Man Candy


Well-known member
Half German too which is the bit that won me over because I have a total thing for the German language and accent. You can keep your French, Spanish and the other "languages of love". I want a guy to tell me dirty things in German! :haha:
Forgot about that... Irish bratwurst then. :naughty: Holland is next to Germany and I live near the coast so during the vacation periods we have lots of Germans here. I have thing for English, Scottish, Irish, Australian and New Zealand accents! :haha:


Well-known member
I have thing for English, Scottish, Irish, Australian and New Zealand accents!
Oh I love all of those too, but there is just something about German ( I think because it sounds so "rough") that I just get all jelly knees for. My bf is English and every time we get the chance to chat I go into girl giggles because he has such a sexy accent.


Well-known member
Half German too which is the bit that won me over because I have a total thing for the German language and accent. You can keep your French, Spanish and the other "languages of love". I want a guy to tell me dirty things in German!
LOL German guys are romantic ( I dated one but lol in 1987/1990 they were quite romantic IMO ). Those memories
and French guys are well, attractive but can be so cruel too. I don't recall German guys telling dirty things lol, my bf was really
, memories yes...


Well-known member
Just thought I'd leave this here for all you beard-lovers out there… I don't even typically like gingers but this man, though

And +1 for German and Scottish men. Yes please :)


Well-known member
Knew it, He says bonne soirée, good evening, but for you bunch of h....... y ladies, lol, Bonsoir would have been much better IMO. " Then he might have invited you to dinner