Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Wow that's fantastic! Great job on your No Buy. $3 for the month is something to be proud of!! I have my 2 items from the beginning of the month to keep me busy for now and my 2 additional items being sent so that should be enough to tide me over until ANR. I'm going to exercise some patience and check it out in store since I'm only allowing myself 1 item. I do have enough empties for 3 B2M if I get desperate at some point lol. Really trying to be good! I've been shopping my stash like crazy the past few days!
I like the idea of saving the b2m almost like a "break open in case of emergency" thing!! I did start a spreadsheet of my collection this month. Any tips for what kind of info you ladies felt has been most helpful to keep from making duplicate purchases? Or just in general? I've got product name, type, finish, possible dupes according to temptalia or other blogs... Maybe a color category would be good...
I love having a color category. It helps me see what colors I don't need any more of!


Well-known member
Sorting shadows by crease/lid etc.. Love that! Def doing it. Agree on the dupes! I was looking at some makeup geek shadows last night online and am forcing myself to see if I have anything similar really. It is making me look at some shadows I have but don't really use but could be close to the ones I'm wanting. Random but I'm totally convinced makeup geek is going to raise their prices so I feel that slight pressure to buy soon. I have no basis for my theory other than they've been exploding recently and haven't raised prices ever to my knowledge. Veronika I saw at dusk at cco and just skipped it but maybe I shouldn't have! Maybe your cco has if there's one close?
I skipped it twice lol but now I want it.. funny how that works! No CCO in Canada unfortunately (or fortunately?) but I'm sure that shade or something really similar - or better - will come around soon. I'm not in a rush since I have Tarte Exposed coming. And I want to get more of the Hourglass blushes. Exercising patience! :)


Well-known member
Spend $1000 in a calendar year. I wasn't expecting to ever get there but here I am! An easy way to check how close you are is to add a more expensive product to your cart and keep changing the amount until the VIB Rouge notification pops up in the corner.
If you have the Sephora app on your phone, it will also show you under My Account>Beauty Insider in a little bar at the top how much more you have to spend to maintain your current Beauty Insider level or move up to the next level.


Well-known member
If you have the Sephora app on your phone, it will also show you under My Account>Beauty Insider in a little bar at the top how much more you have to spend to maintain your current Beauty Insider level or move up to the next level.
Sephora app! They must not have it in Canada/for Android because I couldn't find it last time I looked. That would be easier for sure, thanks for the tip! I just noticed one day when I was randomly adding stuff to my cart that the VIB Rouge notification popped up.


Well-known member
Just thought I'd share some recent blog/YouTube links. I know some of you said you found them helpful last time I did that.

Plus Fall collections are coming out soon and I know for myself it's harder to stay on track when collections are constantly being released and everyone is always excited about something!

Shopping Addiction
Recovering Shopaholic - On Relapse, Reasons, and Recommitting This one was just published recently and prompted me to share a few things. I love this blog.. it centers around clothing but I've taken so many tips and applied them to my makeup journey. I really identified with this post because usually my relapses coincide with confidence issues about my body or some other aspect of my life that I'm trying to distract myself from.
The Nife en l'Air - Fast Month #1: On Mindset

Tati - Makeup Graveyard | Eyeliner
beautywithemilyfox - Decluttering

Project Pan/Pan That Palette/Finish 5 By Fall Challenges
Faithersk - Pan That Palette 7 Week Update I like this series because she's using a neutral palette and then cycling through other eyeshadows each week.
Faithersk - Expiring Products
Angela Skar - Pan That Palette - Lessons Learned

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
I love having a color category. It helps me see what colors I don't need any more of!
Hey ladies, hows everyone doing! Ok, I've been MIA...again, but miss ya guys. But loving the work thang lol. And I'm still low buy ya'll
I've gotten some ds mascara and almost got some lippies, but didn't. There is lots of others things I am spending on, much needed and important. I would like to make a spread sheet, one day. I was keeping track on my face everyday on my phone like @Naomi29, but some days I forgot lol. But I can truly say I've worn all my blushes in both palettes and most of the others! Also been working on my lippies. I do think next payday I'll have to do a Sephora an Mac order...for staples.


Well-known member
I have to confess an indiscretion.

I went to the VIB Rouge event tonight, which went fine! I've been wanting to go just to see what it was like since I've never been to anything like that before. I'm also aiming to NOT be VIB Rouge next year. I've felt pretty in control lately so I thought, what the heck let's just do it. I picked up some travel sizes of a few things I've been wanting to try like the Living Proof PHD (I used a sample and really liked it but wasn't ready to commit to a full size). I was going to get the leave-in treatment but passed since there wasn't a smaller size of that and it was like $32. Turns out there was a deluxe size in the little sample bag that they gave you so that worked out quite nicely! I also got travel sizes of the Caudalie Grape Water and UD's b6 spray. All went according to plan. The sample bag was decent, but not overly exciting to be honest.. kind of the theme of the night really. We were all on a list and had to get signed in at the door, then we got name tags and a basket and were sent off on our own. There were probably about 30 people there and our Sephora is small so we were kind of tripping over each other. Everything worth looking at was sold out (probably a good thing for me). All in all, I'm glad I went for the experience but it didn't have the feel of a "VIP" event.

