Search results

  1. Alexa

    green sex

    natural light flash face; moistureblend nw15 moisturecover nw15 select sheer/loose nw15 plum foolery blush shimpagne mineralize skinfinish eyes; urban decay primer potion lucky jade shadestick (crease) sea me shadestick (lid) juxt e/s (lid) de menthe e/s (crease/liner) club...
  2. Alexa


    eeeeeeee!! i was just at the mac counter tonight. i got them to put all the new stuff (except for the powerpoints) on my hands and arms hahaah. i took pics right now...ill upload them n stuff in an hour or so at my bros! everything is AMAZING. seriously i want it all..and i wasnt even lookin...
  3. Alexa

    itunes playlist

    no real reason for this post, but my range of music amuses me so much. 1500+ songs and counting.. do you guys stick to a certain genre of music or do you flip around like me?
  4. Alexa


    k so i got the bare escentuals goddess kit on tuesday and ive worn it 3 times since then! hahah i <3 it! oh and like my new hair?!!?
  5. Alexa

    today was awesome!

    i start drivers ed may 9th! yayay. i'll be going monday-thursday's, 7-9 pm. then after that i'll be taking on the road. eeee i'm so excited. and once i get my permit, i'm getting..a..CAR!!! yay. a honda civic coupe. eee im excited hahaha. i also may be getting another kitty . joey of it's a...
  6. Alexa

    look for therapy

    hahah i look SO happy in these pics -.- face; bare minerals foundation 1.2 bare mineals mineral viel paradisco e/s as blush eyes; urban decay primer potion blue peep fludiline (base) luna ccb (browbone base) aquadisiac e/s (lid/liner) steamy e/s (outer lid) plumage e/s (crease)...
  7. Alexa

    paradisco, gleam, tilt & freshwater

    face; the usual stuff eyes; urban decay primer potion mac paradisco e/s mac gleam e/s mac tilt e/s mac freshwater e/s mac naked lunch e/s loreal volumious mascara bonnebell eye definer pencil in black ink lips; mac cockatease l/s mac wonderstruck l/g btw im sick and have a fever so that...
  8. Alexa

    beautiful iris, star violet & naked lunch!

    no flash/natural light flash and since everyone likes my smiling pics for some odd reason.. face; bare minerals foundation bare minerals mineral viel mac bloomsberry/tiger lily blush duo eyes; urban decay primer potion mac beautiful iris e/s mac star violet e/s mac naked lunch e/s...
  9. Alexa


    yes, i actually went OUT tonight. can you believe it?? and a bonus 2 for shits and giggles face; bare minerals foundation bare minerals mineral viel mac primpin' golden kitty blush duo eyes; urban decay primer potion mac nylon e/s mac gladdabout e/s mac naked lunch e/s lips...
  10. Alexa

    my new hair!

    yayyaa i love it
  11. Alexa

    hair cut ideas

    okay girls! im getting my hair cut tomorrow. mostly my split ends need to be cut off but i also want a change. im going out my hair so dont say 'GO SHORT!' cuz knowing me i will and then cry hahaha. here's a pic of my hair now. it's pretty much that length all around with bangs grown out to...
  12. Alexa

    bora bora

    face; bare minerals foundation bare minerals mineral viel mac blush duo in golden kitty / primpin’ eyes; urban decay primer potion nars bora bora duo mac naked lunch e/s bonnebell mascara lips; mac wonderstruck lustreglass *cough* please ignore my eyebrows and no comments on how bad/big/ugly...
  13. Alexa


    flash natural light Face: Studio Fix NW15 Pretty Baby Beauty Powder NARS Deep Throat blush Eyes: Magrittes paint (base) Urbay Decay Primer Potion (base on brow bone) Gorgeous Gold (inner) Guacamole (lid) Parrot (outer/crease) Rose pigment (inner crease) Nylon (brow bone) Black Track...
  14. Alexa

    steamy, juxt and club

    FACE: mac moistureblend foundation mac moisturecover concealer mac sheer/loose powder nars laguna bronzer benefit dandelion EYES: urban decay primer potion (base) mac lucky jade shadestick (base) mac juxt eyeshadow (inner lid) mac steamy eyeshadow (outer lid) mac club eyeshadow (crease) mac...
  15. Alexa

    kicky blue and girlishous

    eyes; girlishous inner lid kicky blue crease sleepy as a highlight and on browbone maybelline full and soft mascara blacktrack fluidline on waterline face; bare minerals foundation milani blush (ack way too much ) lips; dervish liner to line and fill flashmode lustreglass nymphette lipglass <3!