Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Staff member
I think I need to face a little reality when it comes to my MAC mineralized eye shadow singles... They are just so pretty to look at and I have several favorite looks with a couple of them, but overall I rarely reach for them. And I'm sure most of the looks I do use some of them for could easily be duplicated with normal eyeshadows. I just have the hardest time when I think of pulling 80% of them out of my collection and really letting them go. Maybe its because how pretty they are in their pans or remembering how much work I put into buying them (due to the LE hype)... I'm not really sure why it has me so nervous! All in all, I'm seriously considering rethinking my views on LE products in general. I think so many times I buy them, then even if they don't get used or live up to my expectations, the LIMITED EDITION status makes it THAT much harder to let it go. As a little experiment, I've started focusing more on my perm items stash, and I'm finding that I feel more calm about using these items and really enjoying them... Probably because I'm not worried about loving it and using it up and not being able to replace it, or obsessing over how I'll get a backup... All that silliness we go through with LE. I don't feel like I've been missing out on great looks just because I have been shelving my LE products. For example, Lady Danger has replaced my LE red-orange fav and I adore it! AND the added bonus... If I find I'm not LOVING a perm product, I have NO issue with purging it from my stash. No stress, no worry about regret... None of that drama. Drama I don't need over makeup! So all this rambling... I think I'm going to take a good hard look at all the new LE stuff on my wish list and chuck a large portion of it. I'm going to shift my thinking. Perm = Tried & True Staple Status... Not how my mind has viewed it in the past. And Limited Edition doesn't always = something I have to have or I'm missing out! I need to readjust my brain and appreciate a product for being a great product. Not because of its supposed limited status! Wow... Sorry for getting all caught up in that! Just needed to get it down so I could really be forced to deal with the reality of this for myself! If those MES's were perm... Most would already be gone! Or not even purchased in the first place. Huge reality check!
:cheer: :hug: You can dooooooo eeeeeeet! :D Yeah, there is a lot of hype around LE stuff, particularly MAC LE stuff. It's even worse when you consider they put out a zillion LE collections a year. (Really wish they'd focus on expanding the permanent range. *cough*bringback&expandMatte2eyeshadows*cough*)
I finished!! I feel like I tossed a lot, at least 50 products. There were some things I was unsure of and I plan to do another purge at the end of fall to see what procuts I used.
General question, what's the rule on back to MAC. Let's say I have a lipstick I used twice and is just ugly on me lol. Do I just cut off the product and take it back? I don't feel right posting lipsticks in the clearance bin even if they were only swatched. Powder products I'm okay with. I'm getting rid of 8 LE MSFs that I had to have. :eek:h boy:
There's a Back 2 MAC thread here: I think sending back used and unfinished lippies for that is okay. I think. Don't hold me to that. :) (I may end up doing the same for Instigator, eventually, if it's possible. While I love the colour, the matte finish is not very comfortable on my lips. edit: Aaaannnnnnd there goes a couple of MAC lippies off my wishlist!)


Well-known member
Okay, so here are my new figures!
I gave up a total of 88 items in my collection. Some I've given to my mom, some will be B2M, some to friends, and then some were just too old or used so I tossed. That's insane.

I'm oddly feeling happy when I feel I should be feeling like I wasted money. But I don't and I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. The most I got rid of were limited edition highlighters from MAC (9), Blush (?!?!? 11), eyeliners and bases (15), and lip products (37).

I'm really surprised I was able to let those highlighters and blushes go so easily. And there are more in my collection that moved to the "pending" category.

I'm happy I did this. I think I can get to the numbers of where a "normal for me" collection would be without feeling like I'll never be able to use any of these products. Obviously I've still got a ways to go. But I'm getting there. :)


Well-known member
Well, now I see more reason to do an inventory. I was pulling out some lippies to put in an acrylic organizer, and I discovered I have 2 of MAC's Lickable lippies. One that I've used and one brand new. I had no idea I had 2. I have a pretty good memory, especially for favorite colors, and I think this is the first time I've done this. But of course I won't know unless I look through all of them! One thing I can see is that bright pinks/fuschias are a favorite. Don't need more of those!

