Call me Kina.
I'm just a young girl with an obsession with makeup and all things beauty. I've always browsed specktra, but had always put off joining the community. I'm glad I finally decided to do so.
Some no-so-interesting facts about me:
- I'm 20
- I have an a-mazing boyfriend of 3 years
- I have a pretty serious obsession with LOTR
- I have a papillon named Lily and a cat named Matilda
- I love sunflowers.
- Foxes are my favourite animal (cats are close).
- I have a crippling fear of driving. I still don't have my license.
- Also terrified of sharks and spiders.
- I have absolutely horrible teeth due to me not taking care of them when I was younger. My biggest regret.
Makeup, obviously.
Music, movies, television, roller coasters, delicious food, animals.