Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
as a mod one must remain neutral even when their friends are involved. in this case i have high regards for people involved. so either i leave both comments or i delete both. so im deleting both. i think you both said things that needed to get off your chest. venting is good for the soul people!


Well-known member
C'est encore pire! :)
LOL oui j'en sais quelque chose mais là ouf je suis devant mon PC !


Well-known member
I think it's common that when people decide to make a change whether it's a low-buy, going vegetarian, quitting smoking - people get defensive. They feel like you making this change means that they now will get looked down upon by you for these behaviours. So they then go on the offensive. We're trying to make a change that is best for us, at this point in our lives. We all still love make-up and will purchase it. The goal is to gain some control and meet our personal goals. So let the non-judge mental low-buy continue!
I think this points up something everyone on every side of the issue, in this thread and also in the collection threads, should remember. For some people, makeup is a fun hobby and amusing topic of conversation and then on the other end of the spectrum, there are many emotional issues that can be involved with makeup - not just comfort spending, but other very serious ones involving deep ties to one's self esteem and image.

I personally have friends who hate their looks so much, they wouldn't be caught dead without some makeup and feel extremely ashamed if anyone sees them without. I also have friends who never wear makeup or do anything else about their looks out of depression and stress (I've been in that camp myself and am glad I managed to find a way out that brings more enjoyment into my life). Here at Specktra, we've got so many different people from different walks of life and the whole range of relationship to makeup. Sometimes it's been a real eye-opener, whether because I see attitudes that would never had occurred to me, but have their own internal logic, or attitudes I recognize I used to have many years ago when I was younger, as well as all the enjoyment and comfort of the people who just happen to naturally be on the same page as I am.

Do I gravitate to people I have more in common with? Sure - it's inevitable. But I know one thing - we all do love our makeup here like the dickens!!! So, when I'm in doubt, I just stay on topic and do my best to be encouraging to all. It's not like I've never had a bristly moment, or someone got bristly with me, but the good thing is, I've learned quite a lot of useful ways to further my main goal just by respecting everyone's differences. That goal is to have fun here and do my part to add to the fun and positive spirit - especially because I do know what it's like on the emotional side of things. And you know what? All the bristly bits got dealt with and things are copacetic now!

One special word to anyone who feels like the head butting is getting too personal - it IS the internet. Shit happens. Sometimes walking away is the right thing to do, no matter who you are leaving behind. If you stay, try to take personal responsibility for any hurt feelings. They're inside. Even if it's a natural tendency to try and enlist the rest of the group to you side - there really aren't any "sides", except "inside". Take charge of your perspective and you'll find that's the #1 fastest way to work everything through!


Well-known member
LOL oui j'en sais quelque chose mais là ouf je suis devant mon PC !:D
You guys are making me miss taking French in college! Although all I remember at the moment is je voudrais aller a la plage.... Guess I had my priorities straight when studying huh


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Mac-Guy
Thanks for being fair. This is much appreciated.

I will keep my mouth shut to put an end (from my perspective) on this unpleasant topic. Done and dusted.

My mouth is firmly shut as well. I've learned a lot, at the very least.

I'd really appreciate it (and I'm sure others would as well) if those who are catching up in the thread wouldn't comment on this anymore - especially if you're not familiar with what happened. Feel free to PM me or anyone else involved, but let's end this conversation and let everyone get back to what they'd rather be talking about.

ETA: I need to take a break from Specktra so I can come back with some sort of positivity. I'll catch up with everyone soon!


Well-known member
yup tryoing to delete as much as its possible since there is no growing from it nor benefiting anyone. i feel we all just wrestled in jello or something! hahahahahahahahah sorry. very innapropriate. feel free to flag that one too. lmfao!


Specktra Bestie
Hi ladies and gents,

I think I was sort of hoping that things might simmer down on their own, withouts someone else jumping in to play peace officer and certainly without anyone leaving Specktra, but there are a lot of messages to indicate that people are still very upset and that things are unlikely to resolve themselves. In fact, I've tried to put a temporary lock on this thread in order for me to write this response, because there are so many "flagged post" notifications streaming into my email as I type.

