I gotta say I get a little tired of seeing members demonised for the price they list items for (and no I'm not selling anything in the CB, or buying). Just because a price seems high to one person, that doesn't mean we're being taken advantage of. They will only be able to sell it at that price if someone is willing to pay it. And heaven knows we here know how difficult it can be to get some of these items. If someone stalked for 2 days for an item, or called dozens of stores until they found it, why shouldn't they take that into account? And it's just as much a buyers right to decide that not having to do those things is worth paying considerably more than retail price. Time has value, just like money does. Now if someone has a high price listing for something that's readily available at or near retail price, I'm going to roll my eyes at them for sure. But I know it will do them no good, so it doesn't bother me.