Recent content by Stormy

  1. Stormy

    What do you do for extra money? :)

    I know a lot of people do extra stuff on the side for a bit of extra cash. We DO have MAC habits to support!! I teach skating lessons and I also work for ChaCha as a Guide. ChaCha is a company that people text questions to and the Guide looks up the answers and sends it back and you get paid...
  2. Stormy

    NEW MAC store in the Natick Collection!

    For us Massachusetts ladies, no longer do we have to go to the Burlington Mall for a store! I was in the Natick Collection in Natick, MA last night and saw the sign that a new MAC store will be opening soon. I'm SO excited!! Sorry if this wasn't the right place to put this, please move if...
  3. Stormy

    Possibly fake 225?

    This is the first MAC brush I've ever bought, from someone on LJ. The lettering looked bigger than other brush pics I've seen, and I'm wondering if it's fake? Sorry for the yukky pics, but any help is appreciated!
  4. Stormy

    How can these NARS shadows be SO cheap??? They are selling 3 packs of Nars shadows for a couple bucks? Help me out ladies, are these real? The feedback is great, which is a plus, but I can't help but be skeptical.
  5. Stormy

    A silly Q, I'm sure, but how do you get postcards?

    How do you get the MAC postcards anyways? Sorry for the silly Q, but I'd love to start collecting them and don't know where to start.
  6. Stormy

    Zeno...anyone tried it?

    I'm curious to try that Zeno acne clearing device. I've heard good things about it, but it's SO expensive! Anyone have any reviews?