Maris Crane

Well-known member
I feel you regarding Walmart. My local one is often very, very busy. Gah.
I avoid it as much as I can.
Actually... I think when I pull the trigger on the TF$, I'll probably have a moment where I'll think (or know!) I'm hella nuts but I'll justify it by saying... well, I'm not buying a Tom Ford handbag! (Not that I can afford that but no matter!) and I use neutral shadows all the time. I don't feel nearly as much guilt IME with one high-end purchase versus a haul of little things, because it's more of a treat, or something.

Wal Mart is the worst. But sometimes... you gotta go in. Like if you want Real Techniques brushes. Or Hard Candy primer. Originally, I went in because I knew the L'Oreal Micelle Water (first impression: pretty good at removing eye makeup. I'm so use to Bioderma as my AM cleanser though that I think I'll continue to use Sensibio as a AM cleanser, and just use the L'Oreal for eye makeup. I'm too hesitant to risk a massive breakout on my face! Anyways.) would be cheaper than at Shoppers whereas it'd probably be close to the same price as Bioderma there. But I also went in knowing I would allow myself to buy Maybelline CT in Creamy Beige and when I saw the huge set up... I gave in. And the cycle continues... BUT YES. Wal Mart is always an experience - the people at the one (fellow shoppers I mean!) I popped into are fine, but it's always so chaotic, and they let people with 50 items stay in the Express line, and it's always busy... UGH. I could go on.

Quote: Originally Posted by mel33t

I think that's what gets people to buy the drugstore items, because they're cheaper so you can buy more (at least that's the reasoning) but it may not be better quality. Is there a way you can avoid going to those stores? I know I always seem to run out of something every week so the temptation is there, but I personally go to Target which by me is always poorly stocked in the makeup isle and the presentation looks bad so I just don't buy.

Wal-Mart is the worst. I agree with you there. Don't be so hard on yourself and greed is a very ugly word to use IMO. Have you tried going through your makeup yet and seeing what you have and playing around with it? That's helped me to stop making impulse buys. I'm still shopping, but I'm not buying three Cover girl lipsticks that just it around.
Amen! I mean... I'm no snob - I genuinely love drugstore and high-end equally. But it's kind of like blowing $100 at Forever 21 when you've just bought one nicer silk blouse at Aritzia or Anthropologie. I actually find Target - with it not taking off in Canada like they expected - is almost always uber-neat and tidy, brightly lit. They do tend IME though to take longer to get Seasonal drugstore stuff, though versus Shoppers.

I could give up Shoppers potentially, but really: I buy a lot there. Scripts? Shoppers. Higher end makeup? Shoppers. Greeting cards? Shoppers. It's so ubiquitous too; like if I want a Timmy Ho's Ice Capp, chances are they'll be a Shoppers across the street where I can run in and get something on the side.

Thank you, though, mel33t on the second one! I think I'm just feeling a little annoyed with myself since I'd done really well for a couple of weeks and had the TF order as a reward and then I gave in. I need ladies, to go through my stash, but it really overwhelms me. I need to just take an afternoon to do it but everytime I've tried, I've given up after going through one category.


