MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)

Dolly Snow

I did it! I did it! I can't believe it. I was the first one in the store. The line was super long but they didn't open the doors where the line was first. They opened the door where I was waiting and I was the only one! I got everything I wanted. My final list: Strip poker Riot house Dodgy girl x 2 Kelly yum yum Cheeky bugger Jolly good Refresh Cranberry In synch Bloody brilliant quad So glad it's over and now hopefully I can sleep at night. Congrats to all you ladies that got what you wanted in store today. It' crazy out there!
Boom bam that is how it is done! Great haul


Well-known member
I wish my store could have sold me two Dodgy girls it is beautiful!!
Yay! You got your goodies finally!!!!
I was the 1st person in Mac at Macys in my city! I was sooo surprised. They said the actual Mac store was a zoo... so i took my time and got what I wanted. I also ordered some in the mad rush online a couple of days ago...


Well-known member
My bell order still hasn't shipped :( I'm worried! I also really wish I had ordered the Kelly blush and now it's oos!


Well-known member
dg seems to be the most limited my friend went to the counter today and she saided dg was sold out but she got kyy wonder why kyy is still around maybe people passing because they already have cyy
Yea the counter I went too only had 6 DG's, which is a little more than most counters but it ended up being sold out within the first 15 minutes. Crazy!


Well-known member
I'm so torn on whether to get one of or both PnC and Bred for Beauty when Moody Blooms comes out. The swatches look really similar but PnC seems to have a nicer texture and I guess a little shimmer...decisions decisions...heading to my store in the next hour and praying they did not mess up my order.
PnC personally for me doesnt look as bright&dark as BfB. It is very much lighter. And the 2 finishes are diff. PnC has a pretty satin finsh and BfB is matte. I dont think they are going to end up very simikar atleast on me.


Well-known member
YAY I was able to place phone orders. After calling like 6 stores, I got KYY, DG, SP and Cranberry. Now I have to find a store that has RH.

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