Well I've had a closer look at PPU, filled up a basket with a random load of stuff intending to go back and winnow, thought if I dumped one or two I'd still get free shipping - only to find out that the threshold in the UK shop has leapt from $90 to $130! Shocked. I've never bought enough to get to that amount, this time it would still have been one more,, which I could easily have found but I was way too annoyed!
So had a hypercritical look at my planned purchases and dumped most of them - down to four now, Wildflower, GLL, Lemming & Paint It Pretty.
I was planning to dump the Wildflower too as it's quite similar to the one I planned to get from Hypnotic - but I've now found out that the ones I planned to buy tomorrow are sold out so I'll get the PPU one instead. If I'd been that desperate for them I'd have checked out when it was on pre-order, maybe they'll come back!