MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
Also--when products become hostile and just JUMP into your cart---one hazard of online shopping. Oh, and when
taking sleep aides---you might end up w/a revolving Christmas tree stand and have your Brooklyn born and raised
100% Jewish husband give you the side eye and then dump your pills!!!

Seriously, ^that is one of my favorite stories EVER! I will never forget it. I need a ribbon with a tree stand on it.

I know how you ordered it - wasn't it with your nose


Well-known member
Oh man I read a NUMBER of idiotic reviews for the summer sun protection set that gave it one star because they were upset the set had sold out. None of them owned it, they were just really upset they couldn't get their hands in it. That's some serious BS



I don't even want to admit how many small packages were just delivered to my home... 2 Mac, 1 sephora, and an origins. No buy starts... Soon! It was brush cleaning day so I had to work with what was dry obviously not the first stringers. Any advice on how to keep the EDES from going full glitter bomb? I love it, but had to remove and redo my foundation in order to clean it up. Anyway, presenting fathoms deep on the eyes, a tiny flirt with Delphi on my cheekbones, and mystical under seducing sound on the lips. Can't wait for my Macy's order!


Well-known member
Swatches on a WOC (She's MAC NC42 for reference). Hope this helps some one!


I'm glad I picked up Refined Golden and Delphic! I was skeptical at first and didn't think they would show up on me. Based on her swatches since she's my MAC shade, I just know I will love my goodies!

Edited: Now I definitely need some shadows from this collection.


Well-known member
Thanks for the video link @Addict4MAC ! I am glad I purchased refined golden not only for the beautiful packaging but it is a nice very subtle bronzer on me. I thought it would be wayy too shimmery but it doesnt really translate that way on my cheeks. I knew for a fact Delphic wouldnt show up on me but I'm glad it will work for you!

So Enchanted one is very beautiful but it reminds me too much of Velvet teddy and Cozy up and I have too many matte nudes already. But Mystical boy oh boy that is a beautiful shade! Definitely think I will need to Back this up on thursday! Goddess of the sea is beautiful as well dont think I will be wearing it too often that I would need a back up. I definitely need to work on getting my swatches up soon

Dolly Snow

Swatches on a WOC (She's MAC NC42 for reference). Hope this helps some one! I'm glad I picked up Refined Golden and Delphic! I was skeptical at first and didn't think they would show up on me. Based on her swatches since she's my MAC shade, I just know I will love my goodies! :cheer: Edited: Now I definitely need some shadows from this collection.
I love her! She is so beautiful. She does amazing videos!


Well-known member
Do we think that this will be available in stores or did MAC not make enough EDES for demand? I know last year they had MES coming out their ears and so many ended up in the CCO I figure they scaled production down but I am hoping to track down Silver Sun and Sea Worship. I can live without Soul Serenade, as I think I have a dupe.


Well-known member
Swatches on a WOC (She's MAC NC42 for reference). Hope this helps some one! I'm glad I picked up Refined Golden and Delphic! I was skeptical at first and didn't think they would show up on me. Based on her swatches since she's my MAC shade, I just know I will love my goodies! :cheer: Edited: Now I definitely need some shadows from this collection.
Delphiiiiiiiccccccc :(