Specktra Bestie
The older I get, the less mature I get? Personally, I find that I like bright colours more as I get older and, since bold colours offer better definition of the lip, I don't see why we shouldn't wear them as we age.another issue: Age? I have read from internet guru's that when one is "mature" one must use "lighter, sheer, glossy colours". I do the exact opposite.. lol. I am must be very immature but I love my reds, fuschias and brights.
does anyone have any thoughts on this. I don't want to wind up like every mature woman with nondescript lips. My lips must lead the charge into any room.. lol.
What I've discovered after years of playing around with more muted tones is that my colouring and complexion looks best when I use strong, clearly defined colours. Softer colours are actually trickier, because I find they age me, or make my face look heavier. (In the last year, I've been reading a lot about colour analysis and the psychology of colour, which has been a great help in figuring out what works best for me.)