Recent content by MACHOMULA

  1. M

    Meet Alex...

    I was so excited to have everything so neatly organized and I had to share it with ya'll. I bought the "Alex" from Ikea and was able to fit pretty much everything into it. I love it! Thumbnails are clickable, BTW. Lipsticks Lipglosses Shadows (these need work, but it works for now)...
  2. M

    3D silver vs 3D gold

    I just received both of these glitters and the glitter particles in 3D silver are about 2x the size of those in 3D gold. Anybody else notice this?? I prefer the 3D gold size and wish the silver was the same. TIA!
  3. M

    At last!!

    After two and a half years of trying and countless surgeries, God has worked a little miracle in our life!!! We found out yesterday that we are expecting. We did In-Vitro so this was our last shot before moving to adoption. We are so excited. It still seems surreal. Someone pinch me!! I'm...
  4. M

    New Reflects Glitter and Beauty Powders

    Just stopped by to see if anything exciting was happening at MAC PRO and I found these. Did anyone else know that these were up or am I just the last to know?? All of the following is copied straight from the MAC PRO website Adding glitter to the Reflecks collection, a pro-array of...
  5. M

    I never liked the rain till I walked through it with you...

    So this is my new fave look using my Blue Storm items. The look was partially inspired by "Verdge." Ya'll keep me in your thought/prayers today. My husband and I are going to the Dr. for our 3rd IUI (intrauterine insemination). We've been battling with infertility for almost 2 years and I...
  6. M


    Anybody know what Heatherette's working name was or if it even had one.
  7. M

    Hottest Pink!!!

    So I broke down and bought some MUFE Star Powder. It's not as easy to apply as our beloved piggies, but I liked how it turned out. Thumbnails are clickable! I used: Face: Strobe Cream MSF Natural in Light Studio Fix concealer in NW20 under eyes Laura Mercier Secret...
  8. M

    My happy place...

    Ok, so I have been way too lazy to take pictures of all my stuff, but I'm planning on doing it someday--very soon!! Right now I'm doing an inventory of everything, and I started with lippies. Here's my list of lippies from Abstract to Zandra!! Ya'll tell me if you can think of any real good...
  9. M

    Dust yourself off and try again...

    Got a bunch of new piggies from member mac.lovers (awesome seller BTW). I got so excited I could've played in them all night. Anyhow, I made myself choose one combo and this is it.... (brow went a little haywire here) The title of the post was inspired by the star of the look...Dusty...
  10. M

    Dark and Dangerous

    It's been a while since I did this look, so I can't remember exactly what I used. I remember thinking as I was doing it that it looked way dark, but I think the FOTD pics are some of the best ones I've taken. Let me know what you think! I so seldom take profile pics cause I truly despise...
  11. M

    Which way do you prefer.....

    Exact same colors, 2 different placements. Which do you like best?? #1 #2 (liner is rough in this version, my friend was rushing me so we could go to lunch!!!) I used:Face: Strobe Cream MSF Natural in Light Studio Fix concealer in NW20 under eyes Laura Mercier Secret Brightening...
  12. M

    Things I found at Sephora today...

    Ok, so heres a couple of non-MAC things that I was looking at today at Sephora. Just wondering if ya'll had any input. 1. Vincent Longo Diamond Glosses. OH MY GOODNESSSSS pretty. I'm kind of hoping this is what 3d will be like. Starlet Pink, Via Vento, and La Riviera were all gorgeous...
  13. M

    I've lost my mind...

    Ok so here's the order I just placed at MAC Pro. Couldn't have done it without the discount of course. It's in random order because I just copied it from my invoice. I couldn't wait for the pans to come out in the new PRO shades, so I broke down and bought pots. Most of my shadows are still...
  14. M

    I'm on fire again...

    Another FOTD using the lovely flammable. Enjoy!! Thumbnails are clickable! A bit blurry..sorry I used: Face: Strobe Cream MSF Natural in Light Studio Fix concealer in NW20 under eyes Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder under eyes Brows: Brun e/s Eyes...
  15. M

    Could I be the reason we're having a drought.....

    ........CAUSE THIS LOOK IS HOT!!! Ok, enough silliness!! This is my super-sexy look using Flammable. Flammable is like my challenge color. I take it out when I feel like pushing myself. Anyway, hope you like it!! Thumbnails are clickable!! Pic of my hubby...