide if I want to indulge in Inglot as well. I definitely don't want or need another 10 palette, but I suppose a couple of shades wouldn't be a tragedy. I wish they still made the round shadows because I have three empty spaces in my MAC palettes. I'd feel better about filling those rather than buying another small 2-3 palette (if Inglot makes ones that small); I know it's the same number of shadows but I told myself that I wouldn't expand beyond my current MAC/Inglot palettes so it feels a bit different. I'm not concerned about going crazy in the store; I just have to decide whether I'm ok with another small palette. I just got the Clinique Neutral Territory palette. Not sure what I'll feel good about yet.
I think they have small 3-5 shadow palettes. If you don't have those shades, I would allow yourself a few but if you already have tons of shades that you never use, maybe wait until you've used up some shades. Do they have an empty pan program like MAC? Maybe you can trade in the shades you don't really use for something you know that you'll use more often.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I think they have small 3-5 shadow palettes. If you don't have those shades, I would allow yourself a few but if you already have tons of shades that you never use, maybe wait until you've used up some shades. Do they have an empty pan program like MAC? Maybe you can trade in the shades you don't really use for something you know that you'll use more often.
They have 2-pan palettes - I checked. I'll swatch the two colours I'm interested in (434 and 444) and see how I like them. I don't have dupes for those or I wouldn't consider them.

Eyeshadows are the one item I don't mind having a good sized stash of (as long as they're primarily in palettes). I've been clearing out some shades that I never wear (gave brights to my daughters, put my EDES on my swap list this week) but I'm ok with only using some colours more occasionally. While I mostly like neutrals, I do like greens/purples/orange tones so I have a few of those for when I want a pop of colour. I know I'll likely never finish those and that's ok. I make extensive use of my neutrals since I wear makeup daily. Many of my e/s are new, but some of my 'older' (up to 2 years) shades show heavy use. The LM e/s are soft - I already have a good sized dip in African Violet.

Some of the colours I have aren't even really 'mine'. For instance, I bought Inglot 27 and 404 largely for my daughter (they complement her singles competition dress). Maybe I should just get her a bigger pan and transfers those colours to her. That's what I did when I gave her my backup old style MAC 15-pan around Christmas - hence the empty spaces in mine. Until now, I've kept her colours with mine to keep her from messing with them, but she's getting older and enjoys practicing at home and I don't have a problem with her doing that. I could do the same thing with her Inglot shades. That would free up room for the colours I'm considering (assuming that I even like them) in my palette. That would work.

Am I not a Master Rationalizer?


Well-known member
I regularly go through staples (primer, foundation, blot and setting powder, concealer, mascara) as well as lipsticks and glosses, but I don't go through many powder products. It takes me a lot longer to hit pan on e/s now that I have so many. No to new blush! :nono:
Yeah I meant to say powder products. Besides mascaras and eyeliners, I went through one eyeshadow once and that's cause my son dropped it and it shattered all over haha I don't really use any liquid products or creams on my face. I do not like the texture at all. I use MAC studio fix powder now & origins brightening ?? With SPF in summer both are super old as I still haven't made it through one yet but I hit pan on them both! Woohoo! That's awesome for you though!! I can't wait to finish a product and feel like I accomplished something. Hopefully a lipstick but I get bored if I wear the same color a lot


Well-known member
I am amazed that I have actually hit pan on several items: my EL lucidity powder -- seems I have used it much more than I thought. My vitalumiere foundation is also sucking air. I have discovered that it was not always like this for me. In my trashing/ clean up/ purge of product, I have discovered some MAC items from the 90's (yes, they are still around with me for sentimental reasons) and some I actually made a hole in. lol.

I have yet to finish a lipstick -- in my entire life


Well-known member
I won't even comment on the abortion issue. There are laws made by men to impose a life style on women/ control.

sad we are in the 3rd millenium and we are still under heavy boots or feeling the social/ psychological and emotional pressure to do what we don't want to do.


Well-known member
Anyway, sorry for the off-topic!
Just one word: Ridiculous! Seriously?! They need to change that. I'm studying (Catholic) Religious Education in order to become a teacher and we had this discussion with one of my professors a few semesters ago and he was absolutely anti abortion even if you were raped. However, I was glad to see that all of my classmates did not agree with him, so here's hoping that society will change and respect a woman's choices. I could go way deeper into this topic but I would get too worked up and it's kinda late over here, so I don't want my blood pressure to rise.

So much for skipping FoF: I bought Stereo Rose today because the MUA was so kind and the swatch did look different from the Stereo Rose (2012) I have at home. But now I'm not so sure anymore. I think I have buyer's regret. I don't want to return it because it would only get destroyed and I know there are a lot of ladies that would want it but I don't know if I should let it go because I love my old Stereo Rose... I also don't want to use the new one until I'll have decided what to do with it. Argh... I shouldn't have visited my counter today!

I also bought the Illuminate CC loose powder which was a planned purchase. Either this one or the yellow CC Cream but as the cream was already sold out I got the powder. I'll get the cream another time.

And because of me being a lazy ass lady I still haven't organised my stash. Shame on me. Really need to do this this week.

