Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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I wore purple Saturday because one of my cousins who passed away (1 1/2 weeks ago at 44-from unknown causes after a lengthy hospital stay) was a huge purple girl and we wore it in honor of her at her funeral. We had her nails painted glittery purple and everything to match how sassy she was. My mother, who passed due to complications from lupus in 2012, was already at the forefront of my mind because both of my cousins' funerals were Saturday, the day before Mother's Day. I wore a black dress with a purple cardigan and my lips were NYX's Y2K liner with Pose Lip Fix from Magnolia Makeup. Since my mom's favorite color was red, I wore one of her old dresses (black) with a black jacket she bought me years ago with a red cinnabar and garnet butterfly bracelet and Wet n Wild's Stoplight Red on Sunday. I have two close friends who have been diagnosed with lupus so I will be wearing purple and butterflies for the rest of the month in support of the cause.

It's been a heck of a few weeks/months for me with losing family members, personal stress and emotional upheaval due to relationships with other people but I believe we all will survive and THRIVE through it all! Thanks for the prayers as I know we all appreciate it!

It seems a lot of us have been going through some serious things lately but the operative word is THROUGH! I've been guilty of self medicating with snacks (not good for my "summertime fine" plan) and random mini makeup treats (not quite splurges but still). I consciously slipped today with AA but I've decided not to beat myself up over it. *dusts self off and in gets in position to start again

I'm so sorry for your loss and my prayers are with you and your family to be strong and find peace in the midst of the storm.
Cocofiere, you certainly have had your share of heartache and loss. I pray for your continued strength and
comfort, and wish the best for your friends, newly diagnosed with Lupus.


Well-known member
Confession time! As promised, I hauled out of control-4 lipsticks, 4 glosses. Caveat-this was my Mother's Day gift from my mommy, so I didn't spend my nonexistent funds. What say you, Queendom of Low-Buy? Do I have to go sit in the chair, too?


Well-known member
You could've bought more Hakuhodo brushes for that price instead of just 2 of his. Then again, that would be hoarding... but I am also enabling Hakuhodo over WG because I'm no longer a fan of him.

Congrats on your finances, though! You're doing really well!
I know i want to try them but I just feel overwhelm on their site with all the brushes and the Gs the Js and all the alphabet letters! I don't know where to start! I will take the plunge soon but I'm curious to try the WG eyeshadows brushes, i already have his face 02 and I really like it, so will see.


Well-known member
Whatever YOU want to set as a goal qualifies for YOUR low-buy! We don't set limits or restrictions on each other here... just try to support each other with whatever goals we have personally set and try not to enable on this thread... there's a lot of that on Specktra. We are happy to have you! Seems like you're off to a really great start! Setting goals, using up products, and making a plan to move things out of your stash that aren't getting enough love... BRAVO!!

HEYYYY babe!! Well... looks like AA forced you to skip it... at least for now. If that doesn't upset you too badly, it's probably for the best.
Good job on your financial goals being reached! The low-buy goals will come when you're ready... We are here for you!
Thanks Pixi you're the best!! Upset, just for being so stupid, but really we are all here because we have ''too'' much makeup so I will definatly have enough bronzer, eyeshadows and lipsticks for a life time. And I have to say when I order online and have my product home I always have the feeling I have something similar already and wasting my money (I still love it and used the purchased products) but at one point a plum lipstick is a plum lipstick on my lips and the little difference see swatch on the back of your hand is lost with the pigmentation of your lips.
ALSO i just purchase a super road bike for my commute, at 1,500$ my bike worth a couple AA haul!


Well-known member
You could've bought more Hakuhodo brushes for that price instead of just 2 of his. Then again, that would be hoarding... but I am also enabling Hakuhodo over WG because I'm no longer a fan of him.

Congrats on your finances, though! You're doing really well!
I know i want to try them but I just feel overwhelm on their site with all the brushes and the Gs the Js and all the alphabet letters! I don't know where to start! I will take the plunge soon but I'm curious to try the WG eyeshadows brushes, i already have his face 02 and I really like it, so will see.
We have a Hakuhodo thread here. It's where I got advice on what brushes to buy. The girls are beyond helpful and really help making choose the brushes a lot easier so the website isn't as overwhelming.. and let me just tell you, I received my first order yesterday and they're softer than a babies bottom. They're so soft my partner wanted to steal them from me to rub all over his face anytime he wanted. He gawked at the price before he felt them, then died in heaven along with me at their touch. They are worth EVERY penny... I'll stop enabling in the low-buy thread now and go to that damn chair.


Well-known member
Hey girls! Thank you again for your kind, sweet words. I am feeling better today, just have a constant headache but its because I cried a lot yesterday. Thank you again for all your support! I really appreciate it!
The crying headache... Those suck. Your Grandma must have been a good one. I've known people who either never knew their grandparents or weren't close, and I think that is sad. I was blessed to have great Grandmas. They made such a difference in my life. So sorry that you have to go through this. I hope each day is a little bit easier.


Well-known member
I did buy quite a bit from AA, but each thing I bought was on my list. I'm not buying from any other collex until Moody a Blooms, though. I'm purposefully avoiding the threads for the others. Since I've decided that I don't need anything from them, I think it's best not to be tempted. I'm doing much better at not buying things to have something to look forward to or out of boredom. I also don't buy anything on impulse anymore, which has always been a big problem for me. I've also stopped buying so much from one of my favorite clothing lines. For a few months I was buying from them once or twice a week and charging it. I've only ordered one thing in the past 2 weeks and am trying to avoid browsing the site. And I have started photographing make up that I wan to sell, and I've got almost 3 boxes of clothes to sell. It helps to come here periodically and report on what I'm doing, so thank you for being here and "listening."