Well-known member
Hey girlies! I've been so busy lately, so that and the heat has wreaked absolute havoc on my skin. I reached a tipping point when I went to Manchester comic con last weekend, I had to wear full makeup for my cosplay. Basically I broke out in the most awful spots id had in at least the last five years :( I did a little googling about the estee lauder products I was using, double wear foundation, concealer and double wear light as well as the idealist pore serum, the whone lauder shebang. It appears that the lauder products, like a lot of other makeup and skincare, are deceptive: just because it says non comodegenic doesn't really mean much. I was certain then that the double wear formulation was giving me spots (you many remember I had trouble breaking out when I very first used it) so I knew that had to go. Now my next phase is purely speculative. I had a look at the ingredients. I was immediately drawn towards the silicone cyclopentasiloxane. It features in many shampoos, some of which I'd had very strong reactions like burning my scalp and back like pantene, so I'd avoid formulations I Knew bothered me. This was my best bet at an avoidance strategy, cutting out the cyclopentasiloxane: a large silicone molecule that makes a product slippery, it cannot be absorbed by the pores so sits on the skin giving it the appearance of a smooth plump look, but with no real benefit to the skin it's just an illusion. Now online it was hard to get some proper back up for my cutting out quest. Paulas choice was a good place to read about ingredients, but it seems that the website is hating on essential oils and says that silicones are fine etc. On the flipside are the mad hippy type bloggers where everything not natural is bad! I started to go through my things, cyclopentasiloxane is in a lot of things I'm using on a daily basis. Dimethicone features heavily in.them too, but I kept products in my stash containing them for now. I boxed up my cyclopentasiloxane offenders, and took the plunge and ordered the rms beauty makeup id always wanted. Atm I'm using dr hauschka skincare routine with lush creams and rms beauty makeup, though if om not leaving the house I don't wear makeup or spf cream. It appears I may have also been using too many active products at once, like an acne treatment with a pore minimizer and a high spf. To be honest even just cutting the lauder stuff out of my routine should be enough of an improvement in itself! I won't be a slave to naturAl beauty but my too keep what I use as natural as possible for now. I'll be posting again soon lamenting on the sheer scale of my beauty addiction, but for now I thought I'd share my little epiphany. If any of you have any advice from personAl experience or could point me in the direction of some good blogs too id really appreciate it, as like I said I can't seem to find many points of view balanced between the whole naturAl vs. Chemical beauty scale.


Well-known member
I feel you regarding Walmart. My local one is often very, very busy. Gah.
I avoid it as much as I can.
Actually... I think when I pull the trigger on the TF$, I'll probably have a moment where I'll think (or know!) I'm hella nuts but I'll justify it by saying... well, I'm not buying a Tom Ford handbag! (Not that I can afford that but no matter!) and I use neutral shadows all the time. I don't feel nearly as much guilt IME with one high-end purchase versus a haul of little things, because it's more of a treat, or something.

Wal Mart is the worst. But sometimes... you gotta go in. Like if you want Real Techniques brushes. Or Hard Candy primer. Originally, I went in because I knew the L'Oreal Micelle Water (first impression: pretty good at removing eye makeup. I'm so use to Bioderma as my AM cleanser though that I think I'll continue to use Sensibio as a AM cleanser, and just use the L'Oreal for eye makeup. I'm too hesitant to risk a massive breakout on my face! Anyways.) would be cheaper than at Shoppers whereas it'd probably be close to the same price as Bioderma there. But I also went in knowing I would allow myself to buy Maybelline CT in Creamy Beige and when I saw the huge set up... I gave in. And the cycle continues... BUT YES. Wal Mart is always an experience - the people at the one (fellow shoppers I mean!) I popped into are fine, but it's always so chaotic, and they let people with 50 items stay in the Express line, and it's always busy... UGH. I could go on.

Quote: Originally Posted by mel33t

I think that's what gets people to buy the drugstore items, because they're cheaper so you can buy more (at least that's the reasoning) but it may not be better quality. Is there a way you can avoid going to those stores? I know I always seem to run out of something every week so the temptation is there, but I personally go to Target which by me is always poorly stocked in the makeup isle and the presentation looks bad so I just don't buy.

Wal-Mart is the worst. I agree with you there. Don't be so hard on yourself and greed is a very ugly word to use IMO. Have you tried going through your makeup yet and seeing what you have and playing around with it? That's helped me to stop making impulse buys. I'm still shopping, but I'm not buying three Cover girl lipsticks that just it around.
Amen! I mean... I'm no snob - I genuinely love drugstore and high-end equally. But it's kind of like blowing $100 at Forever 21 when you've just bought one nicer silk blouse at Aritzia or Anthropologie. I actually find Target - with it not taking off in Canada like they expected - is almost always uber-neat and tidy, brightly lit. They do tend IME though to take longer to get Seasonal drugstore stuff, though versus Shoppers.

I could give up Shoppers potentially, but really: I buy a lot there. Scripts? Shoppers. Higher end makeup? Shoppers. Greeting cards? Shoppers. It's so ubiquitous too; like if I want a Timmy Ho's Ice Capp, chances are they'll be a Shoppers across the street where I can run in and get something on the side.

