MAC Veluxe A Trois Collection (August 13, 2015)


Active member
I always say we each have our struggle. I was always teased growing up for being skinny and spent a lot of time covering up and having a complex about it. I always wanted to gain weight. It's only when I got older I accepted it but if I lose any weight to this day I get majorly pissed.
And I had to learn to love my big lips cause I was teased for them for years in school. It's kind of hard, but I finally realized that I was only teased because they had small lips and loved mine more


Well-known member
Exactly....I'm in the minority here because I don't we
And I had to learn to love my big lips cause I was teased for them for years in school. It's kind of hard, but I finally realized that I was only teased because they had small lips and loved mine more


Well-known member
That's true. I'm sorry you have to deal with that :( I just always feel like society is much more accepting of women who are too thin than of women who are too fat. I feel so embarrassed whenever I hear jokes on tv about cankles or muffin-tops or chubby chasers, or whatever. We're just so objectified in a bad way, I feel like everyone is looking down at me. It makes me feel weak. Like of all I've made it through in my life all people see is still just an ugly girl. It would be nice if I could watch just five minutes of a comedy show without there being a "joke" about an overweight or ugly or old girl. Like there's nothing worse we could be. I just want to look the way society wants me to look so that I can focus on what's really important and not have to feel ashamed. And no, it's NOT easy to just buck up and do that anyway. It's actually much easier to torture myself into looking a certain way. Even when I see friends I haven't seen in a long time they're never like "wow! I can't believe you aced that test! And the work you're doing at your lab! That's amazing!" they're always just like, "wow, you've put on weight!" or "hey you've gotten thinner!" WTF is up with that? Seriously. I'm doing really amazing at school and at work and when I went to a party at my husband's cousins house on sunday, all anyone wanted to talk about was how I got really fat last summer and I'm trying to get thin again. Just once could my family or friends have something else to talk about than my pants size? There are people in one part of my husband's family (that we don't spend much time with, obviously) that have known me for YEARS and they don't even know what I DO but they somehow keep track of my weight.

My parents are the only people who never notice my weight, and I was actually mad at them for YEARS for that, like 15 years, because I blamed them for not forcing me to diet and go out for sports like my skinny friends when I was a kid. I guess they were actually probably the only people doing the right thing... But I ended up with a complex anyway. wth am I gna do with my kids?

But I digress, I can't know what it's like to not be able to gain weight, since that's always been the opposite of my problem... Maybe I like specktra so much because we're all so supportive of each other being beautiful and unique and individual. Makeup helps us celebrate what we like about ourselves instead of succumbing to the "never good enough" message of the masses... This is a good place to be, and makeup is great therapy :) And I kind of like the objectification of men we get goin' on sometimes...

And I had to learn to love my big lips cause I was teased for them for years in school. It's kind of hard, but I finally realized that I was only teased because they had small lips and loved mine more


Well-known member
I spent most of my life being on the small side. When I finally got some curves, I have heard so many of my family and random people say, ' You put on size.' or 'Where you going with all that size.' I never understood why people feel the need to belittle others rather than tell someone they look nice that day or if nothing else, just shut their mouths and stay quiet.

I am glad with this forum, in addition for us to share our makeup obsessions, etc., we can also use it to support and uplift each other. At the end of the day, no matter what our packages are we are all beautiful inside and out.
I had to chuckle, so Trini. Lawd!


Isn't it sad that people get picked on and teased because of pure jealousy? I'm hippy with a big derrière and get so annoyed with jokes on TV that put it down. Like I can actually control my body structure. On TV shows they'll use "you have a big butt" to put a person down and think it's funny. I really think we as society need to spend more time focusing on lifting each other up then tearing others down.
Yeah, all this fat shaming/skinny shaming/ (insert anything else) shaming is so horrible and annoying, it really needs to stop. I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm noticing all the time; it must be awful for younger persons who got all the puberty stress and insecurities. I've never been skinny, but gained a number of extra pounds due to health problems in the last years, but I don't see a reason to feel misearable and "ugly" all the time because I don't fit a certain standard set up by society and the media. I'm soooo glad I grew up without the internet and all those obsessive beauty ideals floating around there (just Tv and magazines back then, and even this was challenging for my self esteem and body image), it must be really tough for teenagers nowadays. It seems there's always something wrong with one's body, no matter how skinny or heavy a person is. Only all those people in the media seem to be perfect, but hey, they are wealthy celebrities so they got professional makeup artists, fashion stylists, hairdressers, fitness coaches, and, most of all, photoshop. So we should remember even they are just human beings with blemishes and stretch marks, which is just fine, and even they can feel insecure about themselves. I'm always happy for media/advertisements celebrating diversity and breaking down standards that make so many people insecure about themselves. Everybody's beautiful just the way they are, and, most importantly, the people I love are always the most beautiful for me.
I love that this thread has gone a little off topic, btw!


