What is the ONE thing you hate about aging and would pay to be solved?


New member
I personally haven't figured out yet... But I definitely know there's something... So I'm curious to know what it is for you!


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Problems of aging that maybe very annoying are fine lines, big pores, dark and puffy eyes and dry skin. These are sign of aging and even premature aging due to harmful effects of UV rays, make up, pollutants, dirt and debris we are exposed all day long. Deep cleansing is very needful to keep our skin radiant and healthy. As we mature we age gracefully and our skin retain its natural oil and elasticity. Fuss free facial wipes are good help to clean our face deeply and after doing so we can use the fuss free facial masks to moisturize the skin.


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Forgetfulness & SAGGING


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Grey Hair - so boring.
The years have passed so very quickly and I've had a ball along the way. I might not have as much energy as I had when I was 20 but I am still enjoying everyday and everything that I am doing. I keep meeting & working with interesting people which is a big bonus. Always look for the positives in life. Oh and one last thing - the 1st thing I would save if my home was struck by lightning or similar - my Monsia Advanced Skin Renewal System products - I NEVER travel without it! My 1st must have. Anyone else tried it and liked it??


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As far as beauty issues losing elasticity of the skin around my eyes. I don't have "crows feet" yet, but the loose skin makes it harder to apply shadow and liner. I'm realizing that I'll have to change the way I do my eye make-up, although I'm not sure exactly how yet. I've been fighting the jowls, which might be worse than the eye skin. the frown lines on the forehead are bad, too. So many things! I've been using Skinceuticals on my face and Strivectin neck cream, and both seem to be working pretty well so far. Nothing seems to help the sagging eye skin, though.


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Dry crepey skin, particularly around the eye and chest area.... Smile lines, thining hair, hair that starts to grow in weird places *shudder* And varicose veins! It already started, and there isn't much to do about that I fear :/


New User
When facial muscles loosen and skin becomes less elastic which creates lines and wrinkles on my face. I am planning to solve it by face lift operation. This would be the only solution to reduce saggy skin.


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Dark spots and uneven skin tone!


I actually looked at them today and I take back what I said above. Looking through a magnifying glass I see that they are freckles! Well, I can live with freckles quite happily.
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