Thank you, though, mel33t on the second one! I think I'm just feeling a little annoyed with myself since I'd done really well for a couple of weeks and had the TF order as a reward and then I gave in. I need ladies, to go through my stash, but it really overwhelms me. I need to just take an afternoon to do it but everytime I've tried, I've given up after going through one category.
I wonder if my Walmart has Hard Candy? I've never noticed.


Well-known member
:cheer: :hug: You can dooooooo eeeeeeet! :D Yeah, there is a lot of hype around LE stuff, particularly MAC LE stuff. It's even worse when you consider they put out a zillion LE collections a year. (Really wish they'd focus on expanding the permanent range. *cough*bringback&expandMatte2eyeshadows*cough*) Yay! There's a Back 2 MAC thread here: I think sending back used and unfinished lippies for that is okay. I think. Don't hold me to that. :) (I may end up doing the same for Instigator, eventually, if it's possible. While I love the colour, the matte finish is not very comfortable on my lips. edit: Aaaannnnnnd there goes a couple of MAC lippies off my wishlist!)
OMG Matte2 eyeshadow expansion world be divine!! Yes! They could definitely stand an update and tweaking to the perm line!! I think that's why LE gets so much hype... It leads people to think if they want "new & trendy" they have to get LE. Instead of expanding the perm line w quality new products. It does seem they are getting better about adding some nice LE stuff to the perm line lately, so maybe they are realizing the need! Fingers crossed!


Staff member
Hey girlies! I've been so busy lately, so that and the heat has wreaked absolute havoc on my skin. I reached a tipping point when I went to Manchester comic con last weekend, I had to wear full makeup for my cosplay. Basically I broke out in the most awful spots id had in at least the last five years :( I did a little googling about the estee lauder products I was using, double wear foundation, concealer and double wear light as well as the idealist pore serum, the whone lauder shebang. It appears that the lauder products, like a lot of other makeup and skincare, are deceptive: just because it says non comodegenic doesn't really mean much. I was certain then that the double wear formulation was giving me spots (you many remember I had trouble breaking out when I very first used it) so I knew that had to go. Now my next phase is purely speculative. I had a look at the ingredients. I was immediately drawn towards the silicone cyclopentasiloxane. It features in many shampoos, some of which I'd had very strong reactions like burning my scalp and back like pantene, so I'd avoid formulations I Knew bothered me. This was my best bet at an avoidance strategy, cutting out the cyclopentasiloxane: a large silicone molecule that makes a product slippery, it cannot be absorbed by the pores so sits on the skin giving it the appearance of a smooth plump look, but with no real benefit to the skin it's just an illusion. Now online it was hard to get some proper back up for my cutting out quest. Paulas choice was a good place to read about ingredients, but it seems that the website is hating on essential oils and says that silicones are fine etc. On the flipside are the mad hippy type bloggers where everything not natural is bad! I started to go through my things, cyclopentasiloxane is in a lot of things I'm using on a daily basis. Dimethicone features heavily in.them too, but I kept products in my stash containing them for now. I boxed up my cyclopentasiloxane offenders, and took the plunge and ordered the rms beauty makeup id always wanted. Atm I'm using dr hauschka skincare routine with lush creams and rms beauty makeup, though if om not leaving the house I don't wear makeup or spf cream. It appears I may have also been using too many active products at once, like an acne treatment with a pore minimizer and a high spf. To be honest even just cutting the lauder stuff out of my routine should be enough of an improvement in itself! I won't be a slave to naturAl beauty but my too keep what I use as natural as possible for now. I'll be posting again soon lamenting on the sheer scale of my beauty addiction, but for now I thought I'd share my little epiphany. If any of you have any advice from personAl experience or could point me in the direction of some good blogs too id really appreciate it, as like I said I can't seem to find many points of view balanced between the whole naturAl vs. Chemical beauty scale.
Paula's Choice doesn't hate on essential oils per se (at least that's how I've been interpreting things). They're pointing out that various essential oils can irritate the skin or that they're allergens. (I think some essential oils have fragrance as well, which -- again -- many a person cannot tolerate in their skincare and cosmetics.) On the other hand, most people can tolerate silicones. Obviously, mileage varies. :nods: I think the other thing may be that there isn't a lot of scientific literature or study (if any at all) about the effects of essential oils and what they can do for the skin. If you want some good blogs on ingredients and cosmetic formulation, I recommend: * The Beauty Brains (; run by two cosmetic scientists/formulators) * Personal Care Truth or Scare (; run by two cosmetic formulators (at least one runs a small business selling her own stuff) with contributions from other cosmetic scientists and formulators, some with long-time industry experience. They cut through a lot of the scaremongering BS from advocacy groups but they don't knock natural ingredients either.) * Colin's Beauty Pages ( Another blog I like isn't run by a scientist but by someone interested in cosmetic science is Brightest Bulb in the Box ( Robyn, the owner, has several articles on there debunking beauty myths and, sometimes, gets into ingredient discussion, I believe. She's pretty neutral on natural vs. synthetic (intentional wording is intentional). And she's, IMO at least, funny. :D One site that isn't a blog but is more of a compendium about ingredients is; you can look up most ingredients there and find out what they're used for and get links to safety reviews. (It's US-based, but it also talks about and has links to EU findings.) * * * FOTD... * MAC Paint Pot - Painterly (used as an undereye corrector, pre-foundation) * It Cosmetics YSBB CC Cream - Fair * MAC Brow Pencil - Stud * MAC Eyeshadow - Mystery (brows) * Sonia Kashuk Brow Gel - Clear * NARS ProPrime SPESB * MAC Eyeshadow - Woodwinked (all over the lid) * UD Eyeshadow - Suspect (from Naked 2; over the top, on the mobile lid) * Makeup Geek Eyeshadows - mix of Chickadee and Hipster (crease) * Smashbox Eyeshadow - Vanilla (browbone/blend out the edges) * e.l.f. Liner/Shadow Duo - Purple/Plum (liner on top lashline) * MAC Pigment - Violet (foiled with e.l.f. Mist and Set, on both lashlines) * Bare Minerals Flawless Definition Mascara - Black * The Body Shop Honey Bronzer - Shade 02 * MAC MSF - Light Year * NYX MegaShine Lipgloss - Nude Pink

