Search results

  1. chrisantiss

    Fotd 27.12.

    Base: UDPP, TMM Chantilly ATY Limp, Fyr Mermen, Essence Goldie, TMM Twinkle, PL Vert, Fyr Faerie Glamour, KAN Gold Blush: LUM Hibiskus Lips: BFM, Sephora Gloss Face: Chris MF
  2. chrisantiss

    Fotd 26.12.

    Base: UDPP, PL Pure ATY Shroom, ATY Mehitahel, ATY Little Grey Kitten, Leishi 16, Bfm Wave, ATY Cats Paw Blush: ? Lips: Jordana, Sephora Gloss Face: Chris MF
  3. chrisantiss

    Fotd 25.12.

    Base: UDPP, Mac Lightscape Mac Entremauve, Mac Violet, LUM Coral Gold, Leishi 15, LAU Tease, Chris Mix 2, TSS Fabulous, CC Southern Eve Blush: LUM Violacious Lips: Mac Bazaarish Face: Chris MF Merry Christmas
  4. chrisantiss

    Fotd 24.12.

    Base: UDPP, LUM Rested ATY Ornaments of Gold, MAD 24 k Gold, MAD Candlelight, Mac Nylon, TKB Pennsylvania Green, Fyr Embreece, ATY Oleander Blush: Spellbound Lips: Basic Face: Chris MF
  5. chrisantiss

    Fotd 23.12.

    Base; UDPP, Lum Turquoise ATY Pressed Pansy, Mac Whim, Mac Surreal, Sou All About Eve, ATY Midnight Aeval, Maquillage Blush: LUM Hibiskus Lips: Catrice Gloss Face: Chris MF
  6. chrisantiss

    Fotd 22.12.

    Base: UDPP, BFM Ambrosia Mac Forest Green, Mac Melon, CS Ultra Shimmer, BB Sandwash, PL Uptown, ATY Lacuna Blush: LUM Cupcake, Mac Naked You Lips: Dior, Suhada Gloss Face: Chris MF
  7. chrisantiss

    Fotd 21.12.

    Base: UDPP, Mac Pink Opal Fyr Tabloid, RAE Aquamatic, ATY Zeljana, RAE Iceland, TKB TRavel to Pluto over Kajal Black, ATY Ornaments of Gold, MAD Whisper Opal, PL Pure Blush: LUM Magnolia Lips: ATY Low Red Moon Face: Chris MF
  8. chrisantiss

    Fotd 20.12.

    Base: UDPP, BB Sandwash ATY Southern Twilight, Manhattan Vert, Leishi 10, Mac Silver Fog, ATY Limp, PL Sly Blush: Mac Glissade Lips: ATY Amanita Face: Chris MF
  9. chrisantiss

    Fotd 19.12.

    Base: UDPP, Bfm Smooch Fyr Sorceress, Leishi 78, Lucia Fun, KAN Green&Gold, Fyr Ripped Jeans, ATY Oil Slick Blush: Blondie Pink-Lilac Lips: Dior, Essence Gloss Face: Chris MF
  10. chrisantiss

    Fotd 18.12.

    Base: UDPP, Leishi 14 ATY Kitten Toes, ATY Veil, of Shadow, ATY Northern Light, ATY Verre de Soie, ATY Lurch, ATY Ravens Feathers, PL Cobalt Blush: LUM Autumn LIps: ATY Red Sunshine Face: Chris MF
  11. chrisantiss

    Fotd 17.12.

    Base: UDPP, Mac Naked ATY Empty Heart, ATY Jadite, ATY Autumn Leaves, TKB Hilite Green, PL Sublime, LUM Rested, TKB Blackstar Green Blush: PL Vanity, Isadora Lips: ATY? Face: Chris MF
  12. chrisantiss

    Fotd 16.12.

    Base: UDPP, Mac Lightscape ATY Starfall, ATY Ansby?, TMM Plumes, TKB Hilite Violet, PL Lilac Ice, ATY Red Death Blush: J.Alexander Lips: Mac Strange Exotic Face: Chris MF
  13. chrisantiss

    Fotd 15.12.

    Base: UDPP, KAN Gold ATY Limp, Kan Hellgrün, Takam Grün, Mac Pg Sky Blue, Fyr Japan, PL Pure Blush: Meow Peddle Pink Lips: J.Alexander Face: Chris MF
  14. chrisantiss

    Fotd 14.12.

    Base: UDPP, Leishi 14 Takam,-VOV,-Kan-Paletten, TMM Mission Blush: TBS Radiant Pink Lips: Essence Face: Chris MF
  15. chrisantiss

    Fotd 13.12.

    Base: UDPP, Mac Lightscape TKB Travel to Neptun, Takam Beige-Gold, ATY Burleske Revival, KAN Gold, Blondie Extreme Smokey, VOV Türkis, TMM Chantilly Blush: PL Sunkissed Bronzer Lips: Basic Face: Chris MF
  16. chrisantiss

    Fotd 18.11.-last fotd for next time

    Last Fotd for next time. I make holiday in Thailand. I'm back 9.12.08. Base: UDPP, Maquillage Chris Mix 13, Manhattan Black Mauve, Mac Golders Green, Artdeco Glam, Mac Mutiny, ATY Bettis Bangs, PL Plummy, Beyu Glitterliner Pink Blush: Mac Glissade Lips: Dior, Sephora Gloss Face: Chris MF...
  17. chrisantiss

    Fotd 17.11.

    Base: UDPP, J.Alexander LiLo Indigo, Mac Crystal Avalanche, Leishi 41, PL He Ho Silver, ATY Sly, Beyu Glitter Blue Blush: Bfm Sally Lips: ATY Red Sunshine Face: Chris MF
  18. chrisantiss

    Fotd 16.11.

    Base: UDPP, Mac Lightscape, ATY Exotic Underground, Mac Teal, Mac Golden Lemon, TKB Travel to Pluto, TKB Travel to Neptun, ATY Dark Ouija, Fyr Cryptic, PL Pure Blush: LUM Clay Lips: Pupa Face: Chris MF
  19. chrisantiss

    Fotd 15.11.

    Base: UDPP, Mac Naked Fyr Ripped Jeans, Gfx Silver Strike, Fyr Anemone, Fyr Lights of Auckland, BB Sandwash, ATY Ornaments of Gold, PL Turquoise Aura, Fyr Pearl Sage Blush: Mac Porcelain Pink Lips: Essence Face: Chris MF
  20. chrisantiss

    Fotd 14.11.

    Base: UDPP, TMM Pearl TSS Euphoric Madress, Lucia Fun, ATY Little Grey Kitten, Mac Surreal, ATY Papaver, PL Whitney Blush: TBS Cashmere Rose Lips: Noname Face: Chris MF