Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Thanks Pixie! Yes they grow up soo fast! We have to cherish every moment! My son is already planning to go to college in the west coast!!
Wow! What a motivated little dude! That's great that he's so focused... speaks volumes about your good parenting!
My son wants to wrestle for Penn State. If that happens, he won't be too far away from Ohio. So I'll get to drive and bother him all the time. I can't believe that is only 4 years away! Wowza! I'm not ready!


Well-known member
Wow! What a motivated little dude! That's great that he's so focused... speaks volumes about your good parenting! My son wants to wrestle for Penn State. If that happens, he won't be too far away from Ohio. So I'll get to drive and bother him all the time. I can't believe that is only 4 years away! Wowza! I'm not ready!
Sounds like your little guy is focused too! I also have a 9 yr old boy & he's the complete opposite.. I picture growing up to be surfer traveling the world in search of the perfect wave and the older one a computer geek or what do they call the these days "hipsters"


Well-known member
I'm in too!

Could I be selfish and ask May 12th everyone wear blue?

The health condition I have is called M.E. and May 12th is M.E. day!

I'm in!!

Originally Posted by walkingdead

I'm in for both days!! I want to give a shout out to my daughter -- who turns 12 on May 12 and my son turns 13 on May 16
happy birthday to the kids!!


Well-known member
Oh my. Sorry I've been Mia lately. Looks like I missed a lot. So sorry that I wasnt here for you all having a hard time. I feel terrible. Thank goodness there are plenty of wonderful people on here to lend a listening ear. But I'm back and won't ever leave you again!! Lol ;) @peachtwist, @naynadine, and @ilovemakeup84 My heart and thoughts are with you. I will pray extra for you. And to anyone else struggling, Hang in there! :hug: @debbs. You have overcome so much. Bravo for you for moving forward and taking care of yourself! I truly believe the bad times shape who we are, makes us better. Doesn't seem like it at first. The hurt doesn't seem go away, you just find ways to cope. @hergreyness You kick as a girl!! You stood up that... excuse my french...asshole. Good for you. He's not deserving of the awesomeness that is you! And we only have black shirts at work but I will Def rock some blue shadow on the 12th!


Well-known member
Annnnd @pixiedancer...I totally realized that I dont think I ever responded to your post about what I said making you tear up. I searched for the post with no avail. But I fondly remember reading it. For the life of me though I can't figure out if I responded. And if not... it meant so much to me reading that. Reading that it made you tear up made me tear up! Lol you are such an astonishing person :hug:


Well-known member
Annnnd @pixiedancer...I totally realized that I dont think I ever responded to your post about what I said making you tear up. I searched for the post with no avail. But I fondly remember reading it. For the life of me though I can't figure out if I responded. And if not... it meant so much to me reading that. Reading that it made you tear up made me tear up! Lol you are such an astonishing person
Awwwww babe! I
your sweet adorably beautiful soul!! xoxoxo

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
does anyone have any updates? @Naynadine  how's dad? @[COLOR=181818]ilovemakeup84 how's grandma?[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]@Paint&Ink Chick [/COLOR] how did tests go? are you ok?
Hey girl, I'm still waiting for my results maybe tomorrow. Geez, tomorrow is the only day I won't be at a doctor apt. Lol. I finished my Lit paper, but felt the original was way better..Smh. Algerba tomorrow & I'm done. Thank God! @Naynadine, who is your family? Big hugs & prayers. I'd totally be done for the Blue & Purple mu days, sounds fun. Can someone lmk how to post pics? I've tried, but maybe its my stupid smart phone.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
does anyone have any updates? @Naynadine how's dad? @ilovemakeup84 how's grandma?

@Paint&Ink Chick how did tests go? are you ok?

