Search results

  1. xxManBeaterxx

    Black Friday!!! What did you buy?

    I'm heading to the mall in a few hours. I'm going to buy tons and tons of baby clothes, strollers, cribs, carriages, blankets, toys, maternity clothes.. everything baby i got it.. and Christmas shopping. And of course maybe some MAC for myself since Ive been feeling nauseous lately
  2. xxManBeaterxx

    California - Prop 8 - PASSED

    California Proposition 8 (2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Prop 8 bascially bans gay marriage, and will change the california state consitution to say marriage is exclusive to a man and woman only. 52.4 to 47.6 per cent, pro proposition 8 Wow, i am shocked... I never expected this...
  3. xxManBeaterxx

    OPI - Toyland collection Winter 08

    Have any of you seen it yet?? Its amazing for winter colors!! I ordered 8 out of the 12, I'll make some swatches as soon as i get them!
  4. xxManBeaterxx

    My white-hair MAC brushes turn green and stay green after cleaning

    Why does it do this? Is there a way to make it white again? Heres a picture of some of my brushes, i just washed it with baby shampoo its completely dried in the pics, it's alsoa lot more greenish looking in real life (bad lighting)
  5. xxManBeaterxx

    Jean suggestions!

    What are your favorite stores or brand??
  6. xxManBeaterxx

    How has the economy affected you personally? -Ranting/Blowing off stress-

    My entire family has jobs that run entirely on a good economy. My dad does interier cabinet making (there are no more jobs, people have no money), my mom works for the bank and after 35 years (she will be getting laid off soon) and they are 55 years old, its hard to find a new job at that age...
  7. xxManBeaterxx

    All about drinking

    Is it me? If i go to a family party or if im at a guests house and they offer me alcohol i kindly decline. I just hate the taste of everything, espeically beer, not matter how much i try to aquire the taste of alcohol i cant, even wine... Alcohol also makes me sick as a dog, i once had only 2...
  8. xxManBeaterxx

    Nagin orders mandatory evacuation of New Orleans - soon to be Lvl 5 hurricane gustav

    god bless everyone in lousiana and the surrounding tri state area, texas, mississipi, and alabama. you'll be in my prayers. Nagin ordgers mandatory evacuation of New Orleans 2 hours ago NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Mayor Ray Nagin ordered a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans on Saturday, directing...
  9. xxManBeaterxx

    Mother in law~! Has she gone insane?

    My mother in law.. called and asked to talk to my husband... after they hung up he explained everything she said.. Basically ill give you a quick blast form the past. She kicked out her own son out of the house at 19 years old, with nothing. She cancels his health insurance, his cell phone...
  10. xxManBeaterxx

    Bare canvas or stilife? Refined golen or Golden?

    Help! which are your faves?
  11. xxManBeaterxx

    Official Discontinued Items List 2008

    Random as heck, are these being discontinued? if so i better grab both of them before they are gone ='[ [Edit by MAC_Whore] Complete DC list is located in post #80 (page 4).
  12. xxManBeaterxx

    Do you find my screenname offensive..?

    I was in the beginning of a swap on MUA and the lady who i was swapping with said she doesnt want to continue swapping with me because she found my name offensive... I didnt want to deal with any agrument or hasstle so i was like watever, its okay dont swap with me then. If you want a little...
  13. xxManBeaterxx

    President bush set a record deficit of $482 billion US money Worldwide Im no genius when it comes to american politics and government. I've heard "things" by folks who are no experts in this topic either, "things" such as it takes a president years to see its effects on the economy, so what we are seeing today is the result of former...
  14. xxManBeaterxx

    Electroflash help and help with a photo recommendation please !

    If you could choose 3 MES from the electroflash which would they be? I'm not really into the blue or green one since i have about 15 green and 15 blue eye shadows unless you think they are unique enough to purchase.. Im not sure which to get!! I would read the electroflash discussion page but...
  15. xxManBeaterxx

    What would be your dream job?

    Putting money, age, time, schooling, talent/ability, and family commitments behind what would be your dream job? What is your job right now, do you like it? I'm in my second year of pharmacy school. Pharmacy is not my dream job you know, but i have a kid and im married and working as a...
  16. xxManBeaterxx

    What fuels your addiction to MAC?

    For me i owned my very first mac product when i was 14 years old, it was because of the winter formal and since i never wore makeup, and i was too dark to borrow my moms foundation and i felt too young to wear her red lipstick and dark navy eyeliner i decided to go to mac and i instantly fell in...
  17. xxManBeaterxx

    Mac Livejournal

    Ok well i've had a live journal account for about a year, and i used to post a lot, then i slowed down a bit. So i tried to apply to the mac_cosmetics live journal community and they rejected me twice. I think i followed all their rules, must be no newer than 3 months, must have atleast 1 post...
  18. xxManBeaterxx

    Getting your partners name tattooed?

    What are your thoughts? Is it completely bonkers? Me and my husband just got married on 6/7/08 -_- i know cliche but is a real easy date to remember lol. But we've been together for 6 years, 7 years this december, and ive been thinking about getting his named tattoed on the left side of my...
  19. xxManBeaterxx

    Meat comes from animals?? How old was your kid when they found out? +their reation?

    I was just thinking about it a lot recently, what is an appropriate age and what was your kids reaction?