MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
No, I'm trying to locate one now. Kicking myself for not buying yesterday!
You look AMAZING!!!! Yeah, you might need DG


Well-known member
Was watching a YouTube video on this collection and a girl bought 3 of each blush and than decided she didn't like the blushes and will be returning all of them and she went in store to pick them up..smh gets me really mad

Amy Leigh

Well-known member
:curtsy: For what my love? You didn't do anything. :kiss: If it's a nordies, i think they do. Otherwise it's just their daily/weekly/monthly goal, which is a BIG deal! Exfoliate, moisturize, and prime.
I always exfoliate and moisturize but I take off the Chapstick before I apply lipstick - I think what I'm missing is a good primer

Amy Leigh

Well-known member
I kind of think that SP was the surprise favorite out of the bunch.  I mean, everyone KNEW they were going to love DG.  But everyone is like, "Surprisingly I really like SP" haha
I love all the colors - even backed up dg and kyy - although I may sell my kyy backup - I don't like keeping backups but dg is just so unique I need a bu lol - now if I can just find something to make SP and RH smooth on my lips lol gloss should help

Amy Leigh

Well-known member
Was watching a YouTube video on this collection and a girl bought 3 of each blush and than decided she didn't like the blushes and will be returning all of them and she went in store to pick them up..smh gets me really mad
I bought a backup of kyy and CB that I don't want (because my items hadn't shipped and I was worried about them getting canceled) but I'm going to try to find someone who missed out on them so I don't return them just to get trashed somewhere :/


Well-known member
I love all the colors - even backed up dg and kyy - although I may sell my kyy backup - I don't like keeping backups but dg is just so unique I need a bu lol - now if I can just find something to make SP and RH smooth on my lips lol gloss should help
Use a clear lipliner or lip primer underneath.

I use the Bite Beauty Lip Primer or the UD Ozone liner or the No Bleeding Lips liner. All of them work. Also, moisturize and exfoliate!

I never buy lip exfoliators... I just mix a little white sugar with a little olive oil. I make my own lipbalms so I also have a lot of flavors and usually add a drop or two but you wouldn't have to. Make a paste and exfoliate your lips with it, then put on a balm before bed. Really keeps my lips in good condition =]

ETA: I have naturally very very dry chapped lips, so "good condition" for me is probably "fair condition" for others - haha

Oceanic Lily

Well-known member
***** If, in my last moments on earth, I was to be referred to as the DODGIEST of all DODGY girls- I would die a happy woman! I talked my royal behind off today in a script rewrite which I know would have gone tragically awry - had I not beguiled folks with my come hither lavender lilac'd pout!
!!! I am enjoying this lipstick like no other predecessor of its kind. Exactly how stupid happy should someone be over a lipstick???!!! (response beaming on my up-turned orchid smile)

If my daughter knew I finessed two more DGs this morning she would have a stroke
at having missed an opportunity to request BUs!
I just happened (real innocent-like) to saunter past our local MAC PRO shop -en route to....,,,well, nowhere actually- I told people I was making a STARBUCKS pit-stop ....and the store appeared bereft of the insanity of yesterday morning- and so after discovering they still had plentiful stock (WHOOOOHOOOOO).....I naturally had to do my civic duty and uphold the basic tenets of capitalist gainful purchasing and BUY! BUY! BUY! OK>. not crazy buying but I did scoop up 2 more RIOT HOUSES, 2 DODGYS and KYumYum. Christmas never looked this good!
Of course now that she knows I struck the MAC MOTHER-LOAD- I'm going to have to capitulate honorably and ........(struggles to type actual word-)..".SHARE! "
(audible GASP). That's the prodigal daughter- texting me as we speak- negotiating just how many lippies might be fed-ex bound for where she lives. Now she says she'll repay me in Bear Hugs -ummmm ......equitable quid pro quo? NUH UH!! I dont know how to demure politely ( and still be voted Mother of the Year-
) and ask instead for a reverse IOU- and keep my Bettys!!

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