Recent content by AtomicMishaps

  1. AtomicMishaps

    My "Bright & Glowy" Spring time look FOTD

    This was done the other day. It's a bit brighter than I would normally wear, but I ended up loving it! Face * Stila Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer, SPF 15 * Select Moisturecover conceler, NW15 * Neutrogena Sunblock, Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch SPF45 * Physicians Formula Mineral Wear Pressed...
  2. AtomicMishaps

    Anyone have picture's of their MAC brush roll & Carryall?

    I'm interested in getting the MAC brush roll and or the carry all. I'd love to see pictures of them and how much they hold if anyne has them. Thanks
  3. AtomicMishaps

    Need recommendations for some new MAC eyeshadows....

    Hello everyone. I'm putting together a MAC order and I'd love some recommendations for some MAC eyeshadow colors. Here's what I already have..... * Shroom * Dazzlelight * Spring Up * Slip Pink * Beauty Sleep * Swish * Creme de Violet * Nocturnelle * Idol Eyes * Shimmermoss * Club * Silver Ring...
  4. AtomicMishaps

    Eyeshadows...Do you prefer to keep them single or put them in pallets?

    I have 17 single MAC eyeshadows that I've collected here and there from the MAC store to my local CCO. I also have a MAC 15 palette filled with 10 MAC pan e/s that I got at the pro store, so I have yet to actually depot an eyeshadow. For now on I hope to buy the majority of e/s in the pans so...
  5. AtomicMishaps

    My First FOTD on Specktra *Waves*

    Hello everyone, I'm new around here and I thought I'd post a FOTD. A very nice MA at my local MAC counter told me about Spectra and I've been enjoying reading all the post here, and I hope to post more myself. If she recognizes me then *Hello* OK, this was taken the other day. It's not...
  6. AtomicMishaps

    Question about Mineralize Skinfinish/Natural

    I'm a NW20 and I'm wondering what color Mineralize Skinfinish/Natural would work for me. I have a friend who has one in Medium, used it once but it was to dark for her (she's a nw15 or lighter...) and she's sending it to me. I hope the color will work. What do you think a nw20 would use?