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  1. Hottentot Venus

    purply eyeshadow for an NW50

    How do i get eyes like naomi campbell. She looks like she uses a purply eye shadow and I'm killing myself trying to work out what it could be. any ideas?
  2. Hottentot Venus

    Clearglass Question

    Hi Ladies, I bought some clearglass about 3mths ago and i've been using it on and off. Anyroad, i went to use it this morning and it smells like wet dog paws!! I take it that it's gone off. But flip flop, does it have a shorter shelf life that other glosses. i use it the same way as i use...
  3. Hottentot Venus

    MAC brush advice

    Hi, I already have a 187 brush which I use to apply my MSF liquid foundation and then use my 150 brush to just sweep blot powder/ sheer select over my brow..... or do my powder blusher. I was considering getting a buffer brush. Think its the 182. Do you think I need it or should I make do with...
  4. Hottentot Venus

    Recs for an NW50 going to the states

    hi ladies, I live just in London and am off for a MAC fest in july. Any products you suggest i purchase? I tend to wear more natural colours as i am not that adventurous but would like to consider a day and evening range of products. So far i have the following items.. Concealors, MSF in...
  5. Hottentot Venus

    Beauty haul...

    Ladies, i'm sending my brother over to the states later this year and I need to know what i should be buying beauty wise... I'm a MAC NW50... would shade would this be in covergirl foundation/pressed powder as we don't have that range in the UK. Are there any other things you would...