So, you might be wondering what the problem is since I didn't buy any makeup at Sephora.. Well, MAC is right across the hallway.. and because I got there early and they weren't letting anyone in until 7, I thought I'd kill time by swatching things at MAC. Then someone asked me if I wanted to try any lipsticks on and I figured, why not! No harm in that, I'll just finalize my B2M list. But then I tried on this one lipstick.. and I just couldn't get over it. I managed to leave without buying it but during the Sephora event I couldn't stop thinking about it. Even when I got my sample bag and the things I bought at Sephora it just didn't seem like "enough." So I went back and bought the lipstick. I wish I would have taken my B2M empties with me!! But I was feeling so confident that I wouldn't need them.. clearly I did!

Anyway, it was "just" one lipstick, so the world will not end. This just means anything I get from ANR will have to be using B2M stuff since I've used my 5 makeup item slots for this month already. Also I'm starting to get that anxious feeling coming back when I go shopping which I don't like. I've already been to the mall twice this month and made one online order and it's only been a week! I'm going to put myself back on a No Buy for everything again until ANR comes out. I know this method doesn't work for a lot of people but it seems to work well for me.. and I need to get myself sorted out before the holiday sets and collections frenzy starts.

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Lmao! Yep @ veronikawithak, the 1 lippie & if it looked fab on ya, hey. The Sephora event sounds fun, I'm not quote to Rouge, but kinda wish I was. Really wanted to get the mini beauty blenders, but I can wait lol.Your still doing good, especially if you left Sephora without nothing lol


Well-known member
Lmao! Yep @ veronikawithak, the 1 lippie & if it looked fab on ya, hey. The Sephora event sounds fun, I'm not quote to Rouge, but kinda wish I was. Really wanted to get the mini beauty blenders, but I can wait lol.Your still doing good, especially if you left Sephora without nothing lol
Hahaha it did look fab! So that's something. The Sephora event honestly stressed me out more than anything. It was fun for 5 minutes while I was in line feeling like someone important, but then it was frantic and I kind of wanted to just get my stuff and get out. I prefer shopping when there's nobody else there lol.. part of the reason I stay away during peak hours or shop online. Glad I got to check it out though! I was going to get the mini beauty blenders too but they didn't have them yet.. they're soooo tiny looking from what I've seen online.

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Faux is pretty. Since where I live there's only a Mac counter, lippie are the only B2M item I can get. And I've thought about Faux. I can understand not wanting to shop with a crowd. But too bad
the mini Beauty Blenders weren't in stock lol


Well-known member
Faux is pretty. Since where I live there's only a Mac counter, lippie are the only B2M item I can get. And I've thought about Faux. I can understand not wanting to shop with a crowd. But too bad
the mini Beauty Blenders weren't in stock lol
It is pretty. :) Also on the list is Brave and then maybe some darker colors. I'm getting adventurous. But I'll for sure remember to take my B2M empties with me next time I go to the mall. My Sephora is terrible.. everything always comes in like a month after it's supposed to launch. So I wasn't too surprised.


Well-known member
What lippies did you get??
Just one! Faux.
Faux is a staple, if you use your B2M for a different lippy, then I think you are okay, since you have a set amount you plan to spend on future collections and then that can just be exchanged. Looking almost always leads to buying in my case. One thing I have found that does limit my impulse buying is organizing my stash, because if I have a mental inventory of what I already have, I am less likely to get something unless I think it is a staple or really unique.

I should probably confess at this point that I need to excuse myself from this thread. While I DO want to shop my stash more and avoid buying dupes, I just hauled at Sephora and I am a sucker for LE items from MAC and OCC, but I am trying hard not to buy things I won't use or to duplicate things unless I am sure I will get through at least one container of whatever I have duped. But, I just did a Sephora haul (and gave into some hyped items), so maybe I need to go into Pixies bad girl chair.


Well-known member
Thanks [@]martiangurll[/@]! Yes, I'm still within my goal for the month as long as I don't buy anything else! And I should avoid looking at anything to avoid the temptation. Totally agree about having things visible and organized too! Such a big help. Also, I don't think you need to excuse yourself or go sit in the bad chair.. as I recall your goals have always been about shopping your stash and avoiding dupes right? And even if you have been buying a little more than you planned, that's what this thread is for right? We all slip up sometimes and we all have different goals.. it's just about supporting one another in the things we want to achieve. No need to be too harsh with ourselves. :frenz:

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Yep, as long as you kept your goal. I have Brave, a friend gave it to me along with one if the holiday cream glasses & I wear the 2 together. I usually try to get a l/s I'll wear, since I usually only wear lipglass especially or gift it to someone. I dnt think i've set a goal really but trying to not buy so much. My last big purchase with Moody & like I said got a couple mascaras. So in a couple wks, when I do get a few staple items I won't feel too bad lol.


Well-known member
So what's everyone's plans for A Novel Romance? Hard to believe it'll be out next week! I feel like I've been looking forward to it for so long.. What are you planning on getting and/or what's your method for sticking to your Low Buy goal?


Staff member
There's nothing I really want from ANR, except for Stay Sultry in the Passionate Quest quad, but I'm not spending all that money just for the one shade, not to mention palettes are a no-no for me. So I will look for something similar and permanent to buy later. Besides that, I'm more looking forward to Artificially Wild. :nods:


Well-known member
So what's everyone's plans for A Novel Romance? Hard to believe it'll be out next week! I feel like I've been looking forward to it for so long.. What are you planning on getting and/or what's your method for sticking to your Low Buy goal?
I had Yield to Love and Wanting More on my list but I am reconsidering them both.


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