Well-known member
The crying headache... Those suck. Your Grandma must have been a good one. I've known people who either never knew their grandparents or weren't close, and I think that is sad. I was blessed to have great Grandmas. They made such a difference in my life. So sorry that you have to go through this. I hope each day is a little bit easier.
Thank you so much hon! Yes my grandma was great and I was blessed to have spent great moments with her. I am feeling better today but once my mom is back on Monday I know I am gonna cry again. I wish I could be with her right now...


Well-known member
You don't have to sit in the chair.  Not spending nonexistent funds means it's a-ok.  Have you managed to find work yet?  I've been hoping for you every day that you manage to find something. We have a Hakuhodo thread here. It's where I got advice on what brushes to buy.  The girls are beyond helpful and really help making choose the brushes a lot easier so the website isn't as overwhelming.. and let me just tell you, I received my first order yesterday and they're softer than a babies bottom.  They're so soft my partner wanted to steal them from me to rub all over his face anytime he wanted.  He gawked at the price before he felt them, then died in heaven along with me at their touch.  They are worth EVERY penny... I'll stop enabling in the low-buy thread now and go to that damn chair.
Thanks for thinking of me! I have a phone interview for a job today and an in-person interview for another job on Monday. Fingers crossed one of these pans out.


Well-known member
And I have started photographing make up that I wan to sell, and I've got almost 3 boxes of clothes to sell. It helps to come here periodically and report on what I'm doing, so thank you for being here and "listening."
Good for you for slowing down on the clothing purchases!! One purchase in 2 weeks is an awesome improvement over once or twice a week! Keep it up! <3 Keeping track of how often I purchase a makeup item has really helped me too. I'm going to slowly work on expanding that awareness to other areas.

I seem to do okay in the threads while preliminary swatches come out and I make my order and feel happy. But then everyone's all "I ordered _______ plus 5 BUs.. this is going to be my new magic item that I'll wear all the time and look like a mermaid princess goddess. If you have ______ color eyes and _______ color skin you NEED to have this." Wow.. like forget it.. lol. I appreciate the recommendations but I wish I knew earlier so I could prepare myself and talk myself out of things (but I understand why people don't do that). I need to just unsubscribe after but I'm afraid I might miss something. Need to change those thoughts I have!


Well-known member
Thank you! And I know what you mean about the after-effects of collections. I was thinking the same thing when I read some of the comments. "Maybe I should have gotten that..." I do like to see people's pics with their new make up on, but I think I'll skip over some of the comments. I'm glad that you brought this up! The things that get to us are subtle sometimes.
Yes! I have little seeds planted in my head from AA that are growing into lemming flowers.. lol. Who's got a lawnmower I could borrow?


Well-known member
Thank you! And I know what you mean about the after-effects of collections. I was thinking the same thing when I read some of the comments. "Maybe I should have gotten that..." I do like to see people's pics with their new make up on, but I think I'll skip over some of the comments. I'm glad that you brought this up! The things that get to us are subtle sometimes.
Yes! I have little seeds planted in my head from AA that are growing into lemming flowers.. lol. Who's got a lawnmower I could borrow?
I'm feeling the same way. I only bought PMP but now I am wondering about Mystical (which I see you got, jealous) and Loreli. But, I am not rushing to the store so I guess I'll live without them and concentrate on Moody Blooms.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I'm feeling the same way. I only bought PMP but now I am wondering about Mystical (which I see you got, jealous) and Loreli. But, I am not rushing to the store so I guess I'll live without them and concentrate on Moody Blooms.
We're in the low-buy thread for a reason - because we wanted to be more thoughtful and deliberate about our purchases. That doesn't mean no-buy, it just means no more 'buy all the new shiny'! I think most of us are trying to only buy items we love because we already have more than enough. While there may be quite a few nice items in many collections, it doesn't follow that we need to get them all.

If there are a couple you'd love and want, great. But just because someone else buys all the lippies and l/g it doesn't mean that they're 'must haves' and that we have to follow suit. Maybe others don't have the base of makeup we do. Maybe they're just starting out. Or maybe they'll be here in a few months when they realize that they're purchasing in a less measured way than they should. Either way, just because they're jumping off the bridge doesn't mean you have to. (Had to insert that - I'm a mother). ;)


Well-known member
We're in the low-buy thread for a reason - because we wanted to be more thoughtful and deliberate about our purchases. That doesn't mean no-buy, it just means no more 'buy all the new shiny'! I think most of us are trying to only buy items we love because we already have more than enough. While there may be quite a few nice items in many collections, it doesn't follow that we need to get them all.

If there are a couple you'd love and want, great. But just because someone else buys all the lippies and l/g it doesn't mean that they're 'must haves' and that we have to follow suit. Maybe others don't have the base of makeup we do. Maybe they're just starting out. Or maybe they'll be here in a few months when they realize that they're purchasing in a less measured way than they should. Either way, just because they're jumping off the bridge doesn't mean you have to. (Had to insert that - I'm a mother). ;)
Very well said @Audrey C. Always appreciate your comments, they're so on point. Thank you!

I'm still searching for that balance between "buy all the new shiny" and "buy none of the new shiny" and I do realize that. I've been trying to limit myself to my 1 favourite item from each collection and although that's been working well about half the time, maybe I need to give myself leeway if there are a few things here and there that I'd also love. Especially since I've skipped some collections too.


Well-known member
[@]veronikawithak[/@] can you please let me know what you think of Mystical too? I was going to get it but then I freaked out and only got AS lol!

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