All Things Sephora


Well-known member
Was just on the phone with Sephora CS. They attempted to add the GC number to my phone order... but said it wouldn't work. She kept getting an error. She apologized that I haven't gotten my mailer or email yet, and isn't sure why other people can already use the code.
She said I can call back on the 3rd, but the promo I really want (mystery bag) is only available through the end of the 2nd. Rats!


Well-known member
I got my code on Saturday. It was even the right amount. Ya'll had me freaked!

Got me thinking though... I wonder if it depends on when you made VIB/VIBR or whatever. Like I wonder if they start printing/cueing the cards before the sale and so if you make a new level during the sale that's when it gets messed up? Because I made VIBR over the summer.

Just a thought.


Well-known member
I received my coupon sat...

wait...VIBR's get $25? My coupon was $20... so I need to call.

what MUFE shades are you all picking up?? I want another 3 pan palette. However, I also want to try the Laura mercier concealer duo. Has anyone oily tried this? The MUA at sephora said it is not as creamy as a cream concealer so it should be fine.


Well-known member
Haven't gotten my code yet either, rouge. Have the brow wiz in my cart... Seeking other suggestions! I see you all talking about the MUFE shadows but I can't go down that rabbit hole... Hmm


Well-known member
I received my coupon sat... wait...VIBR's get $25?  My coupon was $20... so I need to call. what MUFE shades are you all picking up?? I want another 3 pan palette. However, I also want to try the Laura mercier concealer duo. Has anyone oily tried this?  The MUA at sephora said it is not as creamy as a cream concealer so it should be fine.  
No its $20.


Well-known member
No mail or email, they probably hate me since i might my make rouge this year lol. Email comes the day before rite? So maybe tomorrow?


Well-known member
I'll def check those out thanks lovelies! Still waiting for refund to use my discount. So it will be a few days before I use it. Stupidly made an online order on accident! So I'm waiting for that to hit my bank account. I'll def be careful from now on. Was so mad at myself!
I hear TokyoMilk Dark has a few of those musky spicy type scents.
Try Elizabeth and James Black