Maris Crane

Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by lyseD

I wonder if my Walmart has Hard Candy? I've never noticed.

I have yet to be in a Wal Mart where they didn't have Hard Candy! How well stocked and how clean the display will be is a crapshoot., unfortunately. :p


Well-known member
Hi everyone! I haven't been around specktra much lately. My low buy has been going really well and I'm not really feeling tempted at the moment. My current wishlist is:
NARS Cruella lip pencil
NARS duos in Charade, Kauai and Kalahari and
Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette

I'd like to pay my credit card off completely first however.

Other than that I'm working on finishing a few lipsticks - Revlon Lip Butter in Peach Parfait, Revlon Moisture Renew in Soft Coral (long discontinued - one of the first lipsticks I ever bought), and Chanel RCS in Fetiche and Bonheur. I would repurchase Fetiche. Most of these are very close to being done, so I'm putting them on rotation until they are gone (will probably be before the end of August).


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Wow, I haven't posted in here in forever!

Hope everyone is doing well. I didn't fall off the wagon, I haven't bought a thing since he Haku brushes. Until yesterday, when I made a Clarins blush bargain on eBay.
There's so much temptation everywhere, all the sales... I browse websites daily and have carts filled all over the place, but I'm staying strong. Didn't even spend my giftcards yet, I'm suprised about that myself, lol.
I've also sold and swapped more stuff. Looking forward to a swap package with nude lippies, I know I'll get lots of use out of those.

Okay, so here are my new figures!
I gave up a total of 88 items in my collection. Some I've given to my mom, some will be B2M, some to friends, and then some were just too old or used so I tossed. That's insane.

I'm oddly feeling happy when I feel I should be feeling like I wasted money. But I don't and I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. The most I got rid of were limited edition highlighters from MAC (9), Blush (?!?!? 11), eyeliners and bases (15), and lip products (37).

I'm really surprised I was able to let those highlighters and blushes go so easily. And there are more in my collection that moved to the "pending" category.

I'm happy I did this. I think I can get to the numbers of where a "normal for me" collection would be without feeling like I'll never be able to use any of these products. Obviously I've still got a ways to go. But I'm getting there. :)
That is amazing! Congrats!
I didn't keep track of the numbers, but I got rid of quite a bit of stuff too.