It's really good to come here and talk about our purchases and other things, even if it's only a monologue you need to get off your chest.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I am amazed that I have actually hit pan on several items: my EL lucidity powder -- seems I have used it much more than I thought. My vitalumiere foundation is also sucking air. I have discovered that it was not always like this for me. In my trashing/ clean up/ purge of product, I have discovered some MAC items from the 90's (yes, they are still around with me for sentimental reasons) and some I actually made a hole in. lol.

I have yet to finish a lipstick -- in my entire life
You've NEVER finished a lipstick? Even before you were doing this for a living? I'm starting to feel weird about going through as much makeup as I do given that I favour a light-handed look. I like subtle, light coverage, etc - no Mimi look for me. (I got bold everything out of my system in the 80s).

I finish at least 4-6 lipsticks every year; the creamier finishes I prefer now don't last as long as mattes. I wish I wasn't using my Huggables up so quickly. Next lipstick I'll likely finish - Oh, Oh, Oh from Archie's Girls.



Well-known member
I've gone through a few bottles of Fix+, and jars of the Complete Comfort Creme, Mineralized Charge Water Gel, and am getting close to finishing my first MSFN. My Richly Honed sculpting cream will probably be used up in the next month if I continue to use it regularly. I think I will also focus specifically on 2-3 blushes to use them up quicker. As for kids, and forgive me as I may get into TMI territory, I am CBC (childless by choice). I can't really pinpoint the one deciding factor that pretty much sealed it for me, but I'm sure my own mother has a place high on the list. I was an unplanned pregnancy - my father told my mom he thought he was sterile - that's the story anyway; not sure how true that is anymore as she always made disparaging remarks about him, some of which I realized where unfounded (too little, too late since he passed in 2008). Anyway, she's made no secret that I was unwanted. I think the indifference hurt most - she worshipped the child (my sister) she sent away to live with a family friend and and couldn't give a rat's ass about the one she kept (me). Who knows if I would've felt differently had I had a better upbringing. I love and adore my neice and my grand nephew, and my best friend's kids, but I can't see myself as a mother. They always tell me I'd make a great mom but I love knowing that I can hand them back to their parents at the end of the day and I'm good with that. Auntie Yazmin suits me just fine. I admit though that I do get pangs every now and then when I watch ItsJudysLife on YouTube. Her daughter Julianna is so adorable.


Well-known member
Thanks for the avi love @Naynadine! My new magazine cover just hit stands March 1st! And since I had shared some info on it earlier... I thought I'd show you all the finished product! I'm very proud of it overall... I could've done without the "ex-girlfriend" reference though! HeeHee Who the hell cares who my ex boyfriend is!? Dumb editor's decision I guess. Oh well! LOL

Quote: Originally Posted by Yazmin

I've gone through a few bottles of Fix+, and jars of the Complete Comfort Creme, Mineralized Charge Water Gel, and am getting close to finishing my first MSFN. My Richly Honed sculpting cream will probably be used up in the next month if I continue to use it regularly. I think I will also focus specifically on 2-3 blushes to use them up quicker.

As for kids, and forgive me as I may get into TMI territory, I am CBC (childless by choice). I can't really pinpoint the one deciding factor that pretty much sealed it for me, but I'm sure my own mother has a place high on the list. I was an unplanned pregnancy - my father told my mom he thought he was sterile - that's the story anyway; not sure how true that is anymore as she always made disparaging remarks about him, some of which I realized where unfounded (too little, too late since he passed in 2008). Anyway, she's made no secret that I was unwanted. I think the indifference hurt most - she worshipped the child (my sister) she sent away to live with a family friend and and couldn't give a rat's ass about the one she kept (me). Who knows if I would've felt differently had I had a better upbringing.

I love and adore my neice and my grand nephew, and my best friend's kids, but I can't see myself as a mother. They always tell me I'd make a great mom but I love knowing that I can hand them back to their parents at the end of the day and I'm good with that. Auntie Yazmin suits me just fine.

I admit though that I do get pangs every now and then when I watch ItsJudysLife on YouTube. Her daughter Julianna is so adorable.
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles for acceptance as a young woman... that sort of thing just breaks my heart! Every child has a right to feel special and loved. They didn't bring themselves into this world and should never be held responsible for the conditions under which they were. PERIOD! It sounds like you've made some peace with it. And that obviously makes you the MUCH bigger person. And the fact that you have so much love to share is wonderful... whether it's for your own children or not. You always have such a sweet and caring personality on the boards... so it's pretty clear the world has been blessed by your existence! Shame on anyone that doesn't celebrate that!

For all the ladies dealing with future concerns... It's important to plan ahead, yes. But please don't forget to live in the NOW as well! Be present in your present! Planning and preparing are great mature attributes. But our world today forces us to grow up much faster than most of us are actually prepared for. It's ok to not have all the answers. It's ok to be a little behind the curve. Everyone is uniquely different for a reason! Life would be pretty damn boring if we were all the same and made all the same choices at the same exact times. That's not what life is about at all. Make your lives what you want to make them! In the end, you only have one life. Be proud of how you lived, loved, struggled, and succeeded... xoxo


Well-known member
I am happy to hear about your pan progress miss @Audrey C! I hit pan in the last 6 months on 2 Nars blushes as well! Madly and Orgasm. I am going to use your tactic and focus on using them up! It would be nice to get them out of my stash to focus on other products. I also just tossed a Benefit They're Real Mascara today!

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