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  1. cassandraxx

    navy mascara

    hi!, so i totally fell in love with mac's raven blue zoomlash mascara. But me being dumb at the time forgetting it was LE didnt buy more then one, and now im stuck without any. Does anyone know a good mascara that is alot like it in color? THanks so much!
  2. cassandraxx


    yep thats what im being for halloween!! but im drawing a COMPLETE blank on what to do with my makeup, all i know is i want my eyes to be the focus. My outfit is black and yellow/gold if that helps any! Comments and suggestions please!!! xoxo
  3. cassandraxx

    must haves from PRO store

    hey ladies, so im going on a trip for volleyball next weekend and they just happend to have a pro store where im going. So i was wondering what are your must have items/colors? thanks Cassandra