The only list I keep on my phone right now is my wishlist, I revisit it every couple of days and update it, it helps to see all my lemmings in one place. Somehow makes it easier to talk myself out of stuff, as well as planning ahead when and where to buy what, which prevents impulse buys since I have an overview of the things I want to save for.


Well-known member
Last week went by so fast! I can't believe it's almost August.. only a few days left of No Buy July and I'm holding out strong. If I bought something in the last 3 days it would just be too ridiculous so I know I'm not going to!


The only things I bought were Sharpies for marking my progress for Project Pan and some hair elastics because my stash is getting low from them breaking or stretching out.. that was about $10 so yay! I went to the drugstore multiple times and didn't give in to temptation in the beauty aisles. Major win! I did spend more money on going out than I usually would but I'm okay with that. I had a great time and I got to do some really fun makeup looks over the weekend. I've already posted my Friday night look but on Saturday night I wore Lorelei eyeshadow with Rose and Melon pigments.. really like how that turned out too.

As for my goals for the final week of No Buy July, I wore makeup probably 5/7 days so I'm happy with that and I'm soo close to finishing that %$*% Peach Blossom lipstick it hurts.. lol. One side is down to the edge of the plastic so one or two more days and I'll be done with it! I will definitely get it again but not until some others are used up. I'm taking a break from the weekly goals now and just exploring my stash again/focusing on Project Pan!
Future plans:

Project Pan - I picked 20 items (10 makeup and 10 others like skincare, body care, haircare) and will be focusing on them for the next 6 months. If I use up something I'm going to replace it with something from the same category. If I use up the last item in a category I can obviously buy a replacement if needed. My goal is to get to a place where I buy something to replace an item when I have less than 1/4 left. I should still be able to find things on sale that way but not keep too much extra "stock" ahead of time.. since, you know, I'm not a department store.

Ye Old Lipsticks - I made a list on my phone of all my lipsticks and their manufacture date (using Check Cosmetic: and I'm going to work down the list focusing on using up the oldest first. The oldest one by more than a year is Chanel Boy (manufactured May 2011 - over 3 years ago - and has been open for more than 2 years now - the suggested date is 18 months after opening). It's probably past its prime.. I'm one of those people that like to stick to expiration dates for cream or liquid products so it needs to get used up.

Sephora/Wishlist - I discovered today that I'm about $150 from making VIB Rouge this year! Crazy how fast it all adds up.. I've been debating getting some non-makeup items on my list to bump myself up and then take advantage of the Sephora 4x the points event in a couple weeks. I'd just pick one makeup item and maybe some skincare or something to total the $50 so I can get some extra points and the gift. I was planning on grabbing some things anyway and this seems like a good way to take advantage of the perks. I have some time to think about this plan since I can't buy anything until Friday anyway!


Well-known member
Wow, I haven't posted in here in forever! Hope everyone is doing well. I didn't fall off the wagon, I haven't bought a thing since he Haku brushes. Until yesterday, when I made a Clarins blush bargain on eBay. There's so much temptation everywhere, all the sales... I browse websites daily and have carts filled all over the place, but I'm staying strong. Didn't even spend my giftcards yet, I'm suprised about that myself, lol. I've also sold and swapped more stuff. Looking forward to a swap package with nude lippies, I know I'll get lots of use out of those.
  Okay, so here are my new figures!  [COLOR=FF0000]I gave up a total of 88 items in my collection.[/COLOR] Some I've given to my mom, some will be B2M, some to friends, and then some were just too old or used so I tossed. That's insane.  I'm oddly feeling happy when I feel I should be feeling like I wasted money. But I don't and I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. The most I got rid of were limited edition highlighters from MAC (9), Blush (?!?!? 11), eyeliners and bases (15), and lip products (37).  I'm really surprised I was able to let those highlighters and blushes go so easily. And there are more in my collection that moved to the "pending" category.  I'm happy I did this. I think I can get to the numbers of where a "normal for me" collection would be without feeling like I'll never be able to use any of these products. Obviously I've still got a ways to go. But I'm getting there. :) 
That is amazing! Congrats! I didn't keep track of the numbers, but I got rid of quite a bit of stuff too. The only list I keep on my phone right now is my wishlist, I revisit it every couple of days and update it, it helps to see all my lemmings in one place. Somehow makes it easier to talk myself out of stuff, as well as planning ahead when and where to buy what, which prevents impulse buys since I have an overview of the things I want to save for. 
Good to see you, Naynadine! Glad to hear that you're doing well. It's been quiet on Specktra lately so you haven't missed much.


