Although I've never been good at new year's resolutions (losing weight, going to the gym,...), I wanna take the chance to improve my shopping behavior even more. I'm about to write my Master's thesis and plan to start my PhD thesis in 2015 as well, so I'm quite unsure about what the next year might bring. The one thing I'm sure of is that saving money instead of splurging will be really good for me. I'll enjoy the stuff I own and I'll limit my hauling to a few useful items each month (not about ten as in the last few months...must have lost my mind back then). I wanna change my approach towards stuff so that I see makeup/clothes as consumables only and that I won't be afraid of damage/loss/using something up.I am also turning my thoughts to my aims for my wardrobe and cosmetic stash for 2015 following @veronikawithak 's post yesterday. Anyone else have any thoughts on 2015 ??