First off, there have been some comments about the moderation on this thread as things have "blown up" that would make it seem like people wanted us to take a more active role in dealing with the argument(s) that had arisen. It's sometimes difficult to make the judgment call as to when something is contributing to "robust discussion" (a term an old boss of mine used to use) and when it is simply harmful. There were definitely some pointed posts going around in the last day or so on this thread, but I chose not to get involved because, as I said, I was hopeful that airing differences would lead to an understanding, but instead it seems to have gone the other way. So if it's made things worse that I allowed discussion to continue, I apologize for that.

Although there are clearly issues that have come up on other forums, I'm not familiar with any of them (ignorance is indeed bliss). I don't have any preconceptions or biases about anyone in this group and I genuinely want everyone to have a happy experience here.

I think at this point, everyone has had a chance to air their point of view on what happened and their issues with other forum members and there is clearly no more progress being made. I would respectfully ask those of you who are involved in these conflicts to refrain from posting about them anymore, as such things can be jarring and intimidating for those not involved, especially new members. I am not trying to deny anyone their right to speak on the forum. If you want to continue the discussion privately, of course you're more than welcome to. You're also welcome to contact me (or any of the moderators) if you have concerns about anything that happens here. I can't guarantee that you'll necessarily get the response that you want, but I can guarantee that- at least on my part and I believe I speak for all the other moderators- your issues will be taken seriously and that you'll receive an answer and an explanation for any decision.

One thing that I wanted to call to everyone's attention, because I know it can get forgotten in the heat of the moment: posts in our cosmetic forums are public. They are indexed by Google and that means that they can turn up in web searches. Not many of us use our actual names, but if there are comments made about any individual, it's possible that someone outside the forum could see it. There are "private" (meaning limited to the community) areas within the Discussions forum:, which is probably a better place to air any differences. I would hope that we don't actually need a dedicated thread for these issues, but if any members want to set one up, that would be the place to do it. That way, members of Specktra can voice their opinions, but they stay within these virtual walls.

At last count, there are more than a dozen posts in this thread that have been flagged as inappropriate. Without prejudice against any of the posters, I'm going to remove all of them, as I don't believe that there is anything that is crucial to the thread or the community in them. I apologize in advance if you feel that I've silenced you- I'm strictly removing those posts which have generated complaints. I'm not choosing them myself. If you do have an issue, you can contact me directly or one of the other moderators if you feel you can't get a "fair hearing" from me.

I want to reiterate: NO ONE wants to lose any members because of this and I'll try to reach out to those directly involved in the conflicts to see if we can't get some sort of positivity from this.

For those of you who are struggling to balance your makeup desires with your determination to stick to your low-buy GOOD LUCK. But don't beat yourselves up if you fall off the wagon. No one ever died from having too many lipsticks (trust me, if it were possible, I'd be dead already). If you'd like to start challenges like the 30-day lip or shadow one, or like the one that @Medgal07(I think...) proposed for shade theme weeks, feel free to post those here, or to start new threads in our Challenges forum: These sorts of things are a great way to enjoy makeup and have fun without feeling the pressure to go out and buy the newest, shiniest toys there are. Thanks very much to those who've participated in those so far!

I'm signing off for now and, as I do, I'll be unlocking the thread. If you've been trying to post in the last little while, I thank you for your understanding. Be well, everyone.



Well-known member
Well don't forget I reside very close to 600 Châteaux Elegant, besides red wine is highly recommanded by scientists to prevent heart conditions.
one glass of high end red wine per day.
Dear, you of these days I'm going to be coming to visit you!

Its true about good health & red wine. My hubs' doctor is amazed how good his blood test results are


Well-known member
Dear, you of these days I'm going to be coming to visit you! :frenz: Its true about good health & red wine. My hubs' doctor is amazed how good his blood test results are :nods:
Yes Élégant I would be glad to have you as a guest, you would love the so called " Gironde" Châteaux ( and very famous ones some bottles can be 1000€ each and much more ! A good one is around 30€ sometimes less but Vintage and Grands Crus well prices are totally insane ) océan shore, 18th century architecture and style ( theater, squares, buildings, churches etc... ), THE place to be Élégant ! :) we have à MAC store just in case, Chanel and Dior too ! Lol euh for makeup that is :)


Specktra Bestie
Yes Élégant I would be glad to have you as a guest, you would love the so called " Gironde" Châteaux ( and very famous ones some bottles can be 1000€ each and much more ! A good one is around 30€ sometimes less but Vintage and Grands Crus well prices are totally insane ) océan shore, 18th century architecture and style ( theater, squares, buildings, churches etc... ), THE place to be Élégant !
we have à MAC store just in case, Chanel and Dior too ! Lol euh for makeup that is
You live in my vision of paradise.