Well-known member
Last week went by so fast! I can't believe it's almost August.. only a few days left of No Buy July and I'm holding out strong. If I bought something in the last 3 days it would just be too ridiculous so I know I'm not going to! Update: The only things I bought were Sharpies for marking my progress for Project Pan and some hair elastics because my stash is getting low from them breaking or stretching out.. that was about $10 so yay! I went to the drugstore multiple times and didn't give in to temptation in the beauty aisles. Major win! I did spend more money on going out than I usually would but I'm okay with that. I had a great time and I got to do some really fun makeup looks over the weekend. I've already posted my Friday night look but on Saturday night I wore Lorelei eyeshadow with Rose and Melon pigments.. really like how that turned out too. As for my goals for the final week of No Buy July, I wore makeup probably 5/7 days so I'm happy with that and I'm soo close to finishing that %$*% Peach Blossom lipstick it hurts.. lol. One side is down to the edge of the plastic so one or two more days and I'll be done with it! I will definitely get it again but not until some others are used up. I'm taking a break from the weekly goals now and just exploring my stash again/focusing on Project Pan! Future plans: Project Pan - I picked 20 items (10 makeup and 10 others like skincare, body care, haircare) and will be focusing on them for the next 6 months. If I use up something I'm going to replace it with something from the same category. If I use up the last item in a category I can obviously buy a replacement if needed. My goal is to get to a place where I buy something to replace an item when I have less than 1/4 left. I should still be able to find things on sale that way but not keep too much extra "stock" ahead of time.. since, you know, I'm not a department store. Ye Old Lipsticks - I made a list on my phone of all my lipsticks and their manufacture date (using Check Cosmetic: and I'm going to work down the list focusing on using up the oldest first. The oldest one by more than a year is Chanel Boy (manufactured May 2011 - over 3 years ago - and has been open for more than 2 years now - the suggested date is 18 months after opening). It's probably past its prime.. I'm one of those people that like to stick to expiration dates for cream or liquid products so it needs to get used up. Sephora/Wishlist - I discovered today that I'm about $150 from making VIB Rouge this year! Crazy how fast it all adds up.. I've been debating getting some non-makeup items on my list to bump myself up and then take advantage of the Sephora 4x the points event in a couple weeks. I'd just pick one makeup item and maybe some skincare or something to total the $50 so I can get some extra points and the gift. I was planning on grabbing some things anyway and this seems like a good way to take advantage of the perks. I have some time to think about this plan since I can't buy anything until Friday anyway!
What is this Sephora points special? Or when is it? I've tried to change my email address for them but it doesn't seem to stick. Of course, that could be a good thing! Good to know about that web site for expiration dates. I have lippies that are over 6 years old. I can't bring myself to B2M them unless they're almost gone. Thankfully I have at least 5 right now that are almost gone and I'm putting them all in my purse to use whenever I'm out. Most of them are perms so I don't feel like I need to "ration" them. Congrats on doing so well with your No Buy! You made me think about when I last bought make up. I was about to get excited thinking it was Moody Blooms but then I remembered I bought 2 things at Macy's a few weeks ago. But that's been it this month! And nothing else until A Novel Romance.


Well-known member
Congrats on doing so well with your No Buy! You made me think about when I last bought make up. I was about to get excited thinking it was Moody Blooms but then I remembered I bought 2 things at Macy's a few weeks ago. But that's been it this month! And nothing else until A Novel Romance.
Sephora VIB Rouge Reception (Canada):

Not sure when the US date is, but it might be listed in the Sephora thread!
Don't want to enable anyone so I've put the points info under a spoiler!
Thanks for the support, as always.
I'm really proud of myself this month, but I need to stay vigilant so I don't go through another setback! A few weeks is awesome for not having made a purchase, good for you!!

