Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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After my incredibly small MB haul of 1, maybe 3, maybe 0 things I will be on a no-buy until September 4th. I'm thinking I might grab a thing or two from The Simpsons (blushes) and possibly the other two collections that launch that day pending swatches and reviews. If I end up skipping the launches on the 4th, then my no buy will go until October 2nd and I will then be back on it from there until probably after the holidays. :)

*EDIT* I forgot ANR on August 21st! I do think I'll probably land a few things from that, so after my possible MB haul, my no buy will be until August 21st.
You're my hero! I think I need to go back to doing longer stretches of a no buy.. then I'll know I have scheduled dates where I'm allowed to buy and unnecessary things won't sneak in.


Well-known member
You're my hero! I think I need to go back to doing longer stretches of a no buy.. then I'll know I have scheduled dates where I'm allowed to buy and unnecessary things won't sneak in.
After my months of no buying and then my recent falling off the wagon with AA ( I had planned on skipping that entirely and ended up with 4 things!), I'm really trying to get back into my "skip it all until I get truly excited" mentality which I think I can do. It's definitely a struggle being on here and seeing all the new collections coming, but I think once you have something in mind that you want more than more lippies or blushes that it makes it easier to keep to your goal. So my advice to people has been to maybe have something you want that you've been putting off buying or some place you want to go in mind and when you see yourself putting things in your cart or really lemming for something to think of yourself with that new fancy purse or walking the streets of Paris and see if you really want them more than that trip or purse. It's something that's really worked for me the last few months and I hope it helps others too. The scheduled dates thing was really helpful as well even though I broke it back on May 26th when I was supposed to not buy until June 2nd. lol


Well-known member
After my months of no buying and then my recent falling off the wagon with AA ( I had planned on skipping that entirely and ended up with 4 things!), I'm really trying to get back into my "skip it all until I get truly excited" mentality which I think I can do. It's definitely a struggle being on here and seeing all the new collections coming, but I think once you have something in mind that you want more than more lippies or blushes that it makes it easier to keep to your goal. So my advice to people has been to maybe have something you want that you've been putting off buying or some place you want to go in mind and when you see yourself putting things in your cart or really lemming for something to think of yourself with that new fancy purse or walking the streets of Paris and see if you really want them more than that trip or purse. It's something that's really worked for me the last few months and I hope it helps others too. The scheduled dates thing was really helpful as well even though I broke it back on May 26th when I was supposed to not buy until June 2nd. lol
I really like that mentality! :) I keep asking myself "Will I love and wear this new item more than X item(s) I already have?" That's helped me cross off quite a few things because realistically I only have one face and I can only wear so many things.. so I want them to all be my favorites. But there are still a lot of items that I'm truly excited for in the fall and I have to narrow down more. I think it'll be fine once they get closer and the initial information shock is over. My initial list for Fantasy of Flowers was 4 lipsticks and I only got 1 even though I wanted more.. so it is possible!


Well-known member
Oh man @Crimsonquill157, I really hope things get better for you guys soon.
Thanks y'all.


Well-known member
After my months of no buying and then my recent falling off the wagon with AA ( I had planned on skipping that entirely and ended up with 4 things!), I'm really trying to get back into my "skip it all until I get truly excited" mentality which I think I can do. It's definitely a struggle being on here and seeing all the new collections coming, but I think once you have something in mind that you want more than more lippies or blushes that it makes it easier to keep to your goal. So my advice to people has been to maybe have something you want that you've been putting off buying or some place you want to go in mind and when you see yourself putting things in your cart or really lemming for something to think of yourself with that new fancy purse or walking the streets of Paris and see if you really want them more than that trip or purse. It's something that's really worked for me the last few months and I hope it helps others too. The scheduled dates thing was really helpful as well even though I broke it back on May 26th when I was supposed to not buy until June 2nd. lol
That's a great idea.

Now I just have to figure out something I want more than lipstick right now... lol


Well-known member
That's a great idea.

Now I just have to figure out something I want more than lipstick right now... lol
Right now for me it's another fancy trip. Is there anything you've wanted awhile but maybe put off due to the price? Or some place you and Rob have maybe wanted to go?


