Christian Louboutin Beauty -- COMING SOON?


Well-known member
what EO said. But she's too much for me. I really wanted to hear her cons to see if they were legit, but once I heard them I forwarded to the swatches, which were lovely, and happened to see how she stored them. That was cute.
Yes---she had to dig deep for those. The lip swatches were great!!!


Well-known member
I ordered Impera
It better be mauve on me
I certainly hope so-----It' gorgeous. You and Vee were the ones who talked me in to getting it!!!!


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF]Oh NO---Not you too P1---what is this thread coming to???    [/COLOR]:haha:  [COLOR=0000FF]That will be one of the classiest walkers ever!!![/COLOR]
I'm sorry, Meddy. I just can't resist a good laugh. That image was just too funny


Well-known member
I wore RL, matte for the very first time Saturday night------I love it. It's extremely comfortable to wear and it's long lasting. I think I like it just as much as RL, satin.


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   Oh I loved every minute of it--------where do you think EO got the walker idea:haha: [/COLOR]
I miss a lot of good stuff in these threads. I pop In and we've got bedazzled pink walkers adorned with CL lippies. I can't! might I suggest the Guerlain snowglobes in place of tennis balls on the back legs of the walker


Well-known member
I miss a lot of good stuff in these threads. I pop In and we've got bedazzled pink walkers adorned with CL lippies. I can't! might I suggest the Guerlain snowglobes in place of tennis balls on the back legs of the walker
​Why that's perfect!!!! I just happen to have two of those snow globes----I think this was meant to be!!!!!


Well-known member
I miss a lot of good stuff in these threads. I pop In and we've got bedazzled pink walkers adorned with CL lippies. I can't! might I suggest the Guerlain snowglobes in place of tennis balls on the back legs of the walker
leaving track marks wherever traveled


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   Oh I am-------[/COLOR]:yaay: [COLOR=0000FF]I'm looking for her.  She'll hear me coming w/all of the clanging too.  I ordered too more CLs via the Rouge Sale-----I got Just Nothing & Tutulle!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZAP  ----  SSH---Senior Super Hero[/COLOR]:lol: [COLOR=0000FF]  Elder fingers crossed for you!!![/COLOR]
Omg Super senior Hero :rofl:


Well-known member
I miss a lot of good stuff in these threads. I pop In and we've got bedazzled pink walkers adorned with CL lippies. I can't! might I suggest the Guerlain snowglobes in place of tennis balls on the back legs of the walker