MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)

Dolly Snow

Darker skinned ladies I think this is one of THOSE collections...
:lmao: oh my he was my fav character from dave Chappelle


Well-known member
Prelim lists? Whats on everyones list lol
Cheeky Bugger but it's still a maybe. The only reason it's back on my list is because the price is $22 rather than $29. It looks so pretty! I want to see more swatches of it and of course see it in person before I make the final decision to pick it up or skip this collection.


Well-known member
I'm skipping Riot House and Strip Poker.  I think they would end up looking like concealer lips on me.  :unsure:
My kind of lips!!!
exactly she looks more like nc30
At least!
i agree! I saw @erine1881 on instagram too. Beautiful picture.
They look great! People always say how eyebrows are sisters and all that jazz and not to worry about them looking exactly the same, but my eyebrows aren't even relatives! Thank goodness for tweeers and brow gel otherwise mine look like a couple of fighting sumo wrestlers!
Mine are more like 2nd cousins twice removed! :haha:
I'm gritting my teeth on whether or not Strip Poker and Riot House will look good on my NC42/44 skin. I reeeeeeally want to believe I can pull it off.
I'm gonna say not so much :nope:
Did anyone notice that on T's reviews/official info it says the blushes are $22 not $29 which is more realistic tbh! If its $22 I am for sure getting Kelly's blush! So I am a little worried about DG being too cool toned for my NC20 skin. [@]erine1881[/@] skin twin help! Lol!
They're the lower price, not $29. And I'm totally getting DG! Plus a BU!!!
It does.  She is putting herself out there as a "brand".  She has to be able to take some criticism.  From what I have seen in her comments section over the years, though, she doesn't even take the most constructive of criticism very well. 
No she doesn't. Sometimes she doesn't even approve the comment. She deletes it.


Well-known member
I really want to try Riot House because it look so great on Kelly! I think its all in the lip liner you use with it especially if your NC 25 or darker for sure. I was doing some homework with the MAC Lipliners and I think In Synch would not be the solution at first glance and swatches I see online. I'm going to try What A Blast lipliner with it...what do you gals think?
BTW I'm an NC 30/35


Well-known member
My list of the things that have caught my eye,

Cheeky Bugger
Peaches & Cream
and possibly DG

But I already spent way more than I was planning to on AA so I know i'll have to cut down that list considerably. I think if I only could pick up 3 items at the most It would be Sharon's blush and MSF and Kelly's KYY.


Well-known member
Yes...even dodgy probably won't work without some liner etc. Too much work is a skip for me lol
Im willing to work with it.. i can see it being really pretty to add dimension to a darker purple lip. Thats what i did with that darn Pink Friday lippie.


Well-known member
I really want to try Riot House because it look so great on Kelly! I think its all in the lip liner you use with it especially if your NC 25 or darker for sure. I was doing some homework with the MAC Lipliners and I think In Synch would not be the solution at first glance and swatches I see online. I'm going to try What A Blast lipliner with it...what do you gals think?
BTW I'm an NC 30/35
In Synch is definitely not going to add much dimension. I like it and use it quite a bit, but it is very pale. What a Blast will definitely change the color of RH quite a bit, but will certainly add more color and dimension. I'm going to be trying What a Blast with it. I might also try a little bit of my Lure lip pencil, but that one is discontinued.

Dolly Snow

Im willing to work with it.. i can see it being really pretty to add dimension to a darker purple lip. Thats what i did with that darn Pink Friday lippie.
Sounds beautiful. If you love these lipsticks and want them you can find a way to make them work! I know I will!


Well-known member
[@]erine1881[/@] thank you! So DG is back on my list :D So happy about the blush price too! I think my final list is DG,KYY and Kelly's blush :) $61 including tax! Not bad at all!


Well-known member
I really want to try Riot House because it look so great on Kelly! I think its all in the lip liner you use with it especially if your NC 25 or darker for sure. I was doing some homework with the MAC Lipliners and I think In Synch would not be the solution at first glance and swatches I see online. I'm going to try What A Blast lipliner with it...what do you gals think? BTW I'm an NC 30/35
That, and LS, Ablaze, anything on the corally side of thing. Just use a light hand as to not change the colour so much, unless that's the look you're going for.