Well-known member
  After my months of no buying and then my recent falling off the wagon with AA ( I had planned on skipping that entirely and ended up with 4 things!), I'm really trying to get back into my "skip it all until I get truly excited" mentality which I think I can do. It's definitely a struggle being on here and seeing all the new collections coming, but I think once you have something in mind that you want more than more lippies or blushes that it makes it easier to keep to your goal. So my advice to people has been to maybe have something you want that you've been putting off buying or some place you want to go in mind and when you see yourself putting things in your cart or really lemming for something to think of yourself with that new fancy purse or walking the streets of Paris and see if you really want them more than that trip or purse. It's something that's really worked for me the last few months and I hope it helps others too. The scheduled dates thing was really helpful as well even though I broke it back on May 26th when I was supposed to not buy until June 2nd. lol
I really like that mentality! :) I keep asking myself "Will I love and wear this new item more than X item(s) I already have?" That's helped me cross off quite a few things because realistically I only have one face and I can only wear so many things.. so I want them to all be my favorites. But there are still a lot of items that I'm truly excited for in the fall and I have to narrow down more. I think it'll be fine once they get closer and the initial information shock is over. My initial list for Fantasy of Flowers was 4 lipsticks and I only got 1 even though I wanted more.. so it is possible!
I love this idea. I do have several big-money items that I want/need, so I'll think of that the next time I think of buying something to cheer myself up. That is mainly why I buy things. There are quite a few things I want from ANR , but after that, I'm not interested in The Simpsons, or the Brooke Sheilds one, and not much from Animal Instincts, maybe a lippie from RHPS, and a few from the matte lip collection. That's it for now. I know there are a bunch of other little ones, but nothing that I can remember right now.


Well-known member
I love this idea. I do have several big-money items that I want/need, so I'll think of that the next time I think of buying something to cheer myself up. That is mainly why I buy things. There are quite a few things I want from ANR , but after that, I'm not interested in The Simpsons, or the Brooke Sheilds one, and not much from Animal Instincts, maybe a lippie from RHPS, and a few from the matte lip collection. That's it for now. I know there are a bunch of other little ones, but nothing that I can remember right now.
Buying to cheer myself up is one of my biggest issues and why I broke my no -buy back in May. I was (still am really) depressed about having to leave certain people behind when I came back to the States and thought that gorgeous packaging would cheer me up, it did for about an hour and then I was back to being sad and mopey. I did get lucky though that the things I bought are items I've been regularly using and I didn't really have dupes of so I feel slightly less bad, but still kick myself for giving into the cycle of sad buying again. It's definitely a tough cycle to break, that's for sure. I still need to sit down and really analyze all these colour stories and firm up my lists and hope to do that this weekend so I can start budgeting and have a solid idea of my minimums and maximums for the coming months.


Well-known member
Buying to cheer myself up is one of my biggest issues and why I broke my no -buy back in May. I was (still am really) depressed about having to leave certain people behind when I came back to the States and thought that gorgeous packaging would cheer me up, it did for about an hour and then I was back to being sad and mopey. I did get lucky though that the things I bought are items I've been regularly using and I didn't really have dupes of so I feel slightly less bad, but still kick myself for giving into the cycle of sad buying again. It's definitely a tough cycle to break, that's for sure. I still need to sit down and really analyze all these colour stories and firm up my lists and hope to do that this weekend so I can start budgeting and have a solid idea of my minimums and maximums for the coming month
THIS!!!!!!!!! I can totally relate. I've been very tempted to buy so many things but I've managed to talk myself out of everything. Gotta stay strong and use up what I already have.


Well-known member
I'm a real emotional shopper too.. I need to get that under control in a big way. Going to aerials/circus classes have helped keep me focused on something and although I'm paying for those too at least the enjoyment lasts for much longer than new makeup does. I need to get back into reading and other hobbies too to keep myself busy. During the school year it's more about stress and summer is perhaps boredom. Whenever I feel the urge to buy something I'm going to go for a walk or do something else first. Having a list of items helps because if they're on the list for a few weeks I feel like they're really something I want rather than me buying impulsively.


Well-known member
Hey all! Been busy and ill but I wanted to check in today. So the start of this month was really good in terms of my low buy, though that was mainly because I literally didn't have any money! But it made me realise that missing out on ebay 'bargains' and discount offers is fine, because it's a constant cycle of sales and discounts and promotions that make me spend too much and I realise I need to avoid that. I've not been on ebay as much, in fact the only ebay purchases this month have been Thierry mugler angel aqua chic, charlotte tilbury Penelope pink lipstick which have been on my wishlist. That said, too faced milk chocolate bronzer was a sneaky mmiddle of the night impulse buy aa was mac coppering es pan (rumoured to be what Cheryl Cole is wearing in her new video) though that was only a fiver as I had points on my debenhams beauty card. Still, gotta stop late night clicking! One area of unnecessary spending is cleansing, I've bought a few too many loreal skin perfection face washes aand I've still got a few other cleansers I'd like to uae up, Though the good news is the loreal stuff isn't just for me as they get put in the bathroom for the whole family to use. When I saw the Anastasia contour kit was in stock on sephora, I took the plunge and ordered. You have to spend over £75 before tax if you want it shipped to the UK at a flat no customs fee of £6, so honestly, I made a bigger order than I would have liked at this mmoment in time to meet that threshold. I got the Anastasia contour kit, marc jacobs lolita palette and josie maran foundation powder, all of which were on my wishlist and I love them all, So heres a pic of me with all my new pokemons!
Yesterday I placed an order for estee lauder double wear light as my sample is running low. Normally I'd want to use up more foundations before committing to buying another but this is really working for me atm plus it has the perfect look for when im going to cosplay daenerys targaryen next month! I added the nail laquer in viper to my order as i ve been unable to find it elsewhere online or on counter. As I ordered from EL direct I got lots of samples and some bonus items coming too! As for mac, im after lordes lipstick and black ivy fluidline when they release here. Pretty confident I can continue buying better, as the difference this month compared to my habits only last month is insane!!


