MAC Veluxe A Trois Collection (August 13, 2015)


Well-known member
Lovin the new Heaux! It feels so smooth on my lips, unlike the Riri Heaux.
Dark Outsider Cremesheen Glass
I wore "Heaux" today and personally to me it feels like the amplified finish, albeit the "Pure Heroine" amplified finish (creamy but with more slip than normal and, as a result, less opacity). My cremesheens have a borderline gloss feeling to them - like a bit more tackiness - which I don't really get from this. Either way, the color is GORGEOUS. Makes me want to pick up D for Dangerous from the mattes since the slight transparency takes away from the color a bit. The gloss finish makes my lips so full though. xD Maybe I can pair them up. =) Edit: Here's a pic with it on. :D 
Heaux 2.0 (womp womp) please don't mind my makeuplessness.
Beautiful ladies.


Well-known member
Off topic I was cleaning my lipsticks and i broke my Blankety lipstick. my heart leaped to see if there was LE. TG NO.


Well-known member
Hopefully. Either way it doesn't matter since I've been dabbling in a lot of other brands over the last 2 years. I'll still be a'hauling lol. Did new Heaux finally show up on the CDN website?
Nope! It wouldn't be the first time Canada didn't launch an online exclusive though. Oh well!


Well-known member
Off topic I was cleaning my lipsticks and i broke my Blankety lipstick. my heart leaped to see if there was LE. TG NO.
Ah that sucks. :( Btw, do you switch the caps of the lippies? I see very fun lippie packagings in the back. :amused:


Well-known member
I really need more swatches of RR, PT, and HT. Karen's are good, but I'm so much fairer than her that it doesn't give me the best idea of how they'll look on me. I think I want all 3 but am not sure. I do love Cremesheens the most out of all my MAC lippies; they dry my lips out the least.


Well-known member
I really need more swatches of RR, PT, and HT. Karen's are good, but I'm so much fairer than her that it doesn't give me the best idea of how they'll look on me. I think I want all 3 but am not sure. I do love Cremesheens the most out of all my MAC lippies; they dry my lips out the least.
This!! I know this is an unpopular opinion around here, but MAC's mattes of any type and I aren't friends, or even frenemies. It takes 2 weeks of Baume de Rose to counteract damage from 30 min of wear. (The GVs don't seem to be as bad but I have to prep a certain way.) OTOH, the Cremesheens and my lips are effortless BFFs.


Well-known member
This!! I know this is an unpopular opinion around here, but MAC's mattes of any type and I aren't friends, or even frenemies. It takes 2 weeks of Baume de Rose to counteract damage from 30 min of wear. (The GVs don't seem to be as bad but I have to prep a certain way.) OTOH, the Cremesheens and my lips are effortless BFFs.
I'm with u on this.


Well-known member
I know this is dorky, but I was updating my lipstick spreadsheet and was so excited that Eugenie was my first "E" lipstick, so I picked Quelle Surprise so that I could have a "Q" lipstick, too.

I'm so excited to get that and Heaux, but I'm in CA so I don't get my package til Tuesday.


Well-known member
I know this is dorky, but I was updating my lipstick spreadsheet and was so excited that Eugenie was my first "E" lipstick, so I picked Quelle Surprise so that I could have a "Q" lipstick, too.

I'm so excited to get that and Heaux, but I'm in CA so I don't get my package til Tuesday.
Well crap, now you reminded me to update my spreadsheet, I got like 10 new lipsticks that arent in there.. Gonna transfer it to google docs aswell so I can check it out when Im shopping lol.

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
Well crap, now you reminded me to update my spreadsheet, I got like 10 new lipsticks that arent in there.. Gonna transfer it to google docs aswell so I can check it out when Im shopping lol.
I'm in the same boat, must update my database before the new boyfriend comes over for the weekend. Otherwise, he'll look at all my lipsticks and say 'Marsha, they're all the same shade of purple/pink/red/other (circle appropriate answer)'


Well-known member
T has some swatches up.


Well-known member
I think I want all 3 but am not sure. I do love Cremesheens the most out of all my MAC lippies; they dry my lips out the least.
I get what you are saying. I do love mattes/retromattes even though I experience dryness from them time to time but I am also a lustre gal. I recall plenty of people here complaining about the Fantasy of Flowers collection and how it only had lustre lipsticks. The lipstick were soldout despite of that. There is a fan base for all the lipstick formulas that MAC has. This is the reason why MAC is so loved for their lipsticks. They have something for everyone.


Well-known member
You are buying Heaux again. I thought you did not like the first version. Enjoy though.
Yes i didnt like the first time. I bought this for my sister, i bought the milani dupes and she loves de heaux dupe. she is going to visit me until december (she lives in Mexico) meanwhile I can play with it. Jajaja