MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
this .. err, reminds me of that


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
mine too

hey, didn't some astronaut lady who wanted to off her hubby cause he was cheating on her do a vigil on him wearing depends?
If you want to stalk for a MAC collection make sure to bring booze & depends.

Can't sleep, having cramps, so I'm watching the stalking madness unfold, lol.


Well-known member
I decided to not get anything, but stalking is so much fun. You guys make me laugh so much.
Hoping this doesn't post until tomorrow morning because I'll be training someone and therefore won't have my phone with me like usual. Then I won't get suckered into ordering Dodgy Girl when it finally goes up. Haha


Well-known member
years and years of this insanity.. now you get why I am quitting.. lol
If anyone could handle it, it's you. But yes I'm not one of those "Oh you work in makeup? Free samples for days! Your job must be awesome!" people. I'd rather work at a slightly less stressful job and pay for my makeup like a good little consumer. ;)


Well-known member
Now that GOT is over and I have my glass of moscato, I am officially ready.
I don't have HBO, otherwise I would have watched GOT to help keep me up. I usually watch it on a website/streaming the next day, so tomorrow evening I'll finally get to watch GOT. I'm getting sleepy. I was hoping the collection would "popup" before I decided to go to bed. Oh well. Fingers crossed I won't miss out on my two lippies. Happy hauling to everyone that manages to stay awake.


Well-known member
DANG!!!! back to the socks.....oh, & soup

Really...I don't think its gonna launch tonight
I hope not I'm exhausted. It was Forest Festival weekend for me....parade, carnival, fireworks and then we went to see Malificent today. I need to sleep in a few hours