Well-known member
Yeah, all this fat shaming/skinny shaming/ (insert anything else) shaming is so horrible and annoying, it really needs to stop. I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm noticing all the time; it must be awful for younger persons who got all the puberty stress and insecurities. I've never been skinny, but gained a number of extra pounds due to health problems in the last years, but I don't see a reason to feel misearable and "ugly" all the time because I don't fit a certain standard set up by society and the media. I'm soooo glad I grew up without the internet and all those obsessive beauty ideals floating around there (just Tv and magazines back then, and even this was challenging for my self esteem and body image), it must be really tough for teenagers nowadays. It seems there's always something wrong with one's body, no matter how skinny or heavy a person is. Only all those people in the media seem to be perfect, but hey, they are wealthy celebrities so they got professional makeup artists, fashion stylists, hairdressers, fitness coaches, and, most of all, photoshop. So we should remember even they are just human beings with blemishes and stretch marks, which is just fine, and even they can feel insecure about themselves. I'm always happy for media/advertisements celebrating diversity and breaking down standards that make so many people insecure about themselves. Everybody's beautiful just the way they are, and, most importantly, the people I love are always the most beautiful for me. I love that this thread has gone a little off topic, btw!
Agreed. You know that's why I'm so worried about some day when I have kids. I'm 30 and I'm still trying to love myself, how am I gna make my daughter love herself from the start? And if I have boys, how do I keep them from being part of the problem? Whenever I catch my little cousins saying stuff like "no way dude, she's ugly" or "she can't even twerk she has no butt" or things like that I give a lecture. Usually they get the "everyone is equal and worthy of respect and you have no right to treat them like that" lecture, then the "everyone is beautiful to someone, just because YOURE not attracted to her doesn't mean she's ugly, it just means she's not your type" lecture. If it persists they get they "what makes YOU so perfect? How would you feel if she was with her friends right now calling YOU ugly?" Lecture. They are now super good at saying "she's not my type" instead of slinging insults. Gotta raise the next gen right...


Agreed. You know that's why I'm so worried about some day when I have kids. I'm 30 and I'm still trying to love myself, how am I gna make my daughter love herself from the start? And if I have boys, how do I keep them from being part of the problem? Whenever I catch my little cousins saying stuff like "no way dude, she's ugly" or "she can't even twerk she has no butt" or things like that I give a lecture. Usually they get the "everyone is equal and worthy of respect and you have no right to treat them like that" lecture, then the "everyone is beautiful to someone, just because YOURE not attracted to her doesn't mean she's ugly, it just means she's not your type" lecture. If it persists they get they "what makes YOU so perfect? How would you feel if she was with her friends right now calling YOU ugly?" Lecture. They are now super good at saying "she's not my type" instead of slinging insults. Gotta raise the next gen right...
Yeah, I'm quite worried where all this will end, too. I really hope there'll be a positive change.
I often hear my neighbor's kids, who are still in kindergarten, say things to me like "why is your butt this big? That's not pretty! you eat too much candy!" and I'm like
I mean, that's not just kids trying to be a little cheeky, it's something their parents tell them/probably gossiped about me in front of the kids. At such a young age! I try to explain that it's okay that I got a big butt because that's just the way it is, and there's nothing bad about it, but it's simply horrible, I don't wanna imagine how they'll be like as teenagers or adults.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm quite worried where all this will end, too. I really hope there'll be a positive change. I often hear my neighbor's kids, who are still in kindergarten, say things to me like "why is your butt this big? That's not pretty! you eat too much candy!" and I'm like :wtf2: I mean, that's not just kids trying to be a little cheeky, it's something their parents tell them/probably gossiped about me in front of the kids. At such a young age! I try to explain that it's okay that I got a big butt because that's just the way it is, and there's nothing bad about it, but it's simply horrible, I don't wanna imagine how they'll be like as teenagers or adults.
Right?! Parents don't even realize what their kids pick up or how YOUNG they start it. And the worst part is that it's probably half reactionary. Like when someone feels fat so they call someone else anorexic. They just hate themselves so they subconsciously want to rag on the person who has the thing they covet. The LEAST we can do is stand together as WOMEN. We need to stand arm in arm and not be our own enemy. Love each other's beauty without needing to compare it to our own to do so. And if we have a problem with someone, we need to say what the ACTUAL problem is, not use whatever insult is the most clever and hurtful. And people like me need to stop bullying ourselves... Maybe the kids pick up on looks as a valid issue because they hear me and their moms complaining about our stomachs and such.


Well-known member
yay makeup! and non-conformity! I do everything from silver staining to neural degeneration analyses, but over the last year I've mostly been the lab surgeon, operating on mice hoping for better treatments for chronic pain :) I'm an animal lover, so it can be hard to work with animals in a research capacity, but I think that's exactly where you NEED animal rights activists so you can be sure everything is done properly with the welfare of the subjects as a top consideration.

Thanks for being understanding instead of just telling me I shouldn't diet. Most people get kind of aggressive and judge me for the way I deal with the weight stuff if they find out. So I really appreciate it when someone is like, "hey, we've all got issues," instead of "you're insane!"

I'm going to wear makeup tomorrow :) Because I'm pretty :)
I like that. I might use that the next time someone ask why I have on "all of that makeup". My old coworkers asked me once why I was wearing a bright lippie. I said gotta do soemthing around here, she had one on the next day.


Well-known member
I like cremesheens, but I just don't think that this will be the Heaux that I've been lusting after. I really hate that I missed out on that one. I think that this version will be beautiful and I will most certainly be getting it, but it won't be the same thing. It should just have its own name!


Well-known member
I like cremesheens, but I just don't think that this will be the Heaux that I've been lusting after. I really hate that I missed out on that one. I think that this version will be beautiful and I will most certainly be getting it, but it won't be the same thing. It should just have its own name!
I feel the same way. If it had been a satin it might be different but it's going to look totally different.


Well-known member
I like cremesheens, but I just don't think that this will be the Heaux that I've been lusting after. I really hate that I missed out on that one. I think that this version will be beautiful and I will most certainly be getting it, but it won't be the same thing. It should just have its own name!
You are so right. Heaux is an awesome shade and beautiful for the Spring and Summer. However, this shade looks best as a matte. I plan to get it too though.