MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
After seeing T's swatches I think I will be getting Mystical, EO, GotS and maybe one face product. Part of me hopes that I don't like the ED bronzers and I can just skip the face stuff all together, but I have a feeling the compact is going to get me.  So I know Golden is the lighter of the two bronzers, but does it also have the least amount of shimmer? 
Oh my, her photos make Clear Water look like my beloved Easy Lounger that I'm scraping the bottom of the tube currently. That one's a distinct possibility for me. Now if only Flurry of Fun would come back….maybe next summer, at last!
Girl, did you see my sale!?


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Well-known member
I just caught up on 688 posts on this thread and I must say everyones swatches look awesome! Some of you really hauled and seems as though everyone got GOTS. I was interested in Enchanted One but no one in the NC50 range is swatching on the lips and I need lip swatches not hands
But i'll get EO and SS from Nordies so if I dont like I can return to store.


Well-known member
Photo overload time - because we all love comparisons, right? It's late here and I only have sucky indoor lighting, so I took a few in different places, some warmer and some cooler lighting. 'Beauty' shot lol:
Then blushes. Clockwise from top left are Sea Me Hear Me, Autoerotique and At Dusk.
On my arm from L-R: AE, SMHM, AD
I can see that lighting makes a huge difference in the swatches we've seen - my daylight pics of SMHM look way pinker than these ones which seem more orangey. Last minute inspiration so extra crappy swatch - probably the closest thing in my stash to SMHM is Small Vanity (bottom):
BRB with shadow pics.


Well-known member
Ok, the shadows. I don't have Sea Worship in my grubby paws yet as it's in a separate order, so I just have Fathoms Deep and Silver Sun to share here. Only thing I have even vaguely close to FD is Banafsaji (on top in these pics)
Again I don't really have anything that close to Silver Sun. Here it is swatched between Zestful and Sex & the Oyster. Interestingly I think SS in these pics looks like I think Sea Worship should, will be interesting to re-swatch them side by side when I can.
One more for good measure...


Well-known member
Hey all, would anyone say that Fathom's Deep is close to Top Hat es? Trying to make my shrinking list get even smaller is liking me squeezing into clothes that I know is already too tight to fit anymore! Mac, why!!!! Lol


Well-known member
Jenny - thank you so much for the comparison swatches!! You have just sold me on Silver Sun for sure, which I was on the fence about. S&tO is a perfect shade of a color that doesn't always work for me, so to see that SS is the same tone and warmth level, but green, makes me confident it will work! I honestly don't own a single olive green shadow because most of them are so wrong on me!

Your swatches also remind me how I went back and forth on Banafsaji - it'd swatch on the hand so well, then look so much more normal on the eye for me. Fathoms Deep looks much more interesting to be honest, but it might be too close to Frost At Midnight and Time To Tango (both of which I love and wear all the time, btw), to justify.

Small Vanity was a nice color but too powdery for me, so I skipped. Would you say SMHM is equally pinkish? It's so hard to photograph colors like these, so thanks for the effort!


Well-known member
Jenny - thank you so much for the comparison swatches!! You have just sold me on Silver Sun for sure, which I was on the fence about. S&tO is a perfect shade of a color that doesn't always work for me, so to see that SS is the same tone and warmth level, but green, makes me confident it will work! I honestly don't own a single olive green shadow because most of them are so wrong on me! Your swatches also remind me how I went back and forth on Banafsaji - it'd swatch on the hand so well, then look so much more normal on the eye for me. Fathoms Deep looks much more interesting to be honest, but it might be too close to Frost At Midnight and Time To Tango (both of which I love and wear all the time, btw), to justify.  Small Vanity was a nice color but too powdery for me, so I skipped. Would you say SMHM is equally pinkish? It's so hard to photograph colors like these, so thanks for the effort!
Glad they're helpful! Hard to be sure in this light, but I'd say that SMHM is more pinkish than SV. I'll try remember to compare them in daylight at the weekend.


Well-known member
LOve everything on you Jenny! The blushes look good on your skin tone! Thanks alot!

Thanks Everyone Else too For all swatches!