Dad's fine, thanks for asking :) Thankfully it got better just as quick as it happened.
Thank you @singer82 and @ILoveMakeup84 a s well :)

Hey lovelies, just wanted to check in & say Heeyy! @Naynadine & @starlight 77,thanks for asking about me, you guys are truly awesome. My test went ok, I'll get my results tomorrow. Just tired, sore & bruised from lab lol. Hope everyone is good,hugs!
Hope you are OK, let us know!

Quote: Originally Posted by burghchick

This thread has started to have some good effects on me so I wanted to thank everyone who contributes. Because of the lipstick challenge I've looked through my stash so I remember what I have better. And I've started organizing everything, not just make-up! For example, I have A LOT of clothes. My weight has fluctuated drastically the past few years, so I have a variety of sizes. Plus I just haven't gotten rid of much. I get attached. But recently I've been feeling that I only want to have clothes that I love, that fit well, or that serve a specific purpose. I've started sorting through everything, and I'm feeling happy to be getting rid of a lot. I'm giving up things that are more than 1 size too small. I have dropped several sizes in a short time before (break-ups and moves to different states), but I'm no longer saving everything just in case that happens.
And today I found some old photos of my a Dad that I forgot I had. Normally I get so sad when I think of him, I miss him so much. And when I'm depressed or anxious, I usually shop. But I didn't today! I even felt some brief happiness when I looked at them. Typing this is making me cry, though, and that makes me want to buy something nice, but instead I'll go to sleep.
Little steps...
Big hugs to you!
Stay strong!


Well-known member
Hey guys! Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes! My grandma is stable and tomorrow she's getting some tests done to know why she's still bleeding. My mom is already there which is good :) I will keep you posted! Again thank you so much for your kind words and support! It means a lot to me!


Well-known member
I'm in too!

Could I be selfish and ask May 12th everyone wear blue?

The health condition I have is called M.E. and May 12th is M.E. day!
Not selfish at all PeachTwist
Blue it is for Monday May 12, 2014 to raise awareness & support for M.E. /CFS!!!!

Thanks for your support too!!!!


Well-known member
Hey guys! Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes! My grandma is stable and tomorrow she's getting some tests done to know why she's still bleeding. My mom is already there which is good
I will keep you posted! Again thank you so much for your kind words and support! It means a lot to me!
that's great news!.. stay strong
lots of prayers for you and family!


Well-known member
[COLOR=800080]Hi Pix! May is Lupus Awareness Month, and May 10 is Put on Purple Day. 
[COLOR=800080]Perhaps you can get the LBs to join in![/COLOR][COLOR=800080] [/COLOR]:bouquet:  "[/COLOR]
This message is from @Medgal07  over on the Theme Makeup thread! She was hoping maybe us Low-Buy ladies would join them and wear purple on May 10th for Lupus Awareness! So let's show our support! You can post your FOTD details here or on the Theme Makeup thread... link is in the first post. YAY! Gonna pull out my purples!
I'm happy to wear purple!


Well-known member
I'm a silent visitor to the thread---I'd be a major hypocrite to say I'm interested in a Low Buy. At my age, I'm on a YOLO buy. Myself and others have joked that if we
joined the thread it would go up in flames and/or self destruct. That's not to say that I don't admire each and everyone of you. What I see in this thread transcends your
individual and collective financial goals. I see love, I see support, I see friendship---all at a very low cost. You're all so amazing!!!

To Pixie, @Naynadine, @ILove Makeup84, @HerGreyness, @Paint&InkChick, and Debbs my dear sweet Debbs, and anyone else here going through life's hardships be
it family illness or loss, relationships or school, I may not know how to Low Buy, but I do know how to pray and to care. In reading your heartfelt posts I have prayed and I
do care. I wish for nothing but the best for each and everyone of you.



Well-known member
Wow! What a motivated little dude! That's great that he's so focused... speaks volumes about your good parenting! My son wants to wrestle for Penn State. If that happens, he won't be too far away from Ohio. So I'll get to drive and bother him all the time. I can't believe that is only 4 years away! Wowza! I'm not ready!
Has your son been to PA before? I assume he'd be going to State College? (The main campus)

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