Nope! Taraji P. Henson is a friend in my head and she KILLS it as Cookie. I love the chemistry she has with Terrence Howard and I love the casting as a whole. I concur, it's tv crack. Your husband is the bomb! The agency should reimburse you for the amount it would cost to replace each item. Refunding the charge for the cleaning is not sufficient. Since they were primarily LE items and you'd have go to the CB (or worse, Evilbay) for them, they should give you an additional percentage over retail. However, I understand that's not likely though since the owner is so douche-y. THIS! Trust, this was NOT her first time at the rodeo. She just got caught this time and not being able to buy certain things is no excuse for stealing. Period. Not being allowed to keep the items will reinforce the lesson. I would press charges to the fullest extent of the law (even if it's just a fine for a misdemeanor) so she doesn't do it to someone else. What if she cleaned the home of an elderly person and stole their priceless heirlooms or trinkets? Would the cops and the agency just blow them off too? I agree with the Back 2 Mac idea. You can use them to get something from a future collection or trade them for a gift or something.