Well-known member
I tried to post this prior to @katred's locking of the thread and her subsequent post... and hopefully her eloquent response to the "goings-on" is enough. I do feel there was some needed things to hear in my post, so I'm posting it. It doesn't need any responses, as it's not my intention to re-stir things. But rather, to let you all know how I feel about this forum and this thread. A few reached out to me, as I am your sometimes failing but hopeful thread starter...

For those of you asking... I'm here. It just took me awhile to catch up with what was going on. And I am saddened to the highest degree by all of this.
I had LOTS of quotes, and just decided to abandon the whole notion of responses, because it was getting overwhelming.
First off... Low-Buy is NOT a clique. Unless of course every thread on this forum is as well. I never expected it to take off, as I've said MANY times. I was, however, happy that I found such a wonderful group of people that clearly felt this place was needed for them and important. I continue to keep up with the collection threads, as many of us do. I don't press my low-buy feelings on anyone in them. And have struggled many times and fallen off the wagon and gotten put in scary time-out chairs (heehee). Now we DO have an understanding on this thread that we will make efforts to help each other if we were to see each other getting off track in those threads. That doesn't make us a clique anymore than people are a clique chatting about the Osbourne Collection. We are in this thread the same way anyone is welcome to join in any other thread here that interests them. And I have seen over and over on this thread alone how welcoming, supportive, and wonderful we can all be to each other.
Sadly the Internet is not always that kind. I know THAT personally as well. Very few people KNOW the REAL me in this world aside from family. But I can tell you all one thing, I've felt more safe and open in sharing who I am with the people on this forum than many avenues open to me in my life. And that will always be something I cherish.
Losing @HerGreyness for ANY reason will be felt throughout this forum and by me personally. My lovely @Audrey C wanting to bow out makes me so sad I cannot even say. @veronikawithak feeling misunderstood is also upsetting for me. I'm not as equipt as I'd like to be to handle where this thread has gone. But I DO know that the initial intentions were good. I have benefited from it in SO many ways and made some wonderful friends.
I want to encourage anyone to stay. Low-Buy or no Low-Buy I am happy you are ALL here. The non low-buyers (@HerGreyness, @elegant-one, @Medgal07, @liba to name a few) have been a valuable resource to us who are. The ones of us struggling through our Low-Buys have come together to support each other here and throughout the forum, just as some have long standing friendships based on other common grounds throughout it.
We are welcoming and try to be honest with each other and add a little humor to our sometimes very REAL conversations. It has become so much more than a low-buy group for MANY of us here.

As for mods, I cannot even begin to imagine the toughness of that job. I'm sure it's thankless most of the time. I appreciate the hard work and hope that you can all find the heart that's needed to try to always do the right thing and work the position with the uptmost respect for all involved.

Let's try to find a place for forgive and forget, if possible. If it's not. I understand that too. And I wish everyone the best in their lives and futures.

I will finish with just this final thing...
This is a beauty-related forum. Of all brands and crosses the globe. We met here and participate here under a fundamental love for all things beauty. But putting on the products is not what defines us or makes us beautiful at all. Only what's on the INSIDE can do that.
So let's all try to be beautiful on the inside, so that all these products that we love so much aren't just a superficial mask.

xoxo, Pixie


Well-known member
Yes Élégant I would be glad to have you as a guest, you would love the so called " Gironde" Châteaux ( and very famous ones some bottles can be 1000€ each and much more ! A good one is around 30€ sometimes less but Vintage and Grands Crus well prices are totally insane ) océan shore, 18th century architecture and style ( theater, squares, buildings, churches etc... ), THE place to be Élégant !
we have à MAC store just in case, Chanel and Dior too ! Lol euh for makeup that is
Oh my...we want to drink expensive wine
ok! It all sounds so grand Dominique...but I would also enjoy getting to know you! You are such a delightful lovely person with an equal love for the color of makeup. But, yes...we'll have to do the Chanel & Dior!!!

This would be a dream come true for me my dear friend!!!

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