Chanel Rouge Noir Absolument - Holiday 2015


Well-known member
lol! I think Belly Bloom to me is what Zoulou is to you which is why I'm trying to resist wearing Belly Bloom because I know once I do, it's going to be hard to stop.

I've been wearing TF Black Dahalia & Velvet Violet, trying to get wear out of them before they turn.
Oh I'm that way w/Me Nude too!!!! I did take a break from both yesterday by wearing Impera. I need to wear my new Chanels & Givenchy & Guerlain
I'm almost afraid to grab a Tf for fear that it's actually turned but I need to wear them. I'm on a huge mauve & burgundy binge and So Vain fits my mauve bill!!!! Fingers crossed that it's still fresh & wearable.


Well-known member
  [COLOR=EE82EE] It looks mauvey to me.  I'm thinking RA  Rayonnante (Pinky-Plum) 145 or RAV  La Mysterieuse 59 (Rosewood) [/COLOR]     [COLOR=EE82EE] Inspiree might have a tad too much orange[/COLOR]:dunno:
:lol: the shade looks a brown pink to me !! Inspiree pulls pinky brown on me Meds no orange!! :hmm:


Active member
lol! I think Belly Bloom to me is what Zoulou is to you which is why I'm trying to resist wearing Belly Bloom because I know once I do, it's going to be hard to stop. I've been wearing TF Black Dahalia & Velvet Violet, trying to get wear out of them before they turn.
It sucks that we have to worry about TF turning so fast. I also have a bunch and good number of those I haven't even opened or swatched yet.


Well-known member
 [COLOR=EE82EE]Oh I'm that way w/Me Nude too!!!!  I did take a break from both yesterday by wearing Impera.  I need to wear my new Chanels & Givenchy & Guerlain[/COLOR]:haha: [COLOR=EE82EE]I'm almost afraid to grab a Tf for fear that it's actually turned but I need to wear them.  I'm on a huge mauve & burgundy binge and So Vain fits my mauve bill!!!!  Fingers crossed that it's still fresh & wearable.[/COLOR]
Mine is! I hope yours is still good also.


Well-known member
If Inspiree would look like that on me.....well, I would be sold.
Does 164 inspiree pull orange on you too?? That lip shade above looks brownish pink to me leaning more brown and that's how inspiree looks. I don't detect any orange :shock: (I am in my phone though. Let me get on a laptop and see what lip shade the above pic is :haha: )


Well-known member
Does 164 inspiree pull orange on you too?? That lip shade above looks brownish pink to me leaning more brown and that's how inspiree looks. I don't detect any orange :shock: (I am in my phone though. Let me get on a laptop and see what lip shade the above pic is :haha: )
I don't have it. Just saying if it looked like that on me, I'd grab it. Wish I had a counter nearby to swatch. I worry it would be too brown on me. That tends to happen with me.


Well-known member
Wow, she just looks so BEAUTIFUL there
It looks like a slight mauve browned rose shade. I'm with Meddy on this - La Mysterieuse

I want to wear just those beautiful flowers
Me too---with my rain boots!!!
I think you should wear them for your birthday!!!!


Well-known member
Finally have my quad!! The wait felt so longggg, but it's so beautiful & so worth the wait! I haven't swatched it yet, but the Shades look really vibrant.