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  1. janeliwy

    when is the release date for rebelrock in canada? thanks

    when is the release date for rebelrock in canada? thanks
  2. janeliwy

    need review for expensivo lipstick

    im very interested in expensivo just wanna hear your review, how it compare with hug me and other nude lipstick. thanks
  3. janeliwy

    how similar is moderne to blankety and deceptive?

    im trying to find a substitude for moderne, i adore nude lip colors. so on my list, im planning to try blankety and deceptive, which of these or the eixisting line is similar to moderne?
  4. janeliwy

    was high tea lipstick LE?

    was high tea lipstick LE? i heard some said yes and some said no
  5. janeliwy

    does mac strobe cream? r/o

    does mac strobe cream help to prevent your foundation oxidise?
  6. janeliwy

    What u think of shadestick in Gracious Me?

    im new to shadestick, i really like to know more about this color. is it a vibrant color on lids? i hardly get pink e/s to shows up on my lid. thanks