Recent content by jerseygirl005

  1. jerseygirl005

    "hiding" a cold sore?

    HELP! a cold sore appeared on my lip on tuesday, and i rushed to the store to get abreeve to speed the process up so it disappears faster. i am in a wedding on saturday! if it's not fully gone by then, is there anything i can do to hide it or cover it up? i am seriously stressing out over it.
  2. jerseygirl005

    got my hair cut and highlighted

    i love it!! what do y'all think?? before after
  3. jerseygirl005

    a few of the boyfriend and i

    here are a few pictures from the past couple of months of us =)
  4. jerseygirl005

    Has anyone worked at a Coach store?

    I might be getting a job there this summer. I'm going for an interview later this week. How is it? Boring at times? Do you work off comission or an hourly rate? The one I applied at was A ZOO today. There was a line out the door of people waiting to get in the store!! I hope it's not too bad.
  5. jerseygirl005

    My dog died yesterday =(

    He was really sick and it got the point where there was nothing we could do. It's been a day and although I'm a lot better then yesterday, there are still moments were I am overwhelmed by sadness. I know my mom said that every day that goes by I will be less sad, but it sucks so much. He wasn't...
  6. jerseygirl005

    foundation help

    I'm looking for some skin coverage and I need some help. I don't nessacarily need all over coverage, but it does look better so... I guess I can use it. I don't want something that will make me break out obviously... I'm NC30 and I don't want anything that's cakey... maybe a powder?? TIA
  7. jerseygirl005

    very simple look

    mac foundation nc30 mac bronzing powder in golden mac technakohl liner in graphblack mac lipglass in sweetness no eyeshadow =P sorry the pics are a little blurry
  8. jerseygirl005

    balloonacy quad FOTD

    i love this quad!!! this is what i did/used. face: mac foundation nc-30 mac bronzing powder in golden eyes: balloonacy quad Cloudbound as a highlight Up At Dawn in the inner eye Violet Trance outer corner in a v shape Pandamonium/Violet Trance under lashes Technakohl eyeliner in Graphblack...
  9. jerseygirl005

    AMAZING service from MAC

    so i went to the mac counter in my mall this morning to exchange some eye shadows i didn't like and exchange the eye kohl i got by accident for technakohl. the girl who sold them to me was there and she felt reallly bad, from what she said, about the eyeliner mix up that she did my make up for...
  10. jerseygirl005

    MAC collection after 3 months...

    I made my first MAC purchase 3 months ago... this is where I am now. eye shadows: full flame phloof! swimming springtime skipper moth brown wookwinked tempting satellite dreams balloonacy quad pigments: teal fuschia kitchmas frost lip glass: sweetness cultured bronzing powder (golden) studio...
  11. jerseygirl005

    eye kohl vs. technakohl

    I've used technakohl in graphblack and tonight i *thought* i got that but the girl @ the counter gave me eye kohl in smolder by accident. which one do you like better? should i return it and get technakohl or keep it? it seems to have the same color strenth as technakohl... i'm not sure what to...
  12. jerseygirl005

    Brunette to Blonde??

    So as of lately, I've been thinking about going to a wig store and buying a blonde wig, to see what it would look like. My boyfriend suggested that I "dye" my hair blonde ("dye" as in, getting tons of highlights, I could never completely dye my hair. He also implied he'd pay for it, haha!!). Do...
  13. jerseygirl005

    playing with my makeup, color combo suggestions??

    i'm really bored right now and i want to play around with my eye make up. i have these colors by mac: pink venus (light pink) full flame (darker pink) satellite dreams (purple) wookwinked (goldish) tempting (darker gold) phloof! (white-ish pink, i guess) swimming (green) i have these colors...
  14. jerseygirl005

    Hello from Jersey!

    Hey everyone. My name is Krista. I'm 19 and I'm from New Jersey. I just recently have been really into make up and all that good stuff. I like MAC, UD, Dior and more!