I've finished 2 lipsticks so far and tossed 2. The Chanel one is the last one of 5 that I was working on using up. But I've purchased three times that many this year.. and it's already taken me a few more months than planned to use them.
I really need to cut back the in flow!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Good to see you, Naynadine! Glad to hear that you're doing well. It's been quiet on Specktra lately so you haven't missed much.
Thank you :) I've missed all of you Low.Buy ladies, I haven't posted in here because I felt I didn't have anything to add to the convo. I'm mostly just keeping an eye on the colour collection threads, but I noticed it has gotten a little quiet overall. It would be great to see members more active again.


Well-known member
Good to see you, Naynadine! Glad to hear that you're doing well. It's been quiet on Specktra lately so you haven't missed much.
Thank you :) I've missed all of you Low.Buy ladies, I haven't posted in here because I felt I didn't have anything to add to the convo. I'm mostly just keeping an eye on the colour collection threads, but I noticed it has gotten a little quiet overall. It would be great to see members more active again.
I think it will get busy again when the Fall collections start coming out, people finish vacas (those who can afford to take them), and kids go back to school. It is hard to write about NOT doing something.


Well-known member
Hey Ladiezzzz!

I'm just back checking in with ya'll! Loved all of your movie/book suggestions, going to go through and jot those down for the winter when things get depressing weather wise here and I need a pick me up!

Really enjoyed seeing how July has progressed for ya'll! Congrats @mel33t and @veronikawithak for keeping up the strides of purging and low buying! Good job ladies!

For me, I've been doing no buy July too. I've been in to Sephora and MAC a few times and haven't even really been tempted. I also went to a beauty supply store and didn't buy anything (would have bought nail polish usually at wholesale prices). Tested myself many times just to get used to the feeling of saying NO. It's working!

For me, I don't keep wish lists because I find it a never ending cycle of wanting more. I admire you ladies that can create and stick to lists. I have just found that I'm getting sick of carting around and sorting and cleaning shit. It's exhausting. This applies to many areas of my life.

Counted my nail polishes. Anyone have a guess about how many I have?

160. YEP. 160 bottles.

I've been doing through and swatching them side by side on my nails to get rid of dupes. I'm going to give them away to girls at work or do something with them. It's crazy. I keep them in the fridge at home and it takes up a whole top shelf. Yep. I'm crazy! Lucky hubs is so patient. Hey, he knew who he was marrying - what can I say?!?

I also have a HUGE announcement haha. I've lost 10 pounds!!! TEN!!! YAY!!! And I've been sticking to dairy/wheat free. So far so good! I think I had one dairy slip up and one wheat slip up this month. Turned down Dairy Queen birthday cake. YEAH. I love that ish more than anything and I said NO. Practicing my NO skills!

@burghchick - you were asking about how I am planning on losing weight, right? I use FitnessPal app on my phone to track my calories. It asks what you weekly weight loss goal is and calculates how many calories you can eat based on that. It really reinforces good choices, because if you eat all of your calories in the morning or drink them all (pop, booze, etc), then you'll be starving later. I don't feel deprived - sometimes I go over my calorie goal for the day and other days I'm under (as it adds in calories when you work out, but I don't use those - I try to stick to my base goal and not include my added 'workout calories' for my daily goal - hope that makes sense). I also alternate running and going to the gym, so I'm doing activities basically an hour a day for approx 6 days a week. It's not sustainable to keep up long term for me, but I'm determined to make the most of my time now to jump start my weight loss and fitness. For me it's all about feeling good, feeling strong, and not having to buy new clothes because I don't fit into my stuff right now. I don't have money to replace stuff, so I'm trying to fit into what I have.

July is going really well all around. I'm looking forward to continued success in August too! Lots of things to accomplish over here. Loving it and making the most out of what I have right now!

Hope you ladies are enjoying your summer! The weather here has been rocking. Been outdoors a lot and spending time with hubs and family.


Well-known member
PS - Going to IMATS, I caved and bought tix. Any advice on how to curb spending there? I want to visit MUFE mostly. And watch the MUA compete in the battle of the brushes competition.

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