Recent content by ramonesbrat

  1. ramonesbrat

    MAC traincase

    How much does the MAC traincase from the pro site cost and can the pro discount be applied to its purchase? Does anyone have it and is it worth the cost? And I also just wanted to say I love Specktra and everyone's so nice and helpful here.
  2. ramonesbrat

    Studio Fix Fluid shade help!

    Hi! Obviously after hearing all of the rave reviews for SFF, I NEED it. My nearest counter is SO far away, so I'm hoping the Specktrettes can point me in the right direction... I've gained just enough color were my plain old Studio Fix in NC35 doesn't match anymore. What should I get in SFF...
  3. ramonesbrat

    Blush help and recommendations NC37

    Only one aspect of applying makeup somewhat baffles me- the blush! I'm intrigued by Mally Beauty's Shape, Shimmer, and Glow palettes... What MAC blush colors would you recommend for an NC37- I'm mostly concerned with finding a good, natural contour shade and something for the apples of my...
  4. ramonesbrat

    Who got MAC for Mother's Day and what did you get? :)

    I got money, but haven't purchased anything yet. I plan on getting Studio Fix Fluid in NC37 (among other things), because I've been in the sun just enough to not match my NC35 anymore.
  5. ramonesbrat

    Normal lifespan of Lipglasses/Lustreglasses?

    I think my Flash of Flesh may be turning on me... but it's hardly my oldest MAC lip gloss...