
I am a 26 yrs. old young woman. I have been wearing and buying makeup since I was a young teen. Love it! My favorite e/s colors to wear are jewel toned purple, blue, and green. I have hazel eyes, so purple is great for making the green in my eyes pop!:D
I have incredibly long strawberry blond hair -it reaches to the backs of my knees. And no, I do not intend to cut it anytime soon!;D

Have been working at/attending Renaissance Festivals from La. to Ma. and in-between since 1996 and I love it!! Want to eventually work at them selling my handmade art.:)

I consider myself to be a budding artist. I have been making and selling wearable art masks for masquerade events since late 1999. It's a passion of mine and I'm just getting better and better at it all the time.:)

I'm hoping to meet some other cool people who have interests similar to mine and hopefully live nearby so we can hang out in person.:D
-Just moved to this area and don't know anyone, yet.

reading, singing, hanging out, my art, watching t.v./movies, traveling, etc.
W. Buffalo, NY
Not 'technically' my "job", but I make and sell handmade fantasy masks.
Favorite Cosmetic Line
NYX, MAC pigments
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