Recent content by hals

  1. hals

    fashion advice! scarves

    hello everyone! I had a question about some scarves i bought the other day. total impulse buy.. they were like $1.00 each, lol. can anybody suggest something to where them with? i'm drawing a total blank . we've all been there.. buy something and bring it home to find you have no idea what to...
  2. hals

    advice on hair curlers

    hi everyone! can anyone give me advise on how to postition hair curlers on my head for great curly hair? like where to put the big rollers and the medium and small rolers... do i brush my hair back or work around the part in my hair... basicly whats your tecnique for beautifuly curled hair...
  3. hals

    shoe cobbler? lol

    Hello everyone! i had a question about shoes. i found the most perfect pair of boots but the heel is a little small for me, It is 2 inches and i would like 3 or more. does anyone know if there are like shoe cobblers anymore? lol... is that what they are called still? haha well just someone who...
  4. hals


    Does anyone wear corduroy anymore? lol. My mom bought me a pair of khaki corduroy pants the other day and i want to wear them for her but i am having trouble finding a top for them. so does anyone have advice on what to wear ontop of khaki corduroy pants? i have to admit though they make me feel...
  5. hals

    finding a job in the industry

    I'm not sure if this should be posted here or not... just let me know i guess.. I am a Junior in college majoring in bio/chem and would love to work for Estee lauder... excpecally MAC. I was wondering if anyone had any info or knowledge about making MAC products. I would love to sit in a lab...
  6. hals

    question for all the indoor tanners

    I have been tanning for a few weeks now about 3 days a week and i am seeing great color except in my face. I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me about my face... i dont put my tanner on my face for obviouse reasons.. so is there anything like a face tanner? i figured my face would tan...
  7. hals


    Anyone from south central kansas? you know what i'm talking about wika-wika-wichita!!!!!!!!! I would love someone to go shopping for MAC with!
  8. hals

    eyeshadow palettes?

    I am VERY new to MAC makeup... and i was wondering if anyone could tell me where to buy eyeshadow palettes? i havent seen them on the MAC website, but i REALLY want one to put my shadow in! Thank you! H
  9. hals

    Hello Everyone

    HEy! I am new here.. and new to make up, and loving both! I have been reading from this site for a week or 2 and went out and bought my first MAC product because of it! Amazing... i never knew makeup could look so good! I'm in love ! anyway love the site and can't wait to get to know more of...