Well-known member
Glad to see you around again [@]kerry-jane88[/@]! :) Hope you're feeling well and are only as busy as you like to be. Keep up the good work. These things take time and you're obviously moving in the right direction!


Well-known member
Buying to cheer myself up is one of my biggest issues and why I broke my no -buy back in May. I was (still am really) depressed about having to leave certain people behind when I came back to the States and thought that gorgeous packaging would cheer me up, it did for about an hour and then I was back to being sad and mopey. I did get lucky though that the things I bought are items I've been regularly using and I didn't really have dupes of so I feel slightly less bad, but still kick myself for giving into the cycle of sad buying again. It's definitely a tough cycle to break, that's for sure. I still need to sit down and really analyze all these colour stories and firm up my lists and hope to do that this weekend so  I can start budgeting and have a solid idea of my minimums and maximums for the coming months.
Awww, Naomi! I'm sorry. It sucks to be away from people you care about. My husband had a long distance marriage for a year, so I know how that can be. When are you visiting? I totally forgot about Moody Blooms. I haven't been on that thread for a week, or on Specktra that much in general. I'd love to take credit for resisting, but it's really because I forgot. Lol. I'm still not going to get anything. Fall is going to be a problem.


Well-known member
I'm still not going to get anything. Fall is going to be a problem.
Oh that must of been awful! I'm not sure when I'll go back or when and if he'll come here yet, we've just stated that we'll be back together as soon as possible. lol. You just don't seem to ever get used to the distance and each goodbye just seems to be harder. I do now know why people always say long distance relationships are for crazy people though.
MB for me is a pretty forgettable collection, I'm only really interested in WW blush and possibly a fluidline. I might give the SS a go if the testers aren't too grotesque by the time I make it to the store on Thursday. If I were to miss out on everything in the collection I don't think I'd be all that upset over it even though. :/


Well-known member
Low Buy Mid-Year Update

I'm doing an evaluation of my progress at six months to see where I'm at.. how my collection numbers have shifted, how many items I've purchased in total, etc.

So I dusted off my Excel spreadsheet that I haven't looked at since March.. All I have to say is WOW.
I stopped updating it religiously because I didn't think I needed to. Well, I sure do!

I thought I'd been being reasonable other than a couple of slips here and there. But when I started filling in what I've purchased over the past 3 months (about 10 items per month) it's clear that it all adds up piece by piece.

Here's a snapshot of some of the problem areas, with the original and updated numbers as well as the amount I've tossed/used up and purchased:

- lipsticks (13 - 3 + 14) = 24 (+ 5 tinted lip balms and 4 patentpolishes)
- lipgloss (3 - 3 + 5) = 5 (+ 12 minis from a set)
- eyeshadows (31 - 8 + 8) = 31

I'm okay with the rest of it.. I've added 2 lip liners, 2 eyeliners, and 3 blushes which isn't too bad. Almost everything else is basics that get used up and replaced.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Always look at the spreadsheet before a purchase.
  2. ALWAYS record purchases in the spreadsheet right away.
  3. Spend less time in collection threads until it's easier to ignore the enabling.

Hopefully the second half of this year I can pull it together..


Well-known member
YES! I love your resolve. I need to finalize my list once swatches come out.. and then stick to it!

That's fantastic!! Sounds like you're really rocking it! Great job passing on the BB palettes.. I bet that feels amazing! Sometimes all it takes is a few days of thinking about something and the delay will get rid of those cravings.
It's so true! Every time for the past 2 months that I have seen something and my heart did that pitter-patter that us makeup addicts feel when we see a beautiful color/palette/you-name-it, I would look at it for a while, maybe do some swatches, and then WALK AWAY. It's kind of like breaking up with someone. Generally speaking, it's easier to get over them if you cut them out of your life. Don't call or text them. Don't look at their Facebook page. Don't stalk their Instagram. Just WALK AWAY. It clears your head, especially when combined with a few deep breaths! Sure, if after a few days, I'm still thinking about the makeup, I might end up buying it. But a little over 2 months into my no-buy and I haven't gone back for a thing yet. Just goes to show how much impulse buying I was doing!!


Well-known member
@CrimsonQuill157 and @PixieDancer... I've been a bit MIA from the forums lately, so sorry I haven't said anything sooner, but I hope things turn around soon! I don't know what you're dealing with Pixie, but you're in my thoughts. And Crimson, it's just one thing after another lately, isn't it?
I hope you guys catch a break (and soon). When it rains, it pours sometimes... but hopefully that just means there's a big beautiful rainbow on the way for you!!!

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