MAC The Matte Lip Collection (May 28/ June 4, 2015)


Well-known member
how stone looks on you... Makn me want it + you look beautiful...werq
Wearing it today, I lerves it!


Well-known member
OMG, LOOOOVE on you! GORG!!! Do you have anything else similar? I'm thinking it's close to some NYX Wicked Lippies. I know those are metallic but I don't know that I need a matte blue.  I like it. This is madness, I think I add more to my list the more I see. I've accepted that I'm going to end up buying them all, lol.
Thanx! The closest I have to it is Ardency Inn Black is Blue... MR is lighter, brighter, and more matte... On me its a periwinkle-spiked purple haha


Well-known member
I know that a store isn't a counter and that a counter is what you'd find in say a Macy's. I never said it was. I said I wish they were in store and she asked if I heard anything about the in store release and that her counter said the 18th, I was just letting her know the release date that I know for the MAC I shop at which isn't a counter
This release is pretty confusing. I just called my counter at the Bay (Canada) where I pre-ordered and they still have the release as June 18th. I don't want to wait that long. :pooh:
I think Erin was implying that its a staggered release. The email from MAC for this collection says "in stores June 4" it proabably hits counters June 11 or June 18. Based on that info...the dept store online release might be next monday June 8 or June 15. Im still checking my Nordies counter tomorrow morning just in case though.


Well-known member
What are you getting?
I just got my black box with Whirl, Matte Royal, and Runway Hit so far. I wanna check of DfD, Persistence, Naturally Transformed, abd possibly MLM instore. The MAC at my job is expecting to launch this collection in July--and ill pick up Instigator and Studded Kiss then!

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
Ok sooo I decided to dig into my order to get a feel for the colors:
Men Love Mystery
Matte Royal
Antique Velvet Surprisingly I love AV!! Stone and Whirl are my top faves and MR is a wearable blue so I like that. MLM I'll swatch along with RRB n UTA later!!


Well-known member
Ok Stone is now a must have. Tomorrow I'm going to bulldoze my way over women and children to make sure I get a Stone! ( ok maybe bulldoze was a strong word and I won't run over children under the age of 7. I'm not heartless.)

*second aside* I've recently see Mad Max Fury Road and Its sinking into my life.


Well-known member
*~*I'm in the minority, but I love Whirl on me. It's the perfect neutral rose shade for me...if MAC changes the shade, that will be disappointing, because it's my favorite. As someone with a deeper skin tone, it's really difficult to find rose/mauve shades that look good on me (and not like I've just eaten a powdered doughnut), so when I find one I like, I stick with it.*~*
It looks great on you!

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
Ok Stone is now a must have. Tomorrow I'm going to bulldoze my way over women and children to make sure I get a Stone! ( ok maybe bulldoze was a strong word and I won't run over children under the age of 7. I'm not heartless.)

*second aside* I've recently see Mad Max Fury Road and Its sinking into my life.
lol u better than me cuz aint nooooobody exempt when i got my eyes on the prize-kids of ALL ages included
i love stone tho, then again i like any grey type lippie!


Well-known member
Ok sooo I decided to dig into my order to get a feel for the colors:
Men Love Mystery
Matte Royal
Antique Velvet Surprisingly I love AV!! Stone and Whirl are my top faves and MR is a wearable blue so I like that. MLM I'll swatch along with RRB n UTA later!!
Whirl and MLM look great on you! I wish I could pull those colors off, but I might be too cool toned for those.


Well-known member
My minor was Child Psychology, I loved it!! I can *totally* empathize with you about getting tired of school. Truly. I did my Bachelor's in 3 years and went right from that into my dual master's program. I didn't take any time off. Sometimes, I regret it, because I can totally feel the class fatigue. It's very very demanding! Even in undergrad! It's no piece of cake for sure. I think taking breaks and self-care are so crucial for everyone's mental health and doing well in school. And also, everyone does things differently. That is completely amazing what your sister has accomplished and I commend her! But I also commend you because even though she did all of that awesome stuff-- it doesn't take away from the successes you have! Plus You totally rock all the makeup looks you do and inspire me to try new looks and products! :)

It can definitely feel scary! Yes! I look like I'm 16 sometimes, and I'm rather short. So sometimes, with more difficult adolescent clients, it's hard for them to see you as the counselor role. Heck! Sometimes I can't take myself seriously.
But it's just sooo rewarding when you do get that breakthrough with clients. But in this type of situation it doesn't always happen and you get a lot of repeat clients and it can be discouraging. But right now there is nowhere else I'd rather be dedicating my time to. It can be eye-opening what younger people go through sometimes that I would have never dreamed of going through as a child/adolescent. Sometimes these kids are so insightful into their own lives it gives me chills! LOL oops can you tell I'm super passionate about this?

Thank you!! I appreciate it.

That is so exciting for your daughter!! Highly encourage her to get involved in research and other activities that are psych related if she has time in school. They really help build a resume, especially for graduate school, (if that is her goal of course) because it can get pretty competitive. It also can help her discover what kinds of populations she wants to work with! It's something I wish I did more of in undergraduate studies!!
Thank you!!! I will! Have you gotten any yet? My list is so long, I don't know where to start!
You're so sweet, thanks. Hahaha, you do look young! That's the changing face now though, even at my company there are bosses younger than their employees and it makes for an uncomfortable situation at times when someone the age of your daughter is telling you what to do. Sounds like a lot of ups and downs. I think no matter what, you leave an imprint in their minds even if you don't think you are. A lot of times it's the smart and wise who end up with the most psych probs. I think all the thoughts cause them to go into overdrive and just for